[14:55] <+Trundle> Considering you want to lynch someone with the evidence of a Day 1 lynch
[14:56] <+Tom29193> Just like your evidence on me is iffy. And what else do we have to go on? Half the people posting are contributing a damn thing, we might as well have had Hikari play the entire game
[14:56] <+Trundle> Your death will help us if you're town, and help us even more if you're mafia.
[14:57] <+Trundle> In my situation last game, I was willling to die to help the town because I wasn't proven and I was looking quite salty
[14:57] <+Tom29193> What kind of logic is that? A dead policeman is a good policeman?
[14:57] <+Trundle> We have no evidence that you're policeman at all, really
[14:57] <+Tom29193> Your fault for not having me checked then
[14:57] <+Trundle> You inspected Prin, who didn't get a PM about you inspecting her
[14:58] <+Trundle> And then Superpenguin, who Blu wanted to lynch anyways
[14:58] <+Trundle> A very easy to go to inspection to pass off as a DT
[14:58] <+Trundle> If you really wanted to help out, you could have inspected someone who was actually suspicious
[14:58] <+Tom29193> If I remember correctly, you were very suspicious of SP up until he died too
[14:59] <+Trundle> Such as Champ, who was the only other person who knew various roles other than you
[14:59] <+Tom29193> You didn't object when I said I was going to inspect Superpenguin
[14:59] <+Trundle> I was suspicious of SP for a little while at the beginning of the Day but my post was a motivator for him to start posting
[15:00] <+Trundle> You're the only one who knew these roles, and Champ came back town aligned (inspection showed up red, but the DT is insane)
[15:00] <+Tom29193> So you point fingers at him but once he dies you're suddenly buddy/buddy again?
[15:00] <+Trundle> I wasn't suspicious of him shortly after I posted (like seriously 5 minutes) because Prin found out Blu was scum through her Priest abilities
[15:01] <+Trundle> And then Blu tried to jump on my SP case
[15:01] <+Trundle> That was in the Day, and I was working with him all Night
[15:01] <+Tom29193> Of course blu jumped on the SP case and you wanted me to as well. But because Prin had better evidence I went on Rose
[15:02] <+Trundle> Of course you're going to say that hahaha
[15:02] <+Trundle> Your vote for Prin holds no factor in this game
[15:03] <+Tom29193> Just like you claim Prin told you everything holds no factor either. Can't prove it other wise because Prin is dead, revealing any information after death is ban worthy
[15:04] <+Trundle> Prin had no reason to not trust me considering I was proven and Kayla was proven at that point
[15:04] <+Trundle> Sure, she could have withheld, but why would she deny contacting you if she knew you were a DT and only bring up Blu?
[15:05] <+Tom29193> Probably because we never contacted each other. We both knew what each other was, no reason to say anything
[15:05] <+Trundle> Prin is a smart player and would definitely want to get in contact with you if she knew you were a Detective to share her thoughts on who to inspect.
[15:06] <+Tom29193> You guys were singing a different tune Mafia V.
[15:07] <+Trundle> I never said I had the same playstyle in every game. All I know is that you are the most suspicious player, so I'm going to lynch you. After that, I have to read your posts depending what you flip
[15:07] <+Tom29193> Whatever Trundle, it's clear I ain't going to change your tune. Might as well get the mafia to bandwagon me on out bud
[15:07] <+Trundle> Then, I take out the most suspicious players from there
[15:07] <+Trundle> You should!
[15:07] <+Tom29193> I wouldn't know who they are
[15:07] <+Trundle> Saying that won't help you any

[15:08] <+Tom29193> Won't help you either
[15:08] <+Trundle> Honestly I should have just made sure you were shot last night. If we did, it would have been similar to when oath died in Mafia V
[15:08] <+Trundle> He would've went down without a fight.
[15:09] <+Tom29193> You guys can -m now