Hey everyone! So yeah, I am Harry Potter! I think I proved myself in Mafia VII, and I hope that town can continue its winning streak in this game. As I am confirmed 100% town, please understand that I can be trusted in this game! Please PM me if you ever need help and/or feel like you are in danger. Together we can and will work something out and figure out the best course of action. While I do have two night lives, I'm going to assume the worst - that I will be targeted very quickly. I'm not asking for the doctors and Dobby the Free Elfs protection every night, but I do think we should work something out.
This first lynch is going to determine how this game will be for town. I cannot stress enough the importance of lynching a mafia member day one. Mafia could potentially kill four town aligned members night one. We must lower this to only three. Currently I am trying to work out a plan for how we can perform a successful lynch.
My current proposition is this: I would like everyone to PM me and roleclaim. I will not be sharing these roles with anyone. However, for this to work I would like to have your specific role name. Please don't PM me and vaguely say "plz trust me im srsly a doctor its ok ill keep u safe". If we have contradicting roles, we'll have some clues as to who mafia are. Especially if the actual role dies. Please do not role claim as a vanilla townie if you aren't one. This defeats the purpose, and won't be useful. I'm expecting about 10-15 to claim regular townie, and this should narrow things down quite a bit. This plan will probably change quite a bit, but it's the best thing I can think of. Please let me know of any concerns or suggestions as well!
To Rita Skeeter - Please PM me as well saying who you are. I'd like for you to join and work with town. I would love for you to win the game as well, and town doesn't want to waste a lynch on you anyways.