Why are you going to do your general thoughts during the night?
You are up for lynch.
You are up for lynch.
Why are you going to do your general thoughts during the night?
You are up for lynch.
Not only is this defense crap, but it's not even needed literally panda is the only one question you so unless you're implying she's scum, taking hours to make a defense was not needed.
Until Ness shares his post, lynch him. He got ridiculously angry for no reason earlier in the thread.
1. Excuses excuses, i didn't ask what time you were busy. You still took roughly an hour to write this if you started 7:45 cst.I could do them now if you want me to, I posted my defense because you wanted me to.
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I was eating my fried chicken during 7:00-7:45 and still stuck somewhere without a computer. Why was it crap?
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*during 5:00-6:00 I was stuck without a computer
1. Excuses excuses, i didn't ask what time you were busy. You still took roughly an hour to write this if you started 7:45 cst.
2. Fried chicken is murder snd inhumane(not relevant but thought I should throw that in there).
3. Your "defense" is only directed at panda. She isn't the best reader and she doesn't have any influence over town so why do you waste your time writing a whole post just for her when the rest of us weren't really suspicious of you.
Aw that sucks, do you have a phone that can use signal to read though?
Ness, M3ow or Llamas go
I didn't imply you were lying, but you were overly excusing yourself with the hours you were busy and all.Ok, why would I be lying about irl things. Thats like saying that Meg and Tina are in a scum team together.
It isn't directed towards her, its directed towards everyone. If you actually go back and read, then thats literally the only thing going against me other then you saying that i'm suspicious for making these "excuses". Just because I started at 7:45 doesn't mean anything.
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Also, Tom and Oath just said that they're suspicious of me, Panda and Trojan too.
Llamas is far and away the best Lynch.
On a side note, panda's case on ness is total tripe, but his defense is equally bad. Kind of funny honestly.
And they both can't be mafia. It would amuse me endlessly if neither were mafia.
You'd be surprised
And they both can't be mafia. It would amuse me endlessly if neither were mafia.
So basically the question is, are you trying to get us to lynch both of them after you flip red or are you trying to make us think that you are so we ignore one of your maf-partners?
Only read the first line and assumed you meant me and m3ow, not ness and panda oops