Mafia TBT Mafia: Game of Thrones - A Crown for a King - GAME OVER


How I play mafia
Says tom the scummy bummy

You call Tom scum here and you never even did any kind of read on him.

so you already want to announce that you were mafia the whole time? just wait bby

You've basically sheeped along with this whole thing on Llama. You never provided any reasoning behind it, and even then you still wanted Kit lynched.

I'm up for a Kit lynch cause not only have they done nothing but they're claiming FOR NO REASON

She wasn't claiming, and the same exact thing can be said about you as well.

when he gets home his computer will be full of water and he wont be able to post


I really, really dislike this. You wanted me lynched for saying that I have real life affairs.

##Vote : Panda

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Are we allowed to vote now or is Tom deciding

I don't like this either, more sheeping/no explanation.

That thing with the reaction test was kind of a joke that I made in the moment. I wasnt doing it as a reaction test, I actually thought it would benefit the town. After you guys said that it wouldnt work I passed it of as a reaction test.

If you want to see my thing with Kit and Tom just click my name on the home page.

I still don't know how much I like this. Earlier you suggest everyone to mass role claim, say that it was a reaction test, and now your back tracking saying that it didn't actually mean anything.

How am I acting like mafia?
I tried to help the town......

Don't like this either. You've been making overall contributionless posts that look like their doing something when they aren't. You've also been spammy and sheeping along with generally everything. You don't seem to explain most things either.

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or we're both dumb town

finally, something we can both agree on! :rolleyes:
You call Tom scum here and you never even did any kind of read on him.

You've basically sheeped along with this whole thing on Llama. You never provided any reasoning behind it, and even then you still wanted Kit lynched.

She wasn't claiming, and the same exact thing can be said about you as well.

I really, really dislike this. You wanted me lynched for saying that I have real life affairs.

I don't like this either, more sheeping/no explanation.

I still don't know how much I like this. Earlier you suggest everyone to mass role claim, say that it was a reaction test, and now your back tracking saying that it didn't actually mean anything.

Don't like this either. You've been making overall contributionless posts that look like their doing something when they aren't. You've also been spammy and sheeping along with generally everything. You don't seem to explain most things either.

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finally, something we can both agree on! :rolleyes:

The kill on Kit is more peculiar, and I have a harder time wrapping my head around it. It is possible that she visited Tom and that Tom auto-killed her due to his role. (Mafia Veteran?) However, I do think that Mafia would have at least 2 KP in this set-up. So that theory is a weak one at best.

Honestly, the Game of Thrones universe is too large to say for certain which characters Minties would have chosen and what powers they would hold - But we can see with these recent deaths that she's sort of sticking to the lore really well. If a character like Arya Stark is quick and nimble and curious in the books, she's given the role of Watcher. Makes sense. If Daenerys Targaryen (Very famous character) is in the game as a Third-Party role she'd likely be very powerful, but at the current stage of the books we are at, her dragons would not yet be adult-sized. Petyr Baelish, if included, would likely have some kind of manipulation / betrayal / puppet-master power I guess. And we might have the Faceless Men / Jaqen H'ghar as some kind of serial killer. There's too many possibilities to say for certain this early on.

Okay, this changes things. That makes the Tom = Mafia Veteran theory more legit. The Kit kill is the one that stands out as peculiar to me, considering the heat that they had accumulated within the thread. I believe that one of the Mafia KP is missing, and that it was sent towards Endless, possibly by Ender himself.
I fear the Kit death may of been my fault. I felt Hero vibes from Kit and I name dropped the role of the Hero in my Kingmaker game, Chrom, in my first post after becoming king. If any mafia were to be kinged and Kit was the one who people unanimously wanted lynched, it would backfire on them decreasing their KP. So ultimately I feel like Kit's death is my fault and honestly I should have kept that suspicion to myself. And honestly I had to look up the Veteran role you accuse me of being. While this is a different take on Veteran, I don't believe anyone in TBT mafia has used this variant of the role and I somewhat doubt Minties would be the first given that so far all the roles revealed to us so far are the typical fare.

