Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

really? idk i dont see any difference in play style from that game. his playing style sort of changed in PP mafia because in the begining he was like being all hard to read like right now, but later on he made some good reads and was a lot more cooperative. its still pretty early in this game to tell with him, but his style is matching up to me so far
(im not like reading him solely 3rd party rn, i just said it wouldnt surprise me if he was)
Town Dough is usually never afraid to speak and mainly spams and makes little remarks when "he's bored".

Scum Dough is very quiet and only posts to make a "contributing" post.(See Smash Bros and Star Wars Mafia and you'll know what I'm taking about.)

On his gameplay alone I'm leaning towards Dough being town. His posts seem very sincere and isn't holding back on saying anything, even though it's doesn't sound very town. Reguardless, I see Dough as town.

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And although Dough wasn't playing for long in Paper's Please, he seemed to be playing pro-town.
I don't see why y'all are acting like third party roles in past games are the same as the third-party this game.

mates it's essentially two mafia teams, one has a different color than the other.
Oath, care to share any reads or thoughts you have on the game so far? I've only seen you make comments, but not really any actual opinions.
I'm beginning to think maf has the dagger since nobody has came forward.... anyway here are some of my thoughts


It?s so hard to read someone that barely posts. I?ve seen Dolby do this as maf and as town it?s almost like his strategy or something. but I really don?t like it. I even went on the TBT Mafia Wiki and went to several games where he was in both alignments and for the majority of them he barely posted. But what I have noticed, is he seems to play a LOT more seriously when he's town vs. when he's mafia.

Here?s a free ISO of all his posts because they?re mainly all ****posts anyway!

1) I was recently executed for treason, but such is life in glorious Arstotzka
2) I would prefer to be mafia because I like to be scum in general
3) Lynching Kolechain scum

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BeaverMan2016 is Trundle

Doughssant is confirmed Arstotzkan

No, not at this moment. I'm still a bit jet-lagged from flying back to Oregon, so don't expect any coherent posts

Yay, somewhat relevant things

I want you all to remember that in a two faction mafia game it is easy for a mafia member to come off as pro-town as they are actively hunting scum, just like a SK.

Ness and Panda have been arguing over nothing this whole day phase, just different forms of nothing as time passes

PPL who I don't feel are town
Lucanosa(Placeholder vote 3 hours in, sus on Ness bc they consider Ness's comment on the rune joke a defense)
Ayaya(Seems to be avoiding the thread at the moment. They may be busy with irl things, but I don't like the drop in post count and quality)

PPL who I feel are good right now
Panda(I actually feel like Panda is town, unlike quite a few of you, even though I haven't been seen her as scum. Most noob scum try to lay back and be non-confrontational, but panda isn't doing that. Not that certain aspects of her posts and nitpickyness aren't scummy to some people, but it's normal behavior for her)

*Ninja Vanish and Sleeps*

Nah, I'll be on for another 15 minutes

?somewhat relevant things? yes Dolby, because you have been trying to get everyone to focus on relevant things here right?

the whole day phase? lol dude where is this back and forth that I am missing. maybe it?s just my lack of sleep but the exchange between them wasn?t THAT much. like it was a couple posts, but not the entirety of d1 unless I'm mistaken??

I already pointed out in the discrepancy of his townreading Panda. By his own logic, Panda isn?t necessarily a good townread, because his reasoning is that she?s confrontational. Scumhunting isn?t a good reason to townread someone, yet that?s his reasoning. And he never even bothered to explain in depth if there is more to it. Ness also said that Panda was "obvious" town when I'm not sure anyone else did besides Dolby. Her behavior/activity is different this game, and you can't deny that. I'm not talking about the nitpicking. I'm talking about her post count so early in the game, how she ignored my argument by dismissing it as me saying she's "too towny" when I never said that. So please, Dolby, make more comprehensive reads if you're really town.

Dolby has played nearly 40 games here. and seriously, this is his analysis? This is reminding me so much of when he was scum in Scummy mafia + Got mafia- where he lurked the whole game and then won by basically doing nothing (not trying 2 b rude but rly u had more posts pregame than in-game) like I mean he can't even back up his two townreads and the one that he did.

