Honestly at this point, I would like names and suspicions but if we're on a deadline then that's not something we can afford right now. So until Minties clarifies I'm probably going to put out a strawpoll and let you guys decide from there. Ultimately my gut feels off on a few players already, but at least two of them I'm uncertain of. Based off what I've read, Trojan, Kit, m3ow_, Panda, Call Me Daniel and Dolby seem like fair lynch potentials for today given their spam, non contribution and what not.
Called out Trundle for a possibly "dumb" reason to suspect Daniel. Possibly a defense?What a dumb reason to suspect Daniel.
If anything Paranoid should be a great word to describe town. You don't know who anybody is, so of course paranoia is always rampant inside mafia. Why did you "really not like it" like you say you do? I said I was paranoid because thats how I feel about everything in this game. If I feel like the reasoning to be suspecting someone is a bit off then yes, I'm going to point it out. It doesn't mean I have a scum alignment with Daniel, even if it comes off that way, i'll be obliged to explain myself on the matter.
Yeah, where did I say that I didn't want to lynch Daniel? In fact I never said I wanted nor didn't want to lynch him. I simply thought that because someone "is playing serious" is a good reason to suspect someone. If there ends up being solid dirt on him being scum, then i'll sure as hell want to lynch him.
Scum reads
Call me Daniel: Sorry to single this one out, but I dislike the way he?s been posting. He hasn?t been doing anything much of substance and I like stated above dislike this post.
oath comment: blah blah blah look I had to delete the rest of it because it was too long and obnoxious to quote it. It looked too out of context without his own quotes. Read the post yourself.
The reasoning behind her nulling me and Trojan I can understand and Towning Ashtot, but for making Trundle a null and making Daniel a town read are weird. Seriously, Trundle should be on the top of the town list. I can't understand why Enderwiggin or Karla aren't in the towns list either.
What I don't understand is why you would choose to shoot Endless of all people when you had Daniel up as your top scum read. If you thought that Daniel was scum, how come you would choose him over Daniel? And why did you claim so fast, you could have gotten mafia to waste a kill on you.
Because they just lynched Daniel without letting him have any chance to defend himself. I doubt that sataric would be that dumb to lynch someone that easily considering how smart they've been playing. Doesn't matter anymore though because they're going to die at the night post.
Why do you guys just believe Daniel all of a sudden lol
if he was telling the truth why would he ask for Sataric's role, if what he's saying is true then it'll be revealed when he is killed anyway???
Thank you for recognizing this
All but one of the people who suspected me were suspicious of me solely for the Trojan douse
Thank you CMD for having the decency to make an actual case against me though
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Not sure about the daniel one, hes been playing fine the whole game
Daniel cares... his main objective is to lynch everyone who doesn't commit as much time as he does to the game, anything less than 16 hours a day and your on his lynch list![]()
please refer to this and also i would like to take a little time and read back a bit before day ends so can you please tell us if your gonna cast your vote and end the day, thanks. and if i had to vote right now right this second it would probably be Daniel. because of reason stated above.
oh and also its not rage flirting with Ness.... he is acting like he did in that one game where he was mafia and him and i were going back and forth the whole game.
i am aware i haven't voted and i have explain why above.
i dunno if he'd be a good D1 my vote would probably be for Daniel or Ness. but what do i know im horrible at this game, i wish i was better. haha honestly.
Daniel (CMD)
While I did read him as scum very hard on the previous game (he turned out to be town) I?m trying to be less biased this time and so far, all of his posts seem consistent to what he?s thinking/saying, and he plays similarly to when he?s town. Though it could just be that he?s better this time compared to when he first became scum. None of his posts didn?t strike me as odd yet, so I?m leaning on town right now.