A puppetmaster type role would be fitting for the character based off what you said, but I guess we'll have to wait and see how N2 plays out. I think a lot of us are also glossing over the fact that the third party may not even be a killer type role to begin with, but a coward/survivor/lover or maybe even a cult? But if you feel Minties is sticking closely to the lore then I doubt a cult type role would be in play.

To be clear here, are we talking Mafia Veteran being the role I linked or are we talking that I'm the one supposedly calling the shots here?

It's highly likely he put one of his scumbuddies' names on the list, and the other two were town, so that if they did die, it'd look like he wasn't just pushing scum for king.

I strongly urge kingmaker to avoid kinging Tom or Trundle today.

If anything, I'd personally be in favor of Sataric as king.

When it comes to the night's kills, there's two people who come to mind. Karla, who would kill Kit to confuse the **** out of town, but I'm not all too suspicious of at all, or Dolby, aka "alleged blue sniper".
To be honest Endless brought up the point that clearing anyone based off Ender would be pointless and honestly I'm inclined to mostly believe that. I think he'd suspect that anyone he namedrops would be scrutinized closely and a mislynch to follow, so what's the best way to do that? List nothing but innocent town. However, I don't believe Trundle's claim so I could be wrong about this theory. Dolby is possible but if I remember correctly Blu Rose used to run numbers (or run names/possible roles through a generator) to determine who blues/mafia was. So either of them could be possible blue snipers or maybe mafia team just got stupid lucky.

finally, i managed to tank a roleblock last night despite being VT, probably as a result of me trying to direct blue powers. reminder of my post where i said daniel and trojan are excellent cop checks.
This is strange to me, but I'm pretty sure I've played a game or two where everyone was notified of roleblock so maybe?

Also after skimming through the thread for Ender's interactions, Panda is definitely town (or possibly SK?) Ender was pushing Panda as scum and I don't think he'd do that if Panda is his scummate.

I didn't add Panda to my earlier town read because they were just lurking when I was replying to Ender, and I thought she'd chip in as town.
Honestly at some point mafia is going to have to point fingers at another to save their hide and Panda's been relatively quieter outside of the usual tunneling (on bf/lover Nessie). And honestly I thought it was kinda weird how she tunneled Ness and then asked for Llamas to be lynched instead? Unless she used that plus me as king as a way to pressure Ness into a sort of test?

I shot Endless (not Ender) last night. I was a one-shot vigilante, now just a townie, role name Loras Tyrell. Also, if Tom IS mafia, that would explain why he has not attacked me at all yet this game. I was actually thinking I would be shot tonight. The main reasoning on my shot was that I heavily thought EnderWiggin was a blue role, and Endless' posts reminded me of the game he was mafia. His posts looked to be like he was defending himself even though he was rarely being accused of anything. Once I'm not on mobile I will post more thoughts. Not a bad trade off for town, but I think the mafia will just be glad they got the DT.
Honestly I haven't gone after you because:
1) Haven't really paid attention to you enough
2) Your posts really didn't strike me as that weak "I'm town, I'm town hey guys I promise I'm town" mafia aura you flaunt.

I agree with this. However, Tom can be hard to read and I feel like I have been a bit suspicious of him so far, calling him out a couple of times in subtle ways, yet he has not retaliated in any way because he agrees I am helping town. That takes some of the suspicion off of him, and puts Trundle ahead. Neither of them should be crowned king today though, if you ask me.

Makes me feel now that maybe I was wrong, and this was a ploy that if Tom would flip red, we'd also go after whichever was left of the people he was considering up for lynch. Looking at it again, I think that perhaps Daniel is the more likely "He's just dumb, we shouldn't worry about him" scum cover that Tom made in such a case.
:lemon: I try to be difficult for you bby <3 No need to retaliate, I'm honestly feeling town vibes from you and if I recall correctly you seemed less eager to share opinions as mafia. Granted it has been a while and I honestly can't remember what I've had for breakfast most days so I guess take that for what you will.

