Yes, Trundle should be taken off and so should LaurinaMN because of the veteren role-claim and we have
1. Oath2order(consistent top ten poster, I am not backing down on this, nominated VD for mayor, supported the idea that VD was an assaisan)
2. Horus (inactive, barely achives minimum post count)
3. lynn105 (explains why he/she voted for blank only)
4. Kuma (sorry, you're still on the list for semi-activness)
5. Hikari (up until last night he/she was semi-inactive)
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Dolby, piss off. I'm ****ing exhausted from work, and I don't need you throwing around baseless accusations. The posts were made last night.
In addition, I was fairly active earlier on in the game, when you weren't too active yourself, but I don't recall accusing you of being mafia. Interesting how you're the one claiming at least five to seven people are mafia.
Trundle has been fairly active. He's the mayor, what the **** do you expect?
Where do you get off making these claims against me? And for that matter, why aren't you going into more detail about anyone else? Strange how you just seem to leech on to me.
I'm tired. I've been working more hours each week than I'm used to. I walk home almost every night.
And while we're at it, I'd like to bring you up for suspicion. Major bandwagoner. In no particular order
Jumping onto the bandwagon of Trundle saying they would take out FoxWolf.
The bandwagon of voting for Karla.
Simply agreeing with another ****ing post. Look, it's Dolby the bandwagoner.
No, we don't have a list of seven suspects. We have a list of seven names you pulled out of your ass.
What's so bad about questioning someone running for sheriff? I was betrayed by iLoveYou last game. I wanted to have our elected roles not be scum.
And that is how you attempt to defend your life.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if there were three mafia, it would still be KP 2 right?
I never said that you accused me of being mafia. And the VD situation is odd, nominating THE godfather for mayor, weakly defending him when accused by Karla, (that VD being a assaisan post was weak), and look,
120 posts on the forums (I am not fabricating this) and not a single one on the discussion thread. That seems extremly odd and practicaly throws your exhagted for work arguement out the window. And oddly, you have been preety quiet since the VD lynch, yes, I know, iloveyou used that logic to lynch someone else in game two. The seven suspects were lurkers and inactives with a horrible list title.
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I would not be talking about activity or posting elsewhere, if I were you, though, Dolby. You're the one who's also been posting mostly elsewhere in recent times.
Oh, and hey, whatever happened to Kippla? Why aren't you accusing her this time around?
And how would you know that, the only other places that I post EVER are re-tail and the villager trading plaza. Karla doesn't like liers you know... anybody can verify what I just posted by looking at my profile
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Interesting then. So, Tina questions Kippla, turns out Tina's mafia. I wonder why Dolby backed off then. Maybe he doesn't want to go the route that his teammate Tina did then, eh?
Counter-accussing me huh. Well, WHY WOULD THE MAFIA PUBLICLY ATTACK EACHOTHER IN THIS THREAD? So far I havn't come up with an arguementation that couldn't be disproved from you today oath2order