Mafia TBT Mafia VI: Faithful June [Game Over/Town Win]

We had it in the bag until LOOSE LIPS SUNK THE SHIP.

Well then.
I never knew that A JOKE WHICH WAS ALSO TAKEN AS A JOKE DESPITE IT BEING TRUE could count as loose lips.

@Justin: Meh, I was really tired when I said the joke, and so I didn't remember that Kuma was actually Mafia until Lunatic PM'ed me about it...
Well then.
I never knew that A JOKE WHICH WAS ALSO TAKEN AS A JOKE DESPITE IT BEING TRUE could count as loose lips.

@Justin: Meh, I was really tired when I said the joke, and so I didn't remember that Kuma was actually Mafia until Lunatic PM'ed me about it...

It was taken as a joke, lel
We all went after Champ because of it :rolleyes:

They shouldn't of, Kuma and Ashtot did really good. Props to you two. This is why people should keep their mouth shut sometimes.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Seriously, mafia deserved to win.

They shouldn't of, Kuma and Ashtot did really good. Props to you two. This is why people should keep their mouth shut sometimes.

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Seriously, mafia deserved to win.

Stop beating up Blu Rose....


They shouldn't of, Kuma and Ashtot did really good. Props to you two. This is why people should keep their mouth shut sometimes.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Seriously, mafia deserved to win.

After how stupid you were in the game, they did deserve to win. :rolleyes:

But anyways, everyone needs to stop blaming Blu Rose for mafia losing. HE HAD NO IMPACT ON OUR KILLS. If anything, town getting the extra vig shot is what turned the game around. Before Blu Rose EVER mentioned Kuma being mafia, she as well as Ashtot were already suspicious looking to me, and I'm pretty sure Farobi didn't even know about this Blu Rose stuff when we PM'd each-other to kill Ashtot and lynch Kuma.
The whole medium player strong player thing is a meta that some of us joke around with. It's usually used to guess who is likely to be killed night one/night two.