Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

Oh I just realised how totally ******** it was for me to talk about the sus list part because I looked back at when it was posted and it was just after night when beardo had died. Please disregard that portion of my post, had just got home from work and had like 25 quotes in one post.

My entire point in the post, the tl;dr because I didn't include one is:

Trundle is following his scum meta
Easy targets, no logic
OMGUS on me because I'm the first one to sus him
Voted Beardo day one and then went on to say Ness was def mafia, but didn't change vote
Only going after easy targets i.e. Runeraider, Lucanosa and Doughssant

Trundle is still not town.

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He also said he was "still pushing for Beardo" even though he made one single post on Beardo, citing his vote for Beardo's answer to question 3.
Oh I just realised how totally ******** it was for me to talk about the sus list part because I looked back at when it was posted and it was just after night when beardo had died. Please disregard that portion of my post, had just got home from work and had like 25 quotes in one post.

My entire point in the post, the tl;dr because I didn't include one is:

Trundle is following his scum meta
Easy targets, no logic
OMGUS on me because I'm the first one to sus him
Voted Beardo day one and then went on to say Ness was def mafia, but didn't change vote
Only going after easy targets i.e. Runeraider, Lucanosa and Doughssant

Trundle is still not town.
Ok thanks you for this tldr. I'll make my own opinion later. When I'm done taking a practice ACT test :lemon:

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Also I'm going to see who did not post yet in this day cycle and one of those people have the dagger
Doing this one phone so don't expect for it to look nice.

First off all, the deaths last night really threw me off. SpudsyKat and Rune I can get why they were killed, but Beardo and Trojan? Would like to note that both off these people were suspicious of Lucanosa, but I hardly think they were strong enough players to want dead so quickly. I believe one of them was vig shot and the other was blue snipped(most likely Trojan). The reason I think at least one of them was vig killed, is because the KP doesn't add up. I think to make this fair, the host would make an equal amount of scum members(unless he gave one team less Mafia but better roles) with equal KP. I believe both teams started out with 2 KP and 3 members. If both had 4 members, 8 would seem too much, especially in a game where it's hard to find out who's town and someone who seems very town can see be part of a scum team and OP roles. With the death of Ness, Mafia should only have 2 members and 1 KP. Of course people could have been protected or scum could have used their powers instead of KP. But if both teams straight up decided to kill(which for N1 would be best to kill the strongest players before they say much else), they could only kill 3 people. So I believe one of the deaths are of a Samson. I would ask that the vig out themselves, but they can still get more shots so I'm advising you to not.

Okay with my N1 thoughts over with, there are my scum reads.

He hasn't done anything to help town AT ALL. He so happens to vote for me, claim it's a "placeholder" and kept it when he thought I was "flopping like a fish" when I couldn't give a crap on his placeholder vote until it was actually threatening to lynch me. He sing around the fire praising how we lynched scum, when he didn't help at all.
His behavior throws me off so much.

First off he votes for me really quickly and claims it's a "Placeholder", the fact he voted me isn't weird. But just how he drags a placeholder vote for the whole Day is.
Finally had a chance to come on and see what's happened.... and LOL Ness trying to scare off new players D1 plus defending Rune's joke on inactivity... two strikes. Three strikes and I'll switch my shtlynch vote over to you because you're coming off scummy to me this is D1 mind you, I have nothing else to go off of, and choosing not to lynch is going to hurt us more than help
3 strikes are you serious? So only 2 strikes aren't enough to change a PLACEHOLDER vote? Even if you voted for slight suspicions, it's way better than keeping your vote and fester like it did.

^ I already answered that.
I pushed almost being modkilled in the last game I played, which is why I'm voting everyday. Like I said, it's a placeholder. If you want me to change it just tell me

Not explaining reasoning? Jfc are you blind
Again, he knows the placeholder vote is catching people's attention and doesn't change it. If you wanted to place a temporary vote on someone for this long, do it on yourself.
I get it, it's a joke. I'm sus of Ness because he defended your joke, and the way he did doesn't make sense. The way he defended you is why I'm sus; not the joke itself. I've already moved on from the joke and onto Ness. Remember, this is D1. Nothing is really serious. Literally almost all of the games I've played on here, D1 is nothing but shtposting and memes extreme
I'm going to ask you this time, are you blind? D1 was anything but sht posting, there was so much happening that you could have weighed in on anything. But here you are in Lala land acting like nothing has happened, AND STILL HAVEN'T CHANGED YOUR VOTE. People were bringing up cases and candidates, yet you seem to ignore them all.
Just got a chance to come on this morning. I've only had time to skim, so it'll be until later before I make any reads

I've asked before, and I'll ask again. Are you blind?
I haven't changed my vote to Ness yet, and I don't think I will after seeing Daniel flip-flop like a fish.

