Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

Sorry because I meant Milk, and you posted that typo before I could merge

@Panda I saw that we could possibly cancel items like before the night ended, i didnt really have time to think about what to do with it

@Jacob you didn't need long to know the best thing to do with the milk was to give it to Oath should have been your first thought when you knew you could cancel or get it back.
The Book of Belial, my starting item, disappeared after one use. I used last night so I don't have it anymore.

Hey guys. I know I look extremely sus rn as I don't have what I said I had but yeah. I think I may have accidentally killed minties last night.

why would you say it like this ? doesn't make much sense... of course your not gonna have a one time use item that you just used.

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I don't play that game.

why not ? scared ?
why would you say it like this ? doesn't make much sense... of course your not gonna have a one time use item that you just used.

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why not ? scared ?
i was trying to simplify but I guess I ended up confusing
DIE ALREADY ZIPPER I want to make a case rn but I literally can't