Personally, I'm very hesitant to townread someone. Mostly because if I townread them it's hard to gauge their reaction. And I think Dolby is going for the easy push with Lucanosa, because yes although Lucanosa's vote was really weird and scummy like you still have to match the action with the person. Lucanosa could easily coast by and just lay low because every game I've played with them they've done exactly that. He's an extremely easy push for mafia to make right now. But I think what Lucanosa did is just so...obviously scummy that I've been null/town kinda because of that. no really, why would he do that as mafia: make himself look so bad so early?

here?s his reads in Scummy mafia when he was mafia:

A few things though about Ness

1. Why would Ness if he town be named "epicmafia"?
2. As Trundle pointed out earlier, Ness has been going through erratic changes in behavior throughout the game, to the point of being openly anti-town, with intimidation tactics and begging like we saw from Tom and Trundle in GoT mafia. Most notably, he threatens only to kill the people who accuse him

There are three people who I am inclined to think are scum right now: Trundle, m3ow, and KarlaKGB

I used to think that you were town earlier because there was no way that you could be a vote thief and I thought that having a mafia doublevoter would be unfair to the town, making them think that they have more chances to lynch then they actually do. However, all that you have done so far is give out baseless accusations.

However, since I personally think that the town is composed of all blue roles, I could see the possibility of a mafia doublevoter in play to balance against that.

I was first drawn to thinking that m3ow is scum because of Ayaya's case on you, and honestly, your behavior, especially on day two is just weird. I'm not going to say what has already been said by Ayaya, but you have quite a lot of weird posts that make me think that you're scum

I personally think that Karla is a third-party role as compared to mafia. They haven't been very contributive and what they have said has been of low value. What's more to this is his role claim:

The claim itself, both the name and the role, seem like third-party. His play doesn't match your town or mafia meta, but instead your play as a survival oriented role (Runescape Kingmaker as kingmaker). I would like to note that you claim to be able to kill, which our win condition states that we must eliminate you if you are a third-party killer

I would also be fine with there being a Lucanosa (see above role theory) and Natty(not doing anything productive to the thread) lynch

Mostly lazy, empty arguments. Except for most of the Trundle thing, I think everyone scumread Trundle because of his play in that game, but then what he backs up his claim with is basically because of the roles in the game. Then "I think m3ow is scum because what Ayaya said and other stuff that's weird 2". Karla was a vig and somehow Dolby took that as 3rd party. Dolby jumps to conclusions and pretends like he doesn't know what other options there are.

aaaand here's the rest of his posts:

Yes, I am Jose the Taco Vendor
(Just kidding guys)

pretty ironic for someone to post stuff like this that mentioned how d1 was mostly irrelevent.

ALSO two blue roles dead=Dolby confirmed mafia !!!!!!!!!! :lemon:

I?m joking, but really Dolby you need to start posting because I know you?re capable of scumhunting fairly well and all I?ve seen so far from you all game is coasting and filler.



the way she voted Ness felt really off to me

I'm placing my vote on Ness for the reasons I've stated perviously, I;d be ok with a Ness or a Daniel lynch atm. also I've set my alarm early enough to walk up and see any progress in the game and change my vote if I feel I need to. only half of us have voted so far, so anything can happen.

first of all that last sentence, jesus. like. ok so you?re voting for Ness because you think he?s scum right? why aren?t you trying to tell the rest of us why you think he?s scum then?
so let?s look at her ?reasons she stated?
except. I genuinely can?t find them? here?s everything she said about Ness

ness is always emotional and brash so i don't know what to do with this.

"to THE town" like his not part of it ? Ness.... haha i think you just gave yourself away.

you know what im tired of Ness flying off the handle every time i say something to him, Ness calm down, not everything from me is a personal attack on you.... yes it matters what you type and how you word things, thats the whole point of the game. i can only read and review what you type and make decisions off of it. thats all i don't want to get into a pointless back and forth with you cause like everyone else im tired of it and its got to the point where i can't even play the game properly cause you think im acting you, im not.

