Hm in all seriousness though, I'd imagine both teams would be balenced in number. If anything, I could see the sins having one more if they don't have KP... But its probably the same regardless. I could see a 3/3/rest of town tbh. For reference, Papers Please maf had only like 5 less people (iirc) and there were 6 baddies there (and one was a lover anyway) so having two organized teams makes a little more sense to make up for the few extra players plus the powers they have seem pretty strong so. Thats why Im thinking 3/3.
@Ness Was there a reason behind you putting more people on the mafian team than on the sins?
Not really, i'm just figured that there would be 3 or maybe 4? I've never really played a game with 2 mafia teams so i'm just confused a bit lol.
In all honesty though, there could be an equal teams. I keep forgetting that we're at like 23 players and not 18, so I had the thought in my head of there being 7 scum players in total.