Mafia TBT Mafia: Pearl of the Orient (Re Opened)

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I'll add a poll.

Possible role list added. Open to suggestions.

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Also survivor role was inspired by that one animal crossing game we had in like 2016
taking out executioner based off of voting patterns on tbt. sad coz its a fun role
Dunno if it’s a good idea given I have summer projects due in a week

Tbh this game probably wont start for another week since 6 players is barely enough for a mini.

I'll start once we're around 10 players

Anyway modified some roles, changed spy into tracker and took out a lot of stuff since well.. when I made this setup I was really excited but then remembered a tiny game will never have this stuff. rip.

Also want to hear peoples feedbacks onto whether or not I should make games more..townsided I suppose? I don't actually remember the last time town has won a game and I don't know if its because of the site's overall skill level. I feel like its easier to be mafia than anything else at this point.
If this game doesn’t get the needed player count by August 10th then yeah sure I’ll join
unfortunately i can't join... i have my boards coming up, so i better minimize distractions
I mean...kallie is saying it won't be for another week so maybe you guys will be able to join at that point?
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