seriously what pointless back and forth? I literally missed it if there is one pls correct me if I?m wrong. also i realize that Ness was pretty scummy at this point, that?s why I made a case on him. but with the way that Panda nonchalantly voted and said ?anything can happen? doesn?t seem like town motivation at all. I?m starting to think Panda wanted to vote for Ness because of how blatant he made that townread on her, so she didn?t want to be associated with him and voting him would make her seem more town if everyone did end up lynching Ness. otherwise, why didn?t Panda make a case? Ness was doing a lot of scummy things, so I don?t understand why she didn?t point them out, and instead focused on the error he made in his speech (which I have seen townies do, ex. Trojan in Scummy mafia IIRC)

I?ve felt off about Panda since d1. she definitely stopped posting as much after everyone mentioned her post count but even when she does post I just don?t see her towntelling like she did in other games:

you know what guys im sorry i don't think i can put together great post for you at the moment as its late and i feel myself fading fast... and i probably won't be up too much before N! so if i die i just want to say a few things.

im still suspicious of Daniel

also im not town reading Sarasaka

and the exchange with Rune and Alexi is very odd... i think rune looks pretty scummy in it to be honest.

to tell you guys the truth im finding it hard this game cause of the 2 scum team thing... im trying my hardest to find the town between all the post i don't know if it's just me but my brain works where i try to find the least scummy person and work backwards and with the 2 scum teams everyone is scum hunting and i can't tell the difference at the moment, its great the we got Ness but at the same time its hard to read back through what he posted cause 'god knows' whats going on if he was scum hunting himself or bussing or just throwing random things out there. im sorry guys, hopefully i live long enough to help make some sense of it all.

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uhhh.. i mean dough not alexi im sorry. the exchange between Rune and dough is very odd **

I def understand about Daniel but

Sarasa- what why? I thought Sarasa was extremely town, of course now it?s easy to say that she?s flipped but I mean c?mon dude. Did you see how long her post on Ayaya is... that is an EXTREME amount of effort, and she was arguably putting the most unbiased effort out of all of us. She questioned each of us equally.

Rune- really? are you kidding me? I?ve never seen Rune post as much as he did this game, and he posted really well formulated thoughts. He spent so much effort breaking that all down and considering each outcome.
now I?m not saying I was 1000% positive in those townreads but they were contributing and helping a lot so I think your suspicion on them was completely uncalled for

last paragraph- I?ve never seen her appeal to emotion as much as there. She?s literally saying nothing in it, like I get it we are all confused here and scumhunting isnt enough for townreading someone but literally this is just filler, you?re just stating the obvious. the reason why I say it?s appeal to emotion is that she?s justifying this for not being able to make a reads post.
And then ?if i die? what?? I would understand her saying this if she posted an analysis on Ness...But unless I?m missing something she just voted him because of the wording he was saying


soz this took forever honestly. and it's pretty rushed because I didn't edit it as well as I should've. I'm gonna continue this later tonight or tomorrow morning, it's my friends bday so I'm going out. I'm still not sure who to vote for- I want to see Dolby's and Panda's response and their suggestions as well. My second post will be more in depth of these, but there are a lot of others that are standing out to me as well, notably Ayaya who is reallllly quiet this game which seems pretty unlike herself. Along with Trundle who is sort of acting like his typical scum behavior with acting seemingly pro-town but basically doing nothing but throwing names out and seeing what sticks, and also Daniel who is pretty quiet ever since we lynched Ness instead of him.


Lucanosa, Jacob, Iggy Koopa, Stardusk, Crys, Mother of all llamas

please talk and give your thoughts on other players or at least one person you think is suspicious
Before Minties lynches me, I'm just going to say I'm 99% sure she is scum. After countless games of being mafia I was very excited to be able to play as town and I don't want it ruined by Minties again by leading a D2 lynch on me. I'm just going to point out first and foremost that my behaviour in any scum game can correspond to any town game because I've played scum in so many games at this point and have played those games very differently.

Please think through what Minties throws at me. I am not scum and I have a lot to put into this game especially with the early lynch. I am going to fight to my likely death so that if I die, you guys will not have a doubt about the scum who attacked me.

Hahahahaha oh my god this is really funny.

You're so ridiculously obvious. I have got 4 hours left untilI am at home and trust me you're third party. The third party team is essentially just anothet scum team. I'll gather up your posts in a few hours. However it'll be more obvious as to who the remaining third party are depending on how people vote and respond to me.
Was anyone else waiting for meow's post since she first posted saying she was typing something up? Lol I was expecting a post that long...
Jeeeeez. Reading now.

