Mafia TBT Mafia VIII: Dark Lord Ascending [Game Over/Town Win]

My current proposition is this: I would like everyone to PM me and roleclaim. I will not be sharing these roles with anyone.

Ashtot brought up a good point in the IRC:

[18:17] <AshtotPC> the only reason not to rc to truffle would be if shes working with mafia by accident

I know you said that you won't be sharing roles with any of the players, but that's what happened in MafiaVII with the Doctors. They ended up working with mafia and were completely misled, no role slips necessary. So I'm just wondering what precautions you'll be taking to avoid accidentally working extensively with mafia players?
3) Cory
He has also improved but he now also knows what makes him "scummy" and will take steps to avoid that. Ref: cell mafia..

I have not been town since mafia VI, which was 2 games ago for me. I am a totally different player now, what made me look like town back then does not make me look like town now.
Ashtot brought up a good point in the IRC:

[18:17] <AshtotPC> the only reason not to rc to truffle would be if shes working with mafia by accident

I know you said that you won't be sharing roles with any of the players, but that's what happened in MafiaVII with the Doctors. They ended up working with mafia and were completely misled, no role slips necessary. So I'm just wondering what precautions you'll be taking to avoid accidentally working extensively with mafia players?
This too. We know truffles is town, but things can spread and we don't want roles leaked to a mafia player, or having townies being lynched/suspected because mafia may lie as being a townie
2) iLoveYou
She's been town in so many games and I have a feeling she might be mafia in this one. Yes stupid reason but unless she's somehow 100% proven I am going to keep an eye on her.

That's reasonable. I roleclaimed to Truffles though, so hopefully he can sort out the roles & help us find more innocents to trust.

You can be 100% trusted, but are you sure you won't share this info with anyone? And if everyone did this, scum obviously would fake.. I see a few huge problems with this.

The point is though, that everyone needs to roleclaim a specific name. The moment there are doubles, it'll lead to Mafia easily. If there's a huge amount of Townie roleclaims, then just target that group first.
Alrighty, so we have suspects, but they are loose with no evidence, so of course we have to wait. But yes, I doubt we should we should just lynch someone because if they were a town or a scum other games, that makes no sense. Doesn't mean they are still scum or town in this game though.
You can be 100% trusted, but are you sure you won't share this info with anyone? And if everyone did this, scum obviously would fake.. I see a few huge problems with this.

I can't afford to share any of the info. If a mafia member got a list of all the blues handed to them it would be a disaster, haha. I will be taking PMs received with a grain of salt and be careful, but this seems to be the best course of action as of right now. The problems will have to be worked out, but we'll fix problems as they come along.
That's reasonable. I roleclaimed to Truffles though, so hopefully he can sort out the roles & help us find more innocents to trust.

The point is though, that everyone needs to roleclaim a specific name. The moment there are doubles, it'll lead to Mafia easily. If there's a huge amount of Townie roleclaims, then just target that group first.
EXACTLY. Townie roleclaims can lead to actual townies dying because NO ONE will know who's lying!!!
Hey everyone! So yeah, I am Harry Potter! I think I proved myself in Mafia VII, and I hope that town can continue its winning streak in this game. As I am confirmed 100% town, please understand that I can be trusted in this game! Please PM me if you ever need help and/or feel like you are in danger. Together we can and will work something out and figure out the best course of action. While I do have two night lives, I'm going to assume the worst - that I will be targeted very quickly. I'm not asking for the doctors and Dobby the Free Elfs protection every night, but I do think we should work something out.

This first lynch is going to determine how this game will be for town. I cannot stress enough the importance of lynching a mafia member day one. Mafia could potentially kill four town aligned members night one. We must lower this to only three. Currently I am trying to work out a plan for how we can perform a successful lynch.

My current proposition is this: I would like everyone to PM me and roleclaim. I will not be sharing these roles with anyone. However, for this to work I would like to have your specific role name. Please don't PM me and vaguely say "plz trust me im srsly a doctor its ok ill keep u safe". If we have contradicting roles, we'll have some clues as to who mafia are. Especially if the actual role dies. Please do not role claim as a vanilla townie if you aren't one. This defeats the purpose, and won't be useful. I'm expecting about 10-15 to claim regular townie, and this should narrow things down quite a bit. This plan will probably change quite a bit, but it's the best thing I can think of. Please let me know of any concerns or suggestions as well!

To Rita Skeeter - Please PM me as well saying who you are. I'd like for you to join and work with town. I would love for you to win the game as well, and town doesn't want to waste a lynch on you anyways.

I would like to point out the fact that everyone should roleclaim. In no way will it hurt town, and regardless of the flaws, It will be beneficial to town in a great way. Regardless of what the mafia claim as, we will have at least some clue to who could possibly be lying. Even if all the mafia roleclaim as townies (which I doubt they would do) we would still realize that there are too many townies and/or that everyone on the list has roleclaimed as town, which will help us a gread deal when trying to figure out lynch candidates. :lemon:
I can't afford to share any of the info. If a mafia member got a list of all the blues handed to them it would be a disaster, haha. I will be taking PMs received with a grain of salt and be careful, but this seems to be the best course of action as of right now. The problems will have to be worked out, but we'll fix problems as they come along.


- - - Post Merge - - -

I'll be role claming to truffles now
EXACTLY. Townie roleclaims can lead to actual townies dying because NO ONE will know who's lying!!!

We obviously won't blindly snipe every townie off the list until we find mafia, that would be counter productive.
If at least one person has all of our roles, then consistency from this point out is key. We'll be in better shape since he's pretty good at keeping up with people. Working with whoever managed to snag a cop role, we'll probably be okay.
Wondering how mafia is going to role claim. Since there's a list of roles, we should have counter claims and we can place our suspicions from there.
Like other people have stated it won't hurt to role claim to truffle unless he decides to work with mafia (which he won't, I hope) ~
We obviously won't blindly snipe every townie off the list until we find mafia, that would be counter productive.

I was just responding to what the other person was saying, that townies would be targeted first.
Unless mafia roleclaims as blue..which would be even worse.
Please answer my question~ ;)
Well, each one has it's flaws, but I was thinking that if it HP was a player who usually got lynched early, they would not waste the lynch and have a better chance at winning.
Lynn105, ACNL noodle, ITookYourWaffles, and BellBringerGreen, please participate this game. Thank you! :)

I know, I will this game =P

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I really like Truffle's plan. I am a bit skeptical about roleclaiming so early, but it seems it will prove to find many contradictions:

A) A scum probably will claim Town, and everyone will end up claiming Town
B) A scum may not even claim anything, so they're hiding something.

Both could end up finding a liar or scum so I'm all up for trusting Truffle.
Everyone should roleclaim. That way it'll be a lot easier to narrow it down and find the Mafia. Even if scum roleclaim as town it should be easy to detect the liars.
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