Um... I live in a different timezone than most of you, and I don't get on until later in the day.
If that's the true reason you're voting me, I see this as a cheap excuse for scum to jump on a bandwagon.

As far as the accusations against me, know this: my death will do nothing but show everyone's true colors. Most of the reasons I see people voting me, as previously stated, are of weak logic; and I like it was said, I can see this as a way for scum to easily knock out a shtty townie via bandwagon to get closer to their win con. LOL I honestly wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the people pushing my lynch end up bleeding red or yellow later on in the game.

As far as why I haven't changed my vote on Daniel yet, it's because after seeing how he's reacting, I think it'd be better if it just stayed there. Besides, I'm on the chopping block, so why does it even matter?
Jesus Christ(happy Easter) so many things wrong here. First of all, explain how I'm flip flopping, I'm defending myself against Ness's poor case on me and nothing else? You keep that "placeholder" vote. It seems like you found an excuse to keep it as I was being voted for, but you actually don't add anything.
Seems like a cheap excuse to bandwagon.

Also LOL poor logic. You're the one using for logic, everyone else has valid reasons for suspicions. But you just laugh it off and say these people have to be scum to think you are suspicious.

Why does it matter? Because who you vote for and why affects who others will vote for. But of course you don't do this.
Ayyye! Super stoked we knocked out scum D1. let's hope whoever has the bomb throws it at scum tonight o;
He's him dancing around the campfire singing how we got scum, when you didn't do anything. Like you didn't even post reads on me.

Lucanosa is who I think screams scum the most, so I'll vote for them as a "placeholder". :lemon:

Also would like to note my observations on some other people.
Dolby-Dolby has barely done and said anything this entire game. Which makes me think he's playing like he did in forest fire Mafia.
Ayaya- Her behavior has drastically changed. She is usually very helpful as town, but this game not so much. I find it suspicious, but not enough evidence to pursue the case yet.
Doughssant- For reasons said here:
Town Dough is usually never afraid to speak and mainly spams and makes little remarks when "he's bored".

Scum Dough is very quiet and only posts to make a "contributing" post.(See Smash Bros and Star Wars Mafia and you'll know what I'm taking about.)

On his gameplay alone I'm leaning towards Dough being town. His posts seem very sincere and isn't holding back on saying anything, even though it's doesn't sound very town. Reguardless, I see Dough as town.

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And although Dough wasn't playing for long in Paper's Please, he seemed to be playing pro-town.

Although I'm against town reading, I just can't see him being part of any faction.
Oath2Odor- Typical gameplay for oath. Kinda just there for the ****posting and usually not helping town. This checks out with his town meta, but I still have a weird feeling about him that makes me put him in the Null category.
Beaverman/Trundle-Minties are practically said all I wanted to say before I could post. But he plays like Scum Trundle would, and it's as if he ignored everyone else's posts and went after a noobie for answering his RQS.
Panda- She went from posting a ton to being very silent and observing. I feel that if she was town, she wouldn't have to worry about changing behavior and just do her thing. But it would make sense for scum panda to change her behavior after being called out on it.
Jacob- Just seems really unconfident and unsure of what to do. He barely weighed on the lynch D1 and just switched his vote on me as soon as Sarasa did. It just seems like he's waiting for someone to do something so he can follow. Although if he's unsure of what to do as town, it could make sense too.
Alexi-The most active of all the noobies. She seems to have a full understanding of the game so far, but has yet to post actual reads and just comments on things. I think this is just typical newbie behavior for not knowing what to do.
Cory- He has recently joined, but what's strange is his obsession with the dagger.
Meow & Minties- both of them are really strong town players, and it shows in this game too. It seems sincere and like they are truly scum hunting. Of course this doesn't mean they're not Scum, although Meow would be Third Party for leading Ness's lynch if anything. These 2 were the players I was expecting to be killed last night, but they weren't which confuses me on why Trojan was a better kill than them.
Everyone else- Start posting, you're too inactive for me to read.
One thing that stuck out to me the most;
'Meow would be Third Party for leading Ness's lynch if anything.'
Could she not be scum? Why are you assuring that m3ow could be 3rd party but not Minties when they arw in the same paragraph? It just seems off to me...
I'll piece togather some more stuff from other people's reads and whatnot, but I have calculus homework to finish before the Egg Hunt, so au revoir...
One thing that stuck out to me the most;
'Meow would be Third Party for leading Ness's lynch if anything.'
Could she not be scum? Why are you assuring that m3ow could be 3rd party but not Minties when they arw in the same paragraph? It just seems off to me...
I'll piece togather some more stuff from other people's reads and whatnot, but I have calculus homework to finish before the Egg Hunt, so au revoir...
I had the same thoughts on both of them. Both could be scum, but if meow is scum she would be part of the third party.
One thing that stuck out to me the most;
'Meow would be Third Party for leading Ness's lynch if anything.'
Could she not be scum? Why are you assuring that m3ow could be 3rd party but not Minties when they arw in the same paragraph? It just seems off to me...
I'll piece togather some more stuff from other people's reads and whatnot, but I have calculus homework to finish before the Egg Hunt, so au revoir...
I had the same thoughts on both of them. Both could be scum, but if meow is scum she would be part of the third party.
There's only 1 Mafia team, the other faction is third party.