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Also, in no way am I saying it's a bad thing. (kinda came off like it was oops)
I'll post reads tomorrow afternoon(it's 12am so later today I guess?). I'm away from my computer so I'm going to have to do them on mobile, have mercy on me phone.
@ m3ew

ive given my thoughts on dough already but the way trundle isnt doing much but openly mentioning people names (like u mentioned) and only just started getting serious / a little defensive when minties said she didnt town read him doesnt sit with me very well, as he did the same exact tactic in papers please. Now im not saying im scum reading Minties rn but trundle certainly is the kind of player who would throw a fellow scum team mate under the bus when he is called out, so the way he just came back to minties like 'oh well yea im not scum u are' makes me think that they could possibly both be scum. (same thing happened when he tried to desperately make everyone vote me instead of him when he was set for lynch.)

now those are my thoughts right now for him, but of course my theory could easily be flawed. Thats why im scum reading trundle and null reading minties. still waiting to hear what she has to say about trundle
Y'know, I find it interesting that people are still somewhat able to influence the game via liking posts.

Ness liked two of my responses to Daniel.
Y'know, I find it interesting that people are still somewhat able to influence the game via liking posts.

Ness liked two of my responses to Daniel.

Sorry that I'm posting, but there's a rule that you aren't allowed to like posts in mafia (I think) and it's been broken quite a lot in the past few games at least. Or if there isn't a rule, please don't do it because it floods my notifications and it's just annoying.

OK, I'll go back to being dead now.
I'm so confused bc this is not how I predicted Day would end. I thought I'm gonna die again along w/ Minties, m3ow, and maybe Dolby, and some others. 4 deaths and not one red or yellow? Do we not have a Samson or were they blocked? Did they hit one of the 4 deaths instead? I'm guessing whoever has Chocolate Milk wasn't targeted/they did and save now?

I was so sure Kat is scum because she made that read on me that had a lot of misinterpretation, turns out we were just attacking each our own weak reads and letting scum slip by :(

Also my name kept being brought up for being less active, what you guys don't seem to know is that the deadline is now 1 AM my time (not 11 AM?12 PM like most games) so my replies will be slower than usual. I tried reading the game as soon as I woke up and it's tiring to do so early in the morning, which results in that read that Kat misinterpreted.

I'm gonna read the thread now but please remember response will be slower than my usual with this timezone.

TL;DR this post is not helpful at all, please give me time to do things outside the game and then read the game when I have time.
Why Trundle/BeaverMan is Third Party
A paper by Minties Mintington​

FIRST OF ALL: Trundle was already pissed that he follows his own meta to a T and is pretty obvious as scum. He mentioned that he was going to try and change it this game. However he still "scum slips" in the way he words things. He speaks very absolute and votes for easy targets without much evidence. He always claims that he's "scum hunting" and contributing when he's actually not if you take the time to dissect his posts.

Lets start from the beginning:

Hello friends. I am going to advise everyone to play calmly and collected this game. I have a feeling this game will easy sway towards the mafia team(s) and the third party team if we do not play carefully, especially if you give your items to the wrong people.

@New players - Make sure to check in to the game and make sure you post once or twice during the first day.

Questions for each player:
1. How are you doing today?
2. Would you prefer to play as town or scum in this game?
3. What will you be known for in this game?

Here are my answers:
1. I'm doing pretty good but uni has got me busy.
2. I play my best as town although I love playing as mafia if I have a good team.
3. I will hopefully be able to help us as town quickly get rid of mafia and third party.

I would assume there are approximately 8 - 10 non-town players in this game. The reason for such high numbers in a 22 player game is because the third party and mafia team(s) would half to take each other down in order to win the game. If we do not see a third party or mafia death in the first day/night cycle I believe I am wrong about my assumption of numbers, but we will see.

@Anyone who normally abstains from voting D1 - Sataric has stated he is going to be very strict on the rules. Please remember to vote. We need our numbers this game, not modkills.

General overview and trying very hard to appear super pro town. These question things tend to be highly unhelpful and the answer to number 3 sticks out to me. I feel like this entire game so far, he has basically shoved how "town" he is in our faces when questioned. Almost to the point of being desperate to prove that he's town because he's not. Now onto where he picked a response to his stupid questions:

I haven't really read much from this game so far, but this post kinda seems weird to me. I'm pretty sure Kat was reaction testing for the vote.