Wow GJ Daniel. You fooled me and I even put you on my leaning town list![]()
Was in favor of Kit (town) and Daniel (scum) being inspected.kit trojan and daniel are excellent cop checks tonight
with a game this size, i expect scum team to have 2 killing power, which appears to all be accounted for. except endless claimed he was hit last night. i believe that claim cuz he's posting well and i can see him being a target. looks like whoever protected him saw that too so good job. unless he's a vet of some sort, doesnt matter.
that points to there being some sort of serial killer in this game although i think trying to meta out their role name is a waste of time.
whoever shot ender should claim if they are out of shots
finally, i managed to tank a roleblock last night despite being VT, probably as a result of me trying to direct blue powers. reminder of my post where i said daniel and trojan are excellent cop checks.
i just cant believe u lynch daniel over trojan. and u do it without warning so he cant give his defence. **** im done.
because he's dying anyways and it's cmd and i doubt his ability to make a play like that
it doesn't really matter but w/e
he'd have said that he were mafia and given in had he been mafia
if he were mafia, then he would go quiet so as to not reveal any more information
and i get that it's something his team could've fabricated. seriously, think about it for a moment
and i also get that you have thought and will not change your mind, dw
no, i'm not stating that i suspect sataric
please take anything with a <3 after it from me with a grain of salt
rather, with like a barrel load
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i just realized what you were trying to say that first paragraph
ok yeah i get it now but still
i'd be liable to go quiet as mafia
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and yes i get that i'm me and cmd is cmd
Also, I did not vote in the straw poll, but if I did, I'd go for Daniel. As I've seen in previous games, he's very jokey and memey as town and actually tries to play as mafia. He isn't making jokes in his posts. When I tried to mention this a game or two ago I was pushed on super hard for no reason even though I was town. (cough cough m30w cough cough) which kinda just goes to show m30w is a terrible town player, not scum
You haven't played for a few games, but I believe my read is fairly reasonable whether or not you agree with it. Either way, it's a Day 1 read and all it will be good for is later days when people start actually dying so we can narrow down suspects.
What do you want me to do? Argue on baseless accusations? Tom should have done a completely random (incl. whole player list) instead of going through all of this. I already mentioned that I think Daniel is scum. There is literally nothing else I can contribute.
I disagree. This is Blu's town behavior. When Blu is mafia they appear a lot more articulate and put together because he thinks his posts out more as to avoid suspicion. On the part you found evasive, Blu said "idk it's hard to put into words" which, if Blu was mafia, would have just been a whole deleted paragraph altogether. I see full truthfulness.
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Kinda curious for more of Tom's thoughts on the lynch now that llama has flipped town. I'm just going to bring up something that happened earlier this game:
This post is literally just pushing a single player with really no reasoning from the start of the game. This was shortly after I mentioned that I found a post from llama suspicious right here.
Thinking from the perspective of Daniel as mafia, I believe he just wanted to jump on my read (my post there was actually nothing substantial, I just posted so Kit and Ness wouldn't yell at me (spoiler: they did anyway)).
So Daniel actually posts almost exactly the same as I do here for reasons I do not know and then proceeds to elaborate on pretty much nothing in the quote above. I'm not sure what he was trying to get across - either trying to push the conversation forward or pushing town lynch, but it's stupid and scummy. Either way, if that doesn't look off to you I don't know what does. Your move, Daniel.
Someone asked me who I'm suspicious of, and it is still mostly Daniel. I can taste his fear. I'm also kind of wondering about the MIA players. With the two blue kills, it could be possible that Dolby is mafia and just lying about his IRL situation, although I don't think he'd lie about something so drastic. He could still be mafia regardless. There is also someone who is completely AFK as far as I know, who is to be replaced.
I still think Daniel is bluffing. His behavior showed it so strongly.
You guys are mindless sheep. Just wait for the post and you'll see Daniel will be scum. I bet you 5 pesos.
The only post of their's that was in relation to Daniel, where Daniel defended aVidear. I'm throwing around the idea of an aVidear/Daniel scum team but it seems a little obvious.Don't mine you guys being harsh I learn more![]()
Daniel, I've purposely been ignoring everything you've written because in the two prior games you were town with me I linked you as mafia in my otherwise flawless reads because you're painfully bad at reading. No offense. Maybe some offense.