Honestly the last game I played (Forest Fire) I got a lot of flack for saying the same thing about Daniel and generally tossing him to the side, which caused a few players to focus on me as an arsonist simply for defending Daniel who mislynched the vigilante which Panda and Ayaya seemed to tunnel on leading them to shout out a Tom/Daniel arson team. I've been mafia with Daniel before and he was very very bad at being bad. He got lynched Day 1 and practically all of scum team left him to die because we determined he was a lost cause. Honestly I haven't ISO'd Daniel but I can promise you that if he's scum, he's going to slip and he's going to slip hard. You'll notice if the lynch seems fairly unanimous it's because either mafia sees an easy mislynch or they decided to cut their losses and burned him.

u see, trundles claim doesnt sit well with me because
1. i think his reason for shooting endless, a contributing player, was pretty flimsy
2. he didnt claim as a stark (because if all blues are starks, claiming as a stark is basically suicidal.)
3. wheres the fourth kill? is there no serial killer? who the hell shot ender

wat doesnt make sense is why trundle would fakeclaim a vig shot on endless, it's an unnecessarily risky attempt to clear himself as town. maybe with ash down he feels he can try place himself in an influential town position
I've gotta agree with Karla here, the reason given for shooting Endless seemed flimsy and Trundle strikes me as a smart enough cookie to try to craft a fake claim. The only problem is we have to play the waiting game and see if there's a counterclaim, if anyone will actually counterclaim. Not a GoT viewer/reader, but it strikes me as a series with a lot of lore and a lot of characters (especially if it's as bloody as people say it is) so given that we may not see anyone counter Trundle. The only person who could possibly do that is another vigilante but that's risky especially if they haven't shot yet.

We also must consider the possibility that trundle and endless are both scum, trundle claiming to shoot and endless claiming saved for both to appear town.

Its a plan I wouldn't put trundle past considering
Agreeing to this as well, though I'd chalk the creative thinking up to Endless.

I'm gonna go to sleep so please answer these for me Trundle:
1. Why did you shot Endless on N1?
2. Why did you use your shot on N1?

I'm also getting flashback to when Tom is mafia and he claimed Watcher and said he saw Ness visiting me to frame him. That action didn't make sense to me before he flipped and Trundle's action now doesn't make sense to me either.

If you really are One-Shot Vig I'm finding it hard to believe you're not using it to campaign yourself as King and promise to use your shot to help town./QUOTE]Honestly I feel my attempt to flip a lynch on Nessie was a lot better than whatever wool Trundle is trying to pull over us. Given that you were a "Doctor" that game and I chose to block you N1 randomly, it worked out very nicely in my opinion. The only problem is that Ness is a very emotional wreck and you all listened to your hearts instead of logic. :( But I digress.

Honestly even if he was campaigning for King using that, I doubt he would have gotten it given that you all pointed out Ender's post.

I claimed to account for the shot on Endless, which is obviously helpful to the town because 1) Endless is now more trusted as town and 2) I should also be more trusted as town. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by saying you're confirmed already?
Honestly I feel like 2a) you're really stretching that. Like really stretching that it should clear you. For all we know you're just a goon who's trying to take credit for a failed hit.

Lets just mass role claim
I should have lynched you :( But honestly, mass role claiming sucks because:
1) No fun
2) With as many Veteran and smart players in the game, I'd expect mafia to be able to come up with fake claims especially if they've got someone familiar with the lore.
3) Kingmaker dies

I'll forever remember that game as the one where Aiden said, "ASHTON IS TOWN HE'S BROTHER I WOULD KNOW" - aaaand Ash was scum.
I'll forget that one either because I was scum that game and left the thread to argue with Trundle in IRC. IIRC Justin muted the whole channel and gave me and Trundle +V specifically so we could argue for like ten minutes.