1. How are you doing today? I'm super tired and my throat hurts. Also school
2. Would you prefer to play as town or scum in this game? Literally anything that has some sort of action. I don't even care
3. What will you be known for in this game? Well, I'm not totally sure. Kat jumped on me right off the bat, which confuses me.

I'll post later when I have time to read and research thoroughly. Currently I just want to say I'm here and have skimmed the thread so far.

I bolded what stuck out to me. It kinda reads scummy to me, although I'm not exactly sure. I feel like there is an underlying tone of a mafia trying to keep composed even though attention has been brought to them so early in the game for literally no reason.

I also think her answer to #2 was a bit indicative. If I read it assuming she is town, it heavily implies that she isn't a townie. She would have worded it differently, I believe, if she were a townie. That hints at blue or scum. Overall, I am going to place my vote on Beardo for the time being, just to show indication that I believe this person may be scum.

He literally sussed out Beardo for their response to the third question because they stated confusion at Kat jumping their ass for nothing (Kat didn't even have a case, it was clearly a reaction test). New players WOULD be confused if someone just jumped on them for no reason? I feel like this was a completely terrible reason to actually vote and KEEP HIS VOTE on Beardo. Later on he goes to say:

I used what you said in order to defend myself because I agreed with your point. I have made posts in the game on what I believed was scum, and I still am pushing for Beardo. Although I have a few others in mind now. I've been fully caught up to the thread so far but I am not commenting on everything happening so as to not appear scummy by "regurgitating" aka agreeing with someone's points. If I die tonight I'll just let you know I sent in a kill on someone in this game, not going to say who though.

He also claimed to have sent in a kill, but then later recanted it, which most people missed. Why is that something of concern? Because he did send in a kill because he IS third party. Here is Trundle's "reads" posts where he completely neglects to mention Beardo even though he said he was still pushing a lynch on Beardo:

Just going to mention now that I was bluffing about shooting anyone for a specific reason.

- Heavily disagreed with doughssant on the following reads:

Just going to point out that doughssant was suspicious of SarasaKat and Runeraider, and had in between on Trojan and Beardo. Also townread Ayaya and Jacob.

When doughssant was called out on some of his reads being very very flimsy and contradictory of other reads, he replies:

which isn't really an argument at all. I read this as something very suspicious.

- Runeraider heavily defended Ayaya, which I don't think means all that much at this point although I would love to hear what Ayaya has to say about this.

- Runeraider was also suspicious of Call Me Daniel, and even said they thought CMD was third party and there was no way they would change their mind. Quote in following spoiler because long:

I also believe Lucanosa has been very passive this game so far. Very few posts indicating alignment to anyone or anyone's points, which is scary in a double scum team game like this one.

I'm willing to bet at LEAST 1 of these 3 (Lucanosa, Call Me Daniel, and doughssant) is scum, I personally feel like it's very possible all of them could be although some things wouldn't fully add up, such as doughssant putting Call Me Daniel and Lucanosa on their scum read list (which is quoted above). It could be bussing - or it could be third party vs mafia dispute. Hopefully we get some action results back tonight from someone who used an item that indicates something for us.

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Oh, and also I'm going to vote doughssant because I believe he is the most suspicious of the 3 I mentioned. We have a LOT to work with today and I have to go soon, so except me back later tonight with more digging. This is so exciting!!!!!

I also want to point out that he posted this on Day One:

LOL thanks for the reminder. Had a good laugh to start my morning.

@Ness: In regards to your wording, it sounds like you are not town and trying to refer to the town. I actually made this mistake in an early mafia game if I remember correctly and was lynched because of it. One reason I think that you actually are mafia at this point is because you got so defensive about it. I genuinely feel there is a strong chance of you being mafia.

Saying he felt there was a strong chance that Ness was mafia, yet he did not remove his vote on Beardo even though there was evidence on Ness and nothing on Beardo. He esentially goes on to actually AGREE with Ness' case on Daniel when it was clear at that point that Ness was trying to paint Daniel in a bad light to save his own ass:

Now that I'm caught up, I actually agree with Ness' arguments. I also have something to add about behaviour.