Trundle, I can't remember playing with Daniel when he was mafia, but he was trying reasonably hard in the games I played with him as town, so I don't really agree with that meta.
What I got out of that Lynch is that Daniel is a very, very bad player and gave us heaps to work with w/r/t Sataric. Had some shocking news just now so I won't post much tonight. (I'm going to dump most of it in my will anyway.)
I already pointed out a post earlier today where I disagreed with your reasoning. I'd rather not go back and quote right now as I'm not at a computer and it would take ages, but I felt you rushed opinions. I don't know your mafia history though. I don't believe I've played with you before
In the past I've always been cautious about posting day one, and on other forums I've played Mafia on they start night zero, so I find day one without any actions to go off of strange.
Is that at me? If so, this is what I mean by you and others treating this like mid-game already. It's too early to ask people to make solid, confident opinions. And I'm not going to post a case I don't believe in.
Call Me Daniel
... I've mentioned several times that I felt Daniel was being very pushy day one, in that he was deeming people inactive and came to very fast conclusions about people day one. He even asked me on day one what I was doing for town - which coupled with other things made me think that he was strangely certain in his opinions.
He also criticised Ness for being defensive at one point. I don't know how on day one -- not even toward the end of day one -- that these sorts of comments are really safe to make. I get the impression that such certainty comes from having more knowledge than the rest of us. Also, this response to me posting silly photo of Meg:
It irks me that his mind would instantly go to that. Is that because you would have to stop and consider whether or not you had something to hide if you took a photo that contained part of your computer screen? And, likewise Trundle -- he's someone I'm always ultra-wary of -- but it just stood out to me that two people I already had a bad impression of would make such similar, semi-accusatory (humorous) moments.
Also - aVidear and Call me Daniel scum team together.![]()
Makes me feel now that maybe I was wrong, and this was a ploy that if Tom would flip red, we'd also go after whichever was left of the people he was considering up for lynch. Looking at it again, I think that perhaps Daniel is the more likely "He's just dumb, we shouldn't worry about him" scum cover that Tom made in such a case.
Ness has claimed to be Samwise Tarly and I believe him. You don't seem to be paying too much attention to the thread. I understand that this could be because there's a lot of pointless gibberish to look through in between of the important posts, but you really do need to pay more attention. Personally I find you very scummy so far and if I am crowned king today you will be on the list of people I will consider for the lynch, though probably not my preferred target. Daniel and Tom would be up there as well, and I am still not sure about M3ow_.
From what I've seen, when Danny's mafia, he usually tries to clog up the thread with trashy reads. looking at the quotes it's making me think meow and panda as possible scum candidates, or more likely one of the inactives instead, but I have nothing to base my opinion on since I'm still reading all the posts.
Also can't wait to see your reads Ness; please make them big and juicy
I don't know, everyone seems to be point fingers at ness or Daniel.
Alright in all honesty, a veteran player should be king today. Not oath though, more like Ender, Karla or Endless from the top of my head.
What about that was wishy washy either? It does confuse me, as because its true that both town and scum can do that. I don't think of Ender of either scum, I think of him as town.
Can you explain better? Why is his sudden questioning weird? Wouldn't that make him more town if anything?
Why was it invalid? Sorry if its obvious, but sparing me from reading the whole exchange, a Tl;dr and some of your general feelings about Kit would be nice.
I don't like this post all that much, what about that is scummy? D1 of Reindeer he did that and look at the result of lynching scum. Now, ender doing this usual strategy confuses me every time, because both town and scum can do it. But I just perceive it now as him trying to look for a reaction now really.
These are just a few posts I wanted to look into at the moment. I actually am townreading panda as it seems like her normal behavior traits in mafia, i'll look into her later.
Enderwiggin: His points about Llamas and Kit are good, overall town.
I'm assuming because this game is mostly vets and I doubt Ender could kill two Blues by himself if the rest of his team are new
The only post she makes that directly references him.@Ender your not making much sense right now....
