Mafia TBT Mafia: Steven Universe 2 Mafia!!! Town and Kat win!!!!

Went Qwerty, dont think he voted kirby bc of null reads, whixh seems to be a basis behind the vote

Why is EoD always like this
And we know that your wagon is pretty much confirmed town/jester now, and mine easily can be scum
There's no way that Kirby is either Town or Jester. Sure, the Town chances are up a little higher, but I still see Kirby as more likely Mafia than anything right now.
changing to zendel maybe because I feel like dolby's swaying things here and if we can see what zendel flips then it'll give us a better look into it
There's no way that Kirby is either Town or Jester. Sure, the Town chances are up a little higher, but I still see Kirby as more likely Mafia than anything right now.

Ok fine, or he's buying time for lax 2 days
Ayaya: I am thinking town because Ayaya's posts are very analytic and content-full. I can't really see the posts as something coming from mafia, and I don't see how anyone could.
Jumping out of rereading to point out that this is wildly incorrect. You yourself (Trundle/apple) are quite a good example of solid content as mafia when you are mafia.

As I'm posting this post anyways, my reads up to this point (Apple/trundle's post) are brijade being town, think the karen/tea push is pretty horrendous, and kat/Arstotzkan's first post is kinda off. (Will explain the latter in depth later)

"Hello to all of you watching on the Nephrite Uncovering Telecast, otherwise known as NUT. My name is Nephrite, and today on NUT we will be showing the viewers a play by play walk through of the Diamond vs Off Color conflict.

First, a word about the setting. Most of the fights have been in the most urban poor areas of homeworld, the streets and alleyways. It looks like, to us, at NUT, is where the rebels have been fighting. The rebels don’t have any center of command really, it seems like they move around often. The diamonds always seemed to be one step ahead of the rebels, even their forces on Earth were sometimes rendered useless. However, the rebels have not dropped the fight, seemingly always brimming with energy.

The rebels were willing to attack anything that moved...anything that was suspicious to them. The diamonds, it was the same too, they would do all out attacks, not caring if friendly fire happened. The off colors had sound strategies but with one major flaw; The Humans that were on their side, they had to sleep! Doesn’t that sound so ridiculous?! With no sleep, Paranoia increases. Who knows what may happen!

It looks like the fighting is moving, closer to where we are broadcasting. The gem in the middle of it, who are they? What is their faction… Diamond or Off Color? Who knows all I know is that both forces are piling on this lonesome gem. I almost feel bad for her!


A gem is on the ground, shattered.

Hello, Nephrite here from NUT, I’m back for this game of WHOS THAT GEM! They appear to be of the faction of [random screeching noises], I SAID, [random honking noises], OKAY, THEY BELONG TO..."

--broadcast interrupted----broadcast interrupted----broadcast interrupted----broadcast interrupted--

Holly Blue Agate, Qwerty111, was shattered by the pile of fighters.

Town Remaining: ??/??
Mafia Remaining: 4/5

Players remaining: 19/20

Mafia KP = 2

You have 24 hours to send in your actions. Night one ends roughly 9PM PST time. Good luck.