- When Call Me Daniel plays as town, he plays a lot less serious. You often see jokes, memes, or just more lighthearted wording of posts.
- When Call Me Daniel plays as scum, he plays more serious. He is down to the point (even if his point isn't very good), direct, and actively searching for "scum".

There have been a few games with small exceptions to this. The only issue with the whole scenario is that I am currently reading his posts as town regardless of how he is playing.

Not sure if Dolby is high right now or if he's just trying to keep town off track.

- 2 completely useless posts so far
- is usually very quiet at the start of a game regardless of alignment

Dolby do you have any thoughts yet?

Daniel is known to jump on bandwagons for little reason regardless of alignment. So I'm not really sure what to take out of it. I don't think there is enough evidence to lynch you, but if you really are town, do you have any other suggestions for lynch candidates?

Wow, we have a lot to go off of. I'm going to wait until D2 to start analyzing more thoroughly because I'm busy until then + I want to see what we can get from death information. In the meantime if you have any questions on me regarding my last post feel free to ask away.

no I am not but here is something to help you out with your ineffective drawing to conclusions

Well there are two teams. They may have thought Trojan was blue. They may have been trying to frame someone. They may have been trying to get attention off themselves.

I'm pretty sure if I was trying to not get killed I wouldn't have put out my suspicions at the time. I liked Sarasa's reaction test to Beardo and I believed (and still do) that Beardo acted pretty defensively to something so small.
I agreed with Ness' points and what he was saying because Daniel really was acting suspiciously, but as I said at the bottom of my post, I read his posts as town posts and I believe they are quite sincere. That is why I didn't vote for him regardless of the points stacked up against him. I always read Ness' arguments as quite sincere, as they very well could have been considering there are two scum teams this game. If I was on a mafia team with Ness, I am sure splitting the mafia's votes and letting a team mate be lynched so early when so little suspicion was on him would not have been a good idea even if I was bussing like I normally do as scum. I, in fact, believe my posts show why I am indeed town.
I believe some of you are forgetting something that was mentioned so early that it's very likely for either mafia team to be making good points this game because literally every player in the game is hunting someone. Ness may have legitimately been hunting third party.

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And as I mentioned about how it's very likely that scum and third party will be making completely valid points to find the other mafia team this game, I believe there is a possibility of even Minties being third party. It doesn't make any of her points less valid, of course. Confirming someone as town this game is definitely not going to be the easiest and I hope the items that exist in the game help a lot.

Before Minties lynches me, I'm just going to say I'm 99% sure she is scum. After countless games of being mafia I was very excited to be able to play as town and I don't want it ruined by Minties again by leading a D2 lynch on me. I'm just going to point out first and foremost that my behaviour in any scum game can correspond to any town game because I've played scum in so many games at this point and have played those games very differently.

Please think through what Minties throws at me. I am not scum and I have a lot to put into this game especially with the early lynch. I am going to fight to my likely death so that if I die, you guys will not have a doubt about the scum who attacked me.

I'm not 99% sure of anything, it's a figure of speech. It just means I think Minties is trying to get me out of the game.

All three of these are Trundle's response to me and they all follow Trundle's scum tell. Basically he continues to tout on how town aligned he is while doing an OMGUS on whoever is accusing him. If you read the summary of his actions, you can clearly see that he's contradictory and jumping from target to target with no reasoning. Town Trundle actually supplies reasoning and significant evidence when making cases. This is not town Trundle.

I implore all of you to vote for Trundle today. I am so completely positive that he's at least not town-aligned that I'll literally vote for my ****ing self if I'm wrong. I don't ask much from you guys, but please trust me on this one thing.
Y'know, I find it interesting that people are still somewhat able to influence the game via liking posts.

Ness liked two of my responses to Daniel.

As the host of this game, I am not at all happy with such behavior. I am not sure if I remembered to mention it was a rule-break in my opening post but it's common sense that once you are dead in a Mafia game you should no longer post or attempt to influence the outcome of the game in any way. Shameful display.
Minties your back must hurt from caring town all the time.

Just kidding, my reads are being written right now. Will probably be done in an hour or so.

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I'll be out for a while again. I'll read over minties post then when I get home so I don't get car sick.