mfw when u have a random streak and you random the keeper
cory come on you're not playing
mfw when u have a random streak and you random the keeper
cory come on you're not playing
worst part is only the host will understand
Please keep the discussion on topic. Cory, you are not in this game (yet - Someone might still get replaced) so please just observe. Behave yourselves. There is new players in the game and you might be causing confusion and frustration.
mfw when u have a random streak and you random the keeper
Cory stop ****ing posting.
Dolby do you have any thoughts yet?
Not sure if Dolby is high right now or if he's just trying to keep town off track.
- 2 completely useless posts so far
- is usually very quiet at the start of a game regardless of alignment
Dolby do you have any thoughts yet?
No, not at this moment. I'm still a bit jet-lagged from flying back to Oregon, so don't expect any coherent posts
Okay and my posts aren't useless? If you're gonna critique Dolby be consistent
This is the most information we have ever gotten about your person life ever.
This is the most information we have ever gotten about your person life ever.
I am used to really poor play and poor quality meme posts from you so I didn't even notice.