Mafia TBT Mafia VIII: Dark Lord Ascending [Game Over/Town Win]

Snape killed Albus Dumbledore in the books.


Oath gonna die for spoiling it all.
Oh wait the movie was in 2009. The book was in 2005.

I'd appreciate if you bandwagoners actually posted your opinions in the thread.
Waffles, please learn to read the thread and actually play the game.

I have nothing much to say, I don't want to vote DNM because of scummy looking and 2 scums defending her plus I find it stupid if they defend or help DNM, they are just planning to put DNM in danger so we should lynch her.
If anyone is wondering why I withdrew my vote for DarkNightMoon, it's because I don't think she is scum from PM interrogation. I'm not saying Trundle is scum, but his case and all the things Kayla / Beary said seemed TOO perfect and such a big coincidence. Mafia would be more careful than that. Plus, to willingly let Kayla sacrifice herself to get Truffle modkilled, means that the remaining mafia players must be strong or well concealed. DarkNightMoon is sticking out like a sore thumb right now, and is definitely still learning the ropes of how-to-help-town.

tl;dr explanation: This would be the stupidest mafia team ever if DarkNightMoon were scum. How much more obvious could they be?

I see that DNM is trying to contribute. I can sense that she is an important player so it's kinda risky to lynch her in my opinion

I have noticed that Cory is acting like a jerk? If you have anything to say then speak up rather than whining and say "please lynch or kill me"
Holy jesus guys, let's get a ****ing brake on this bandwagon train. Superpenguin (and Tina's original post attacking him, but no followup yet) has been the only one willing to actually debate with BlueLeaf to allow him a chance to defend himself. The rest of the votes have been wagon votes as far as I can tell. The lynch so far feels very scummy with nobody actually debating it and putting up any resistance, just votes piling on. It feels a lot like Waffle's lynch in Cell Mafia.

Room for one more on this wagon?

##VOTE: BlueLeaf

##Vote: BlueLeaf
Still waiting for his defense; may change later.

##VOTE: Blueleaf

##VOTE: BlueLeaf

##Vote: BlueLeaf
(For now)

##Vote: BlueLeaf

To draw another parallel to Cell Maifa, BlueLeaf's behavior right now feels like me in the Cell Mafia when I was Townie getting falsely lynched by Superpenguin and co. His posts remain collected and reasonable, unlike many scum when their ship starts to sink, while still showing an annoyance towarding getting lynched by bandwagoners and such. I feel that he is innocent based on this general reaction to getting voted, plus my thoughts in the first paragraph.

And seriously Cory, we're all tired of your **** in Mafia. Your posts today with BlueLeaf have been 100% useless. If BlueLeafturns out town, I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you.
Justin: My time is running out because of school tomorrow, so unfortunately, I might not be able to stop Town from lynching me. I'll try and pull off a list of people you guys need to keep an eye on in the morning.

I apologize for having a life and education. :)
I don't know what the heck you're all thinking by voting BlueLeaf with so much time left, at last look at the facts and make an actual intelligent decisions instead of just bandwagoning. We have plenty of time left so just be patient, there's no reasons to be hasty.
Justin, that's pretty much the main reason I've been not wanting to vote. I've been reading and I want to bring someone to attention.


Jeremy has been inactive this game. Kind of similar to him lurking in the shadows in AC Mafia. Now, I have a few things on Jeremy as to why I'm starting to think that he's scum.

I'm not too concerned about it. It was worth killing scum over.

Truffle said he had 4 out of 6 mafia players figured out. We got two, and we don't even know if they were the ones on Truffles' list. I think Kayla was one, but I don't know for sure. You seem very nonchalant about losing the most trusted player in the game. I find that odd. We have one player in the game who we can trust for sure, and you think losing two scum is worth losing the most valuable player? Seems a little odd to me.

There's no way Kayla would know that Truffle would unintentionally break the rules from that.

How do you know? Kayla's a pretty smart player, I feel like she'd know Truffle would be excited and post that screenshot. Seems to me like you know what Kayla was planning.

Why would you be offended that Karla put you both on the same team? Lol

How do you know if Dolby and I are on the same team or not? I don't know what side he's on. But you seem to know that Dolby and I are on the same side.

And finally, a little nail in the coffin. If you look at Jeremy's visitor messages, you will see the following. (link here)
iLoveYou said:


I find this odd. Why is Kayla concerned about Jeremy voting yesterday? Notice that she did not, however, post this on the other players VM wall that were warned that they had to vote.