That number seems to unfair to town, I believe it's around 5 scum, and 3-4 third party. The rest being town. But it's an experimental setup so who knows?

what made you think that scum numbers are differing now
Why Minties/Monroe/Salties is wrong and quite possible third party

Minties really likes to work in hypothetical scenarios. Essentially - nearly all of Minties' posts just take the assumption that I am third party (or whenever it's convenient to her posts, I'm actually mafia), and never considers the position of my posts if she assumed I was town. This is something the great Karla often worked to try to correct in many players' posts over the old mafia days but it seems Minties never grasped it.

Here are the points Minties has on me, and I'll number them for formatting sake.

1. Minties thinks my RQS post is stupid and I'm trying to act pro-town.
2. I jumped on Beardo after SarasaKat's reaction test.
3. I voted for doughssant right after D2 started instead of including Beardo in my suspicion list, even though Beardo was dead and I used references to Beardo in my case anyway to help show why I think the 3 are scum. (point 3 is pretty much entirely null)
4. I posted that I thought Ness was mafia on D1 but I didn't switch my vote over to him (I love this one a lot)
5. I'm defending myself against Minties' posts on me.

Relevant Quote from Minties:
Why Trundle/BeaverMan is Third Party
A paper by Minties Mintington
General overview and trying very hard to appear super pro town. These question things tend to be highly unhelpful and the answer to number 3 sticks out to me. I feel like this entire game so far, he has basically shoved how "town" he is in our faces when questioned. Almost to the point of being desperate to prove that he's town because he's not. Now onto where he picked a response to his stupid questions:
- Minties thinks I'm trying to act super pro-town in my posts. I must admit, I was quite excited to play this game and I actually was just trying to show my enthusiasm, but Minties assumes that I am speaking from a third party standpoint and I'm just trying to shout out "Hey everyone! I'm town, not third party! Because that would mean you'd have to kill me!", which I have rarely ever done as mafia or third party before, AFAIK.
- If my RQS is so bad, why is Minties using my answer to my own RQS to show I'm third party? Obviously, if you are correct about me, then my RQS was effective. If you are wrong about me, my RQS is ineffective, which means point 1 is no longer a relevant point.

Relevant Quote from Minties:
He literally sussed out Beardo for their response to the third question because they stated confusion at Kat jumping their ass for nothing (Kat didn't even have a case, it was clearly a reaction test). New players WOULD be confused if someone just jumped on them for no reason? I feel like this was a completely terrible reason to actually vote and KEEP HIS VOTE on Beardo. Later on he goes to say:
- My vote and post on Beardo was pretty bad, I admit. It was Day 1 and nothing else had happened yet. But I saw SarasaKat's reaction test, read her as town, and figured I'd follow along.
- After Ness was lynched, I didn't really have much to post. I just wanted everyone to make sure I still thought Beardo was scum, and I ended up wrong (woo hoo no surprise). The reason I thought Beardo was scum was just because I thought their reaction to mine and Sarasa's votes on her seemed fishy to me. To be fair, Beardo has not played in a long time, and even when she played, she didn't play much.
- Overall, point 2 can be read as me trying to go after a noob as third party, but it's perfectly reasonable as town players make mistakes too. Point 2 is still relevant, but it would be reasonable for me to push Beardo from any alignment.

Relevant Quote from Minties:
THAT HE IS STILL PUSHING FOR BEARDO, YET HE VOTED FOR DOUGHSSANT AND DID NOT INCLUDE BEARDO IN HIS SUS LIST AT ALL.[/SIZE][/B][/U] He also claimed to have sent in a kill, but then later recanted it, which most people missed. Why is that something of concern? Because he did send in a kill because he IS third party. Here is Trundle's "reads" posts where he completely neglects to mention Beardo even though he said he was still pushing a lynch on Beardo:
- This point is completely irrelevant. I didn't include Beardo in my D2 sus list because Beardo was dead.
- Regardless I used Beardo's death in my push for doughssant in his scum reads list anyway. Point 3 is completely null.

