Mafia TBT Mafia VI: Faithful June [Game Over/Town Win]

Lurker: "Omg we won town we did it!"
... Uhhh did you even contribute? Because I don't think you deserve it
Joke Low/Lurker peeps congratz anywayzz lel
-Noob Mafia player :rolleyes:
Lurker: "Omg we won town we did it!"
... Uhhh did you even contribute? Because I don't think you deserve it
Joke Low/Lurker peeps congratz anywayzz lel
-Noob Mafia player :rolleyes:
I basically led Town during the last days, when we lynched Champ and Kuma. Farobi suggested Kuma, and Lunatic suggested Champ, but I got lurkers to vote for them so we could win.
I basically led Town during the last days, when we lynched Champ and Kuma. Farobi suggested Kuma, and Lunatic suggested Champ, but I got lurkers to vote for them so we could win.

Farobi told me about this and fw the pm (because I'm curious).
Farobi pmed lunatic said:
Only Kuma replied, and she said she isn't a Veteran. She roleclaimed Townie. That's quite odd, as there are only two Mafia players and a Veteran left unconfirmed in the list. I am 100% certain she isn't a Townie by using the process of elimination. She may find me suspicious and simply not reveal her role if she is indeed the Veteran, but I'd like you to consider her for your night kill.

Nice nice good choice.
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I basically led Town during the last days, when we lynched Champ and Kuma. Farobi suggested Kuma, and Lunatic suggested Champ, but I got lurkers to vote for them so we could win.

Good job mate!

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There werent even anymore Vets so we got lucky there.

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Which PM? There were a lot.
Tbh I put more effort in the PM exchanges between Lunatic and I compared to what I did in this thread xD
Speaking of Chatzy, I was Mafia there. Ily all <3

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Blu Rose and the mods know what I'm talking about :x