Why are you trying to dictate my reads Ness? You have reasons for your read, I have mine. As for Ender and Karla, those players fall under "can't read yet", and I did say I was waiting until Night post (or Day 3 post, just noticed that error) so I can confirm my suspicion first.
And I didn't scum read Dolby either. Just pointing out that his post timing is coincident with when Town is considering to lynch/modkill him. I thought it was a bit odd which is why I asked for players from Tom's Kingmaker game their thoughts.
Whoever shot Ender, I love you <3
You could see yourself that Ender has been calling me scum since D1 and repeatedly say so without stating his reason for thinking that.
dont think ive been n1 killed for a while. maybe they thought the medic would be on me. either way, "space created". my theory is that serial killer killed kit, in order to remove a distraction. while most people were edging towards reading her as town, her actions still put her in a really grey spot. serial killer isnt fussed about who they kill, but it is in their favour to clear up a mess so that town has an easier job of lynching mafia.
ender's posts 90% clear endless for me, and im also sure ayaya innocent based on how hard he pushed her earlygame. but you kno wat concerns me? that ender hasnt given any sort of read on trundle. i like ayaya's post on ender's nominations for king. i'm pretty sure one of trundle and tom are scum. it would be good if some ppl could help find other ppl that ender never gave reads on
you're excused
please realize that trundle was likely including you, so the hell what if a noob posts incoherently? it's sort of expected
and tbh i'd be more alarmed if i were you by ender's apparent bull**** than i would be kit's
somewhat reaction-testing? seriously? whatevs m8
the level of irrational defensiveness displayed by m3ow comes from trying to defend yourself from an irrational offense as a noob
For anyone wondering, as far as I know, my shot was not refunded unless Minties forgot to include it.
I claimed to account for the shot on Endless, which is obviously helpful to the town because 1) Endless is now more trusted as town and 2) I should also be more trusted as town. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by saying you're confirmed already?
1) I shot Endless because I read EnderWiggin as a blue role (which ended up being mafia, of course), and Endless to me looked like he was attacking Ender for very little reason. Especially near the end of night (I sent in my kill as a last minute decision.)
2) I sent the shot in because, after feeling that Endless was mafia, I knew that a mafia flip is often detrimental and discouraging for the mafia team, so I thought the risk to be worth it. In a PM allowed game I would have questioned him in PM before shooting, but I obviously couldn't do that.
Side note for the interested: I had Ender as mafia due to a juxtaposition between his previous games with me and this game. In previous games he approached reading me with the hope that I was town. In this game he approached reading me by deciding I was mafia and generating reads to justify it. The difference wasn't as obvious as those two lines make it sound, but it was solidly there and I'd have most likely got him lynched. (And yeah, this investigation was sparked on his reaction to him saying he liked Ashtot's post. That single play by him was just off on so many levels.)
Unfortunately that meant trawling through multiple past games for content from Ender and it used up a lot of time I could've usefully spent elsewhere.
Haven't fully read up, but here's a warning:
Do not try to clear or red read people based off Ender's content. Partner interactions and the like are his strongest suit
I don't know anything about EnderWiggin's play style (he joined TBT after I stopped playing mafia and I've not read any games he was in), but I actually agree with the comment I highlighted above. I'm not sure if I agree with the, "in fear of being killed" remark. This idea of getting others to analyse the comments themselves rather than giving his own interpretation just comes across to me as noncommittal.
These post says to me that a mass role-claim is not the way to go. Scum team probably have fake claims, or if they've someone knowledgeable on their team (seems that Sataric, Ender, Endless, Meg, and I'm assuming others as well are all familiar with Game of Thrones) they may be able to come up with fake claims for their team themselves. If neither of those happen, it would be an obvious help of course - but if they do have fakes claims then all mass claiming will accomplish is segregating the greens from the blues. Especially if what Ender is saying here (above) is true.
Daniel, Ender, m3ow_, Trojan
All people I don't believe I've played with, but they're near the top of my list currently. I want to look into their posts more later when less apathetic.