Relevant Quote from Minties:
Saying he felt there was a strong chance that Ness was mafia, yet he did not remove his vote on Beardo even though there was evidence on Ness and nothing on Beardo. He esentially goes on to actually AGREE with Ness' case on Daniel when it was clear at that point that Ness was trying to paint Daniel in a bad light to save his own ass:
- Haha well, Minties. Here is a huge flaw, again. You are arguing I am third party, but then you bring up this point.
- If I was third party, there is no way I would be able to know whether or not Ness was mafia. So Minties is suddenly suggesting I am mafia just because it fits this point in her case. The flip flop and you grasping at points here is pretttty pathetic.
- Ness was already easily on the path to being lynched at that point anyway, so it didn't matter if I voted for him or not. My vote was irrelevant at that point.
- I didn't think day ended so soon, and as Thursday is my busy day. I didn't have as much time to read through as I had hoped, only time to make a few off posts. Point 4 is irrelevant. Mainly because Minties is arguing I'm third party, and also because Ness was set to be lynched regardless of my vote. If I was mafia, shouldn't I have voted him anyway to make myself seem more town?


- I mean, the rest of this is just that I'm defending myself from her posts. I have already stated that any of my behavior as town or scum can be attributed to any behavior from any game, and my recent scum games have actually been quite different from what Minties has mentioned against me. If you think my scum playstyle is scummy because (insert game here), I can show you a scum game where my behavior completely contradicts it.
- Would you rather I don't defend myself from your posts? Or defending myself by saying "well, I might be scum, I might not be, but please don't lynch me". I am obviously going to heavily push the fact that I am town if I want to avoid being lynched.

Point 1 is mostly irrelevant (it sucked anyway).
Point 2 is valid but doesn't take into account the hypothetical scenarios where I'm town, mafia, and third party - only that I'm third party, so it is very weak.
Point 3 is completely irrelevant.
Point 4 is mostly irrelevant unless Minties wants to say I'm now mafia rather than third party.
Point 5 is literally just getting mad at me for defending myself. It doesn't make much sense.

Minties is wrong. To me, it seems like she is just trying to push me as hard as possible to get me out of the game like she did in the last game where I was town. I think Minties herself could be mafia, which is why she was pushing me as third party rather than mafia. There seems to be no reason for her to push me as third party rather than mafia when it makes more sense for her case for me to be mafia unless she herself is mafia and is trying to get rid of the other team. Salty that your scum buddy Ness died so early, Monroe?

Let's not forget to mention that you yourself, Minties, did not even vote for Ness yesterday. You voted for Lucanosa for no reason other than because he posted a placeholder after people were posting reads, and you put is that you "would be satisfied" with a Lucanosa lynch. Even when you posted about Ness in post #508 you refrained from taking making a position on him. You just spouted out information about him that didn't really make it clear what you were trying to say. I'm going to post this for now and follow it up later but oh my, there is more.

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oh also my title is supposed to say why she is quite possible mafia, not third party, my bad
You literally voted for yourself in the last game that you were town, so how on earth is that pushing you out? Why would I bring up a case on you if literally no one was talking about you and you weren't bringing up any viable cases anyways? I have looked at your posts from a town standpoint and they don't make sense. You contradict yourself significantly and never follow through making a real case on anyone at all. You're voting for ****ing doughssant for christ's sake.

I clearly said that you were third party. I never once said I thought you were mafia, merely pointed out your total inconsistencies in this game thus far where you voted Beardo, then said Ness was clearly scum, then agreed with Ness on his Daniel case. You're trying to spin my words to make it seem like I'm saying something different. I called it a scum tell in general because there are three parties this game, two non-town and one town. Mafia + 3rd party = "scum"

As far as me not voting for Ness- the wagon on Ness started while I was ASLEEP. I lost the last 7 HOURS of the day at least due to timezone because this game ends in a very bad time for anyone in AEST time. If you had actually read my posts, you would have realised this. You however were awake for the Ness wagon and chose to stay on Beardo.

Also I posted on the next page about me including the sus list point by accident, which you didn't read either.

I know you're not town aligned, I just hope the others will trust in me enough to follow me on this one.

- - - Post Merge - - -

The Ness point was suggesting that you are simply going after easy targets and players that cannot or will not properly defend themselves in order to look like you're doing something while essentially doing nothing at all. Notice that no one called you out really for voting for Beardo except me? That's because everyone was so distracted with Ness that you could hide pretty easily in the chaos while looking like you made a "viable case".

