It seems people were voting for the lead (and changing to the lead) so they can slide in with the majority. Those are the people you need to look out for.
Just because someone is on the chopping block doesn't mean that you need to vote for them. The people who constantly change votes are.
Also, lets say Terry was a townie. Does that make him more valuable to the town then a doctor or a cop?
The people that can defend themselves and help others are the ones that need to stay.
Insane Doctor or Not Insane Doctor
Bullet-Proof Townie
Townie-Odd found out who
Townie-Odd found out who
Logically, go with the townie instead of the unknown. Only go after the Mafia WHEN you know.
We'll see if that's true. No one wants to get voted out, so that's why I would keep switching to the dominent vote. You have to take chances in this game, such as voting out someoene and using your role's special powers on people.