A new day is upon us. I hope the Kingmaker takes his/her time with selecting whom to crown this time, unless they have a really really good feeling about whom they can trust.
Let's discuss the deaths. First, we nailed Enderwiggin - And if I am not mistaken, Endless was the player that called him out the most. This makes me believe that Endless is town oriented. It's possible this was a Vigilante kill but also just as possible it was a Third Party one. Great work there in any case.
We lost Ashtot and that doesn't surprise me. He can be a great asset to the team that he is on, and yet he was suspicious/hard to read enough to not be a likely target for any doctors. The kill on Kit is more peculiar, and I have a harder time wrapping my head around it. It is possible that she visited Tom and that Tom auto-killed her due to his role. (Mafia Veteran?) However, I do think that Mafia would have at least 2 KP in this set-up. So that theory is a weak one at best.
Honestly, the Game of Thrones universe is too large to say for certain which characters Minties would have chosen and what powers they would hold - But we can see with these recent deaths that she's sort of sticking to the lore really well. If a character like Arya Stark is quick and nimble and curious in the books, she's given the role of Watcher. Makes sense. If Daenerys Targaryen (Very famous character) is in the game as a Third-Party role she'd likely be very powerful, but at the current stage of the books we are at, her dragons would not yet be adult-sized. Petyr Baelish, if included, would likely have some kind of manipulation / betrayal / puppet-master power I guess. And we might have the Faceless Men / Jaqen H'ghar as some kind of serial killer. There's too many possibilities to say for certain this early on.
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Okay, this changes things. That makes the Tom = Mafia Veteran theory more legit. The Kit kill is the one that stands out as peculiar to me, considering the heat that they had accumulated within the thread. I believe that one of the Mafia KP is missing, and that it was sent towards Endless, possibly by Ender himself.
Really Oath? I think this whole Trundle thing finalises that Trundle is town
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Other than that good job
Ok this finalizes that I think oath is town.
Also i'm way too tired and its 11 so i'm going to have to pass on my reads list right now. Sorry, but I might post them in the morning and if not the afternoon tomorrow before night ends.
But before we go, i'd like to say that i'm not really a fan with the scum read you have on Blu Rose. I feel like Blu Rose overall needs to post much more before we can finalize any kind of read on him.
Other then that I really like this list Oath.
"BEFORE WE GO" like you and oath have a plan to leave the thread together ?
what do i think of his post ? i think it really doesn't say much.... and find it strange that he's so wiling to post something at 'Night', maybe he has no reason to be afraid of the mafia , idk.
what do you think of it Trojan ?
how certain are you that he is town?
Might as well say my last words to help town.
Pretty sure ness and oath are town.
Be wary of the lurkers
Trundle's vig claim is probably bs
"BEFORE WE GO" like you and oath have a plan to leave the thread together ?
what do i think of his post ? i think it really doesn't say much.... and find it strange that he's so wiling to post something at 'Night', maybe he has no reason to be afraid of the mafia , idk.
what do you think of it Trojan ?
By the way, I want two things put on record: I do not agree with all of Oath2Orders suspicions. I am still very much on the fence about Tina. I think it's clear that Trundle is not Mafia, but if we find one or more Tyrells to be third-party, or if the Mafia is eliminated but the game still is not won for town, we need to consider the possibility of him still not being the Vigilante he claims to be. Still, he seems to have town's best interests in mind for now and that makes him somewhat trustworthy.
Secondly, although Karla's angry reaction to my "YOLO Lynch" does fit with his personality and seems genuine, it may also be possible that he was truly upset because I lynched his scum-buddy and simply used that emotion to his advantage. He is known for being a strong player, and if he's still alive as the days go on by, that is vastly suspicious despite him seeming town-oriented and you need to look at him closer. On the other hand, if Mafia decides to spare him because of me writing this, I am doing town a large favor.
And Tom, don't think for a second that I suddenly fully trust you! Prove your worth, sir!
Just to be sure, we will be informed if the Mafia team is eliminated, right?
That is correct.