Mafia TBT Mafia VI: Faithful June [Game Over/Town Win]


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The insane DT made a mistake.
Role checked beary first day and got TOWN BACK. Not scum.
It makes sense too because there's 2 DTs, and for both of them to be insane would be unreasonable

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The insane DT made a mistake.
Role checked beary first day and got TOWN BACK. Not scum.
It makes sense too because there's 2 DTs, and for both of them to be insane would be unreasonable

Wait, I'm not comprehending something: How does the detective not being insane change that FireNinja is suspicious looking? The godfather is still in the game, so if the detective inspected him, and he happens to be the godfather, he would return town aligned. .-.
We already have six votes for FN1. We're no going to be able to change everyone's votes. Just vote for FN1.
Hello scum bums and fellow towns I am alive (lol mafia y u do dis) anyways since the dt is sane that means champ is town right? So its fn or dolby.

But I think fn may be just uninterested townie. Like karen said he isn't afraid of mod kill, he's only voted once though which I think is kinda weird but yeah, anyways fn don't be a bum and if you're a town at least help out, don't sign up to do nothing if you don't want to do anything. :/

I think dolby may be scum, he's barely posted anything of help and his only vote was a vote to himself for a place holder..

lol does this make sense to anyone D:

But are we just voting for fn since he has the most votes then? .-.
Oath, I don't know if you know the DT. But if you do please clarify with it.

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Okay time to start.

There's Dolby and Champ2947.

I will post some reasons below:

-has not contributed , yet kept voting each day to avoid mod kill
-first thing he posted was concerning godfather role

-insane DT checked & got town = mafia

Sorry I can't do any quotes or stuff cuz I'm on my iPhone. We need to lynch one of these two today.
There is a chance that Tom framed one of them , but IMO these are good candidates for lynching.

Okay, but I asked a question about KP iirc and guess what? I'm still not scum. I could see voting for Dolby, but do you think we could really get all the people to switch votes?
I cannot 100% guarantee Dolby is mafia, but there's good evidence against him.
I will probably be lynched tonight anyway.

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I'm a bit curious on why you are aiming to have me lynched instead of Kuma, from what I've seen, Kuma is equally inactive and she hasn't contributed much unless I missed something

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The insane DT made a mistake.
Role checked beary first day and got TOWN BACK. Not scum.
It makes sense too because there's 2 DTs, and for both of them to be insane would be unreasonable

I'm sorry but how do you get to this, it doesn't make sense to me, it's like you're trying to manipulate the town. Was beary framed and you just realized it? Or was it something different?

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The insane DT made a mistake.
Role checked beary first day and got TOWN BACK. Not scum.
It makes sense too because there's 2 DTs, and for both of them to be insane would be unreasonable

I'm sorry but how do you get to this, it doesn't make sense to me, it's like you're trying to manipulate the town. Was beary framed and you just realized it? Or was it something different?
The DT I was talking to just told me everything she/he did.
Inspected beary and got TOWN back like a normal DT is supposed to.
It makes sense because having TWO INSANE DTs in a game is unlikely.
So I believe our remaining DT is normal.

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Kuma is also suspicious too btw.
The DT I was talking to just told me everything she/he did.
Inspected beary and got TOWN back like a normal DT is supposed to.
It makes sense because having TWO INSANE DTs in a game is unlikely.
So I believe our remaining DT is normal.
I'm confused, I'm pretty sure that Trundle said earlier in the thread that beary returned as scum to a still alive detective, are you in contact with a different one, f you are then I'm pretty sure that one of them is lying