Day 4:
"One of you said 'Lets contact the dead!..
I mean, what could possibly go wrong?'..
'llamas is mafia. Jacob is legit. Crys/Alexi sus 3rd' a spirit said..
'Ayyy lmao ayyy lmao ayyy lmao ayyy lmao no help' was another one's song.."
Crys was turned into a badly seasoned stew. Their role is revealed to be Judas.

The description of their role is as follows:
Passive Ability: Will return as EVIL to any inspections made against him.
Starting Item: The Book of Belial.
When this item is used, anyone who visits you that same night ends up dead. Disappears after one use.
In the corner of the room, you notice a box.. It seems to be packed quite full..

The box!
Item information: What's in the box!? Curiosity killed the cat. The nametag on the side just says "Mom's stuff". Will you open it, or is it best not to know what's inside? Can be opened during either a day or a night phase, and is only usable once.
This item will be distributed to a random person within the game before the end of the hour. (Victim, Horror, or Sin)
You have 24 hours to decide whom to lynch. Voting is done in this thread here: VOTING THREAD CLICKABLE! - Please give me up to 1 hour to send out all the PMs and fix the timers, etc. Cheers!