Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

Last time, I was convinced that Justin was mafia, and I'd stop at nothing to try and get him lynched ASAP. So I kept making these harsh accusation posts, which eventually people rendered me suspicious. Just don't take your accusations or suspicions to the next level, like I did.

It wasn't so much intended for me pushing them to get lynched. It was me pointing out what they did wrong to lead my suspicions and what they could have done to draw it away from them. But I'm glad you said something because I can come off a bit strong without realizing it or meaning it, but I'll try to keep my limitations in mind in the future. Thanks c:
Last time, I was convinced that Justin was mafia, and I'd stop at nothing to try and get him lynched ASAP. So I kept making these harsh accusation posts, which eventually people rendered me suspicious. Just don't take your accusations or suspicions to the next level, like I did.

The difference (if I remember correctly) your accusations were a little out there, and somewhat baseless.
I don't think we need to worry about Dolby or Beary being blue roles. They seem to be in a panic right now. If either of them were blue roles, I have a feeling they would announce it as a last minute resort to protect themselves.
Okay guys, sorry! I'm back now!

Reading through the list it seems we've brought it down to Dolby and Beary for the most part? I think?

Anyways, after Dolby roleclamied as a townie, everyone started talking about it. Dolby then let a comment about rolclaming as a townie was his best thing to do. This implies that he was lieing about being a townie, since he said it was the safest thing he could have done.

I agree with this. Although it's not much, I don't really see what else we have to go on by right now short of a random lynch. Dolby hasn't exactly been contributing much to the town anyway. So if there's no major objections in the next hour I'll be lynching Dolby.
I don't think we need to worry about Dolby or Beary being blue roles. They seem to be in a panic right now. If either of them were blue roles, I have a feeling they would announce it as a last minute resort to protect themselves.

What panic? :|
Okay guys, sorry! I'm back now!

Reading through the list it seems we've brought it down to Dolby and Beary for the most part? I think?

I agree with this. Although it's not much, I don't really see what else we have to go on by right now short of a random lynch. Dolby hasn't exactly been contributing much to the town anyway. So if there's no major objections in the next hour I'll be lynching Dolby.

No objections here. I'm pretty sure everyone(even Dolby) saw it coming though. If Dolby turns out to be a bodyguard or a paramedic, then night will be hard. It's likely he is a blue role, possibly mafia.
I agree with you with the Dolby thing. (Obviously, since you quoted me.)
What if he's a townie...
XD this is like trouble and terrorist town, when you kill somebody and they're an innocent, and your like OH CRAP
There is a chance he isn't mafia. Just like anyone we lynch today. Unfortunately, without all colossal screw ups by anyone, we really don't know on Day 1. It's going to be a hit or miss kill no matter what. We could strike lucky and hit mafia, or strike super unlucky and hit a blue role.
What if he's a townie...
XD this is like trouble and terrorist town, when you kill somebody and they're an innocent, and your like OH CRAP

Townies aren't special. It's a human being without a job. I think we can deal with one missing townie. Rather we not lose a paramedic or a detective.
Here we go guys.

Hopefully we strike lucky today.