That's a little odd, don't you guys think? Jeremy, why did Kayla remind you to vote? Why was she concerned about, you, and not of any of the other players, getting modkilled?

##VOTE: Jeremy
I kinda wanted to get DNM - as the blueleaf evidence did not seem to convince me at all, but I can accept this case against jer from what oath said, also jumping on the bandwagon so eagerly~
I kinda wanted to get DNM - as the blueleaf evidence did not seem to convince me at all, but I can accept this case against jer from what oath said, also jumping on the bandwagon so eagerly~


Yeah, he was pretty eager to jump from DNM to BL.
Let's think for a second!

So I've been slightly busy with a job interview (got the job!!) and playing GW2 with Justin, but I'll make the effort to be more involved in this game. Okay so this is going to be completely ninja'd by Oath's post, but I just really wanted to bring up a player considering we have so much time left.


You Muggles.

Isn't it pituitary voting?

Tom, you're just voting for me because you hate me. No ones gonna join the vote with you. You have no evidence on me. Stop with the charade.

Ok I am spamming because I am a bored townie. I will try to stop but to be honest I am not as interested in this game than I was in others.

1. That post was not useless it answered your question.
2. Look who's talking you have just been posting obvious **** the whole game.
3. You still have a grudge on me for spamming your game so you would like to lynch me.

These are a small sampling of Cory's posts so far in this game. All he really has done is spew out the obvious e.g. telling us when vigs can shoot, saying that no one is confirmed and goofing off. He has been able to keep relatively under the radar because we were all distracted by Kit spamming up the thread (Also note how Kit's style has changed rapidly). What really struck me as odd was how defensive he got towards Blueleaf immediately, it looked like he was trying to shove any discussion on him back onto Blueleaf so we bandwagon killed them.

I mean the bored townie excuse is done to death, so it makes me incredibly suspicious of Cory because he claims bored townie often. Saying "okay lynch me" after claiming townie is not a sure-fire way to just nullify any suspicions on you. He has been mafia a lot, so I took a sampling of his posts from both MMV and Mafia VII where he was both scum. He always blames people wanting to lynch him being based around previous game or IRC grudges, that is his go-to cop out for avoiding a lynch. A lot of the time that Cory is scum, he gets this undeserved air of confidence (see Cell Mafia where he said he carried mafia to a win when it would have been a loss without the first two cells). He comes off so high and mighty, telling people they're useless while at the same time waffling around with his vote saying he wants to hear from "more people" (while still posting one liners). To me, Cory hasn't altered his behavior at all from previous games where he was scum. I think it's worth not letting him slip by again by dismissing him for being an idiot.
I am not even going to comment of that last sentence, I have too many quotes to write here proving that you are pointless.

In my opinion, I'd vote for Beary. She is not a big help for town and some of her posts are pointless.

Your response to Trundle was really defensive. He was just mentioning your name, calm down. I'm voting for you because of that.

Wow sneaky Nick.

I am going to withdraw my vote because I am uncertain on who to lynch now. I want to hear from other people.

I want to hear an updated one from Oath also because he posted before Nick revealed the evidence on you.
"Useful" Really? You had only 1 quality post.

More useless posts coming our way...

That is idiotic. We need every chance we get to hit scum.

I agree with you lunatic. Wow we agree for once! Let's all hold hands and skip around the flower fields.

Tom wanted to lynch me even before the game started.
I think this case on Cory is good as well, but I'm holding my vote on Jeremy for today. We can look into Cory tomorrow.

To add onto that:

Cory: Then get your "cop" to inspect me
Cory: It will show I'm town
Karen: Are you implying that you are godfather
Karen: Plus, I'm not in contact with a cop.
Cory: No
Cory: Godfathers are always good players
Cory: always always always
Karen: Kit in Prin's mafia
Karen: was godfather
Cory: but that was prin. she didn't know how to host a game
Karen: doesn't mean it's impossible
Cory: It is unlikely
Cory: and not true
Cory: None of the influential people trust you anyway
Karen: I know
Karen: but they don't trust you either
Cory: Actually super penguin trusts me
Karen: Good for you
Karen: I'll be waiting in Happy Penguin Fun Time!
Cory: Go make a case against me. See how it turns out
Karen: When did I say I was going to make a case?
Karen: or put you up for lynching
Cory: It's implied
Karen: guilty vibes
Cory: No

Which seems really scummy to me. However, I think the evidence against Jeremy is stronger because it involves a deceased Mafia player, so I will be keeping my vote on him today.