Everyone please look at this quote.[15:00] <+Trundle> You're the only one who knew these roles, and Champ came back town aligned (inspection showed up red, but the DT is insane)
Everyone please look at this quote.[15:00] <+Trundle> You're the only one who knew these roles, and Champ came back town aligned (inspection showed up red, but the DT is insane)
Everyone please look at this quote.
Actually there is one thing I want to ask before you guys kill me off:
How do you know the DT is insane? Did you have them inspect one of you confirmed?
I was joking I'm doing it for real now.Why are you voting for yourself Champ?
Personally I'm beginning to regret voting for Tom
I feel like FireNinja1 really needs to be addressed
Everyone please look at this quote.
Well, if Tom is blue we know who to lynch next :c
Oh, that was a lie, actually.
Trundle confirmed blue though.
So you did not inspect me? Or you did not get the results back?
- - - Post Merge - - -
Superpenguin, that was the god of goodbye posts.
STRAWBERRY MILK! STRAWBERRY MILK! KAWAII-DESU! WOO WOO WOO! I just died. I was gonna do a rainbow post because rainbow posts are awesome, but then I figured out that would be hell to keep going back to change colours, so then Gallows, being the nice guy he is, suggested a site to me to use to make a rainbow post. He didn't know I wa sactually making a quality Good-Bye post, though, so when all said and done, my post was 14000 characters over th elimit, so when I tried to fix it, it only messed up. Hahahahahhaha, I am such a fail, maybe that's why I was killed? Anyway, that's why this post is just in a nice pinky-colour instead of rainbow.
Oh, and by the way, I know I didn't die cause I was a fial. I already know how I died and why, and let me tell you, I am pissed. Okay. Now if I rant aobut it anymore, I am just going to cause tears and pain and suffering and agony and I don't want to do that. Well, I actually do, cause like I said I am pissed, but if I do actually do that, I'll get banned from future games, so I won't. Just know, I know who you are, and I am mad at you. MHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM!
The hosts amy want to read through this entire post, cause I can't guarantee my fingers won't slip anything. I know my fingers are attached to my body and everything. Afterall, I was killed by my neck or something. Like seriously? That was brutal. I mean, don't do that, that is gross, and the person who did that, ew that just gives me shudders. Their hands probably weren't even clean, and omg that's just so annoying, I should shove a tuna in them.
I can't wait to go into Obs Chat, and get to talk to Tina and Tsundere, the two doctors, because these two are amazing people! They are the best, and if they are ever mafia, and I am town, I will be rooting for you just because you two are so amazingly awesome. Keep being you. Whoever the scum is, stop trying to hide, Town will find you. But if scum deceived me, I am rooting for you, cause you guys are awesome too! Woo, now go lynch scum and tell thme all to shove a tuna in it. I'll yell at thme in Obs chat when they get there.
Remember to have fun ya'll. Only a few of you were willing to loosen up in the First Day. Look wher eit got me? Dead. But there is no greater satisfaction then knowing that people want you dead. Like I feel so satisfied right now knowing that people wanted me dead in this game. Like I wa splaying foolishly in the beginning, obviously, I don't care, I considered this game a fun game to me. I got serious, and I got killed, so YOLO! Have fun you guys, cause when you get serious, you ge tkilled. :'(
^ This doesn't mean anything. It was just posted for Ashtot, cause I know he likes the movie or at least saw it or at least heard of it. #TeamTots <3 ^
And omg, you guys are already going ahead with a lynch without giving me more than like 5 seconds of acknowledgment. I died for you all, and you just ignore my death. I is so sad. Nah, I don't really mind as long as you strike mafia. But if you don't strike mafia, ooooooh, I won't be mad, cause I still have faith Town will kill all those filthy scum, filthy filthy scum. Ew, such filth, much scum.
~*~ OBS CHAT ME! ~*~
Where are the hosts? Shouldn't they have posted by now?
Truth in its finest form.