- - - Post Merge - - -

Btw Trundle, you ****ed up, but keep arguing. We got plenty of time :lemon:
You literally voted for yourself in the last game that you were town, so how on earth is that pushing you out? Why would I bring up a case on you if literally no one was talking about you and you weren't bringing up any viable cases anyways? I have looked at your posts from a town standpoint and they don't make sense. You contradict yourself significantly and never follow through making a real case on anyone at all. You're voting for ****ing doughssant for christ's sake.

I clearly said that you were third party. I never once said I thought you were mafia, merely pointed out your total inconsistencies in this game thus far where you voted Beardo, then said Ness was clearly scum, then agreed with Ness on his Daniel case. You're trying to spin my words to make it seem like I'm saying something different. I called it a scum tell in general because there are three parties this game, two non-town and one town. Mafia + 3rd party = "scum"

As far as me not voting for Ness- the wagon on Ness started while I was ASLEEP. I lost the last 7 HOURS of the day at least due to timezone because this game ends in a very bad time for anyone in AEST time. If you had actually read my posts, you would have realised this. You however were awake for the Ness wagon and chose to stay on Beardo.

Also I posted on the next page about me including the sus list point by accident, which you didn't read either.

I know you're not town aligned, I just hope the others will trust in me enough to follow me on this one.

- - - Post Merge - - -

The Ness point was suggesting that you are simply going after easy targets and players that cannot or will not properly defend themselves in order to look like you're doing something while essentially doing nothing at all. Notice that no one called you out really for voting for Beardo except me? That's because everyone was so distracted with Ness that you could hide pretty easily in the chaos while looking like you made a "viable case".

- - - Post Merge - - -

Btw Trundle, you ****ed up, but keep arguing. We got plenty of time :lemon:

Ness posted and made a point on CMD, which I said they were good points, BUT I did not agree with him because I thought CMD was town based on his posts. I also agreed later that the points on Ness were very valid, so I supported them. Me not changing my vote, was again, completely irrelevant at the time. If I was going after easy players I would have just bandwagoned on Ness. I made my arguments on Beardo even though Beardo wasn't under high suspicion. It wasn't easy to make a case on Beardo, I was just pointing out behaviour which was so insignificant in the long run I don't see how you're still trying to make a point off of it.

Literally again, all your opints are saying that my posts were inconsistent (even though I just explained why they weren't). Also your post merge doesn't make any sense (your 2nd post).

> There was a vote on Ness going down
> I said I agreed with the Ness lynch
> I am apparently now hiding by not voting Ness? How does this make any logical sense? You just aren't making any connections.
> I never even made a case Day 1?

It's so typical of scum you to just ignore my arguments and pretend everything is good. You control the town with your confidence and your :lemon:. Please guys, READ THE POINTS SHE IS MAKING. They DON'T MAKE SENSE. Ignore who is fighting who and just think about it logically. I am not wrong.
also post glitch pls

Not to mention, if you THINK I am trying to act super pro-town but I'm also "HIDING", even though I have been the one trying to get people start talking this whole game, you are again contradicting your own point.
as of now i will be voting for Trundle/ BeaverDude. I had my suspicions of him earlier and Minites' read on him has just solidifies them.

@BeaverGuy that rebuttal and supposed "read" on Minites just seems like a load of crock, and in the second line down you say "(and whenever its convenient to her post, I'm actually Mafia)".... "I'M actually Mafia" this is worded weirdly and it just seems like you're calling yourself mafia. the only post is long and doesn't really say anything other "irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant" over and over and over it doesn't ever help prove or disprove anything.
as of now i will be voting for Trundle/ BeaverDude. I had my suspicions of him earlier and Minites' read on him has just solidifies them.

@BeaverGuy that rebuttal and supposed "read" on Minites just seems like a load of crock, and in the second line down you say "(and whenever its convenient to her post, I'm actually Mafia)".... "I'M actually Mafia" this is worded weirdly and it just seems like you're calling yourself mafia. the only post is long and doesn't really say anything other "irrelevant irrelevant irrelevant" over and over and over it doesn't ever help prove or disprove anything.

Also Beaver, how is it that when Minties makes a case against you. You respond by saying that she must be scum and trying to control town? You're starting to be very aggressive with your defense and it seems like whoever finds you suspicious "HAS TO BE SCUM"? You never said a single thing about Minties before, so why the instant suspicions?
@Daniel give me a good reason I shouldn't be obsessed about the dagger?
Because Minties always pushes me if she's scum no later than D2. I know I'm town, and if she was town she would know I'm town.