I've voiced my primary suspects already in a previous post - I mentioned Meg, Daniel, Tom, but also possibly Tina or M3ow_ - so those people might want to put a little bit of extra effort into showing that you have towns best interest in mind if that is truly the case.

People I find the most town-oriented thus far is Ness, Oath2Order for some strange reason, and Trundle if his claims add up. I feel that AVidear has gone way too quiet compared to the early game. We have plenty of time left until the day is over but I do not want to leave it for the last minute like Tom did. In fact, I probably won't be awake when the day ends which means we have about 24 hours to settle this at most. Cheers everyone.
:( Love me Sataric pls

Honestly I don't think we should trust Trundle's claim 100%. I can understand Oath and Ness though, I've felt town vibes from both even though one is an emotional ****posting wreck and the other is just a ****poster.

Not even bothered to defend this piece of **** attack
Thanks for the many contributions Plank.

Trundle to me seems fine, its Trojan thats raising a few red flags but i can't go into much detail atm.
I mean honestly there's no good case on Trojan other than him being **** at helping town. A distraction at best and generally unhelpful as I've said before. Honestly I'd love it for Sataric to consider him for lynch as well if he's considering Meg and aVidear for similar reasoning.
You call Tom scum here and you never even did any kind of read on him.

Well that's strange considering how I already expressed my worries towards tom in one of my earlier posts

You've basically sheeped along with this whole thing on Llama. You never provided any reasoning behind it, and even then you still wanted Kit lynched.

Same reason that Tom said, the John Snow thing really confused me and as a watcher of the show I assumed that John Snow had to be one of the blue roles. I still wanted Kit lynched for randomly starting to call "TRUNDLE AND TROJAN ARE MAFIA" and distracting the town with useless nonsense.

She wasn't claiming, and the same exact thing can be said about you as well.

Wow you keep forgetting managing to forget that I said who was suspicious and why don't you?

I don't like this either, more sheeping/no explanation.

Wow I'm not actually sure I explained this one. I didn't like the way Panda was not voting at all or giving her opinion on day 1. In fact most of all she did was just talk to you.

I still don't know how much I like this. Earlier you suggest everyone to mass role claim, say that it was a reaction test, and now your back tracking saying that it didn't actually mean anything.

K so I wanted a mass role claim, people said it was dumb so I said it was a reaction test so it didnt look like I said anything dumb! Genius ik

Don't like this either. You've been making overall contributionless posts that look like their doing something when they aren't. You've also been spammy and sheeping along with generally everything. You don't seem to explain most things either.

You dont look hard enough

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How many games has aVidear played before?

Tom I'm not quoting your entire post but the Town of Salem link you posted, that Veteran, yeah, we've had it on TBT before. It's the Granny.
Well that's strange considering how I already expressed my worries towards tom in one of my earlier posts

Same reason that Tom said, the John Snow thing really confused me and as a watcher of the show I assumed that John Snow had to be one of the blue roles. I still wanted Kit lynched for randomly starting to call "TRUNDLE AND TROJAN ARE MAFIA" and distracting the town with useless nonsense.

Wow you keep forgetting managing to forget that I said who was suspicious and why don't you?

Wow I'm not actually sure I explained this one. I didn't like the way Panda was not voting at all or giving her opinion on day 1. In fact most of all she did was just talk to you.

K so I wanted a mass role claim, people said it was dumb so I said it was a reaction test so it didnt look like I said anything dumb! Genius ik

You dont look hard enough

Trojan, have you forgotten about the giant reads post I made? Because it seems like you have.
Tom I'm not quoting your entire post but the Town of Salem link you posted, that Veteran, yeah, we've had it on TBT before. It's the Granny.

You know I was about to say I don't think I played those games and then I checked. I played both and was Granny (mafia aligned) in the second one. What do you know, I am stupid! That said I can promise you I am not that role this game.
You know I was about to say I don't think I played those games and then I checked. I played both and was Granny (mafia aligned) in the second one. What do you know, I am stupid! That said I can promise you I am not that role this game.

you noob :p