Mafia TBT Mafia XIII: XCOM: Enemy Within (End Game - Town Wins!)

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How? The statistics are no better than the first day. However, the risks are exponentially worse...

There can't be many townies left to begin with...

we've only killed 1 confirmed scum (although along with everyone else I'm 100% certain Aerious was exalt)

Do you really want think that the suggesting the Central to use their action is anyway beneficial to town?
well i just meant it might be if we get the 25% chance to kill a member of EXALT. Or the one about the sanitisation of Aerious but idk if that'd be a massive help
I gotta get ready to go buy some furniture in a few but when I come back I have a lot to say. So please don't rushvote to a majority in that time. :|

That's a legitimate concern in this game.
Listen, it was just a random thing, OK.
The thing I'm worried about Nikki here is the fact that she may be the sanitizer. I would rather lynch an Alien, first of all, but IMO anything that's not on town's side is a threat.
But you are right, she is confirmed cult. It seems Okasan is being talked about the most, right?
I gotta get ready to go buy some furniture in a few but when I come back I have a lot to say. So please don't rushvote to a majority in that time. :|

That's a legitimate concern in this game.

Couldnt say it before nooo gotta make us wait
I like how the confirmed EXALT doesn't want to mass claim. Sure its a lame way to win, but seeing as we are dangerously close to losing it won't hurt.

Speaking of hurt: No lynch hurts us all my interrogations are just off site PMs with the Host being able to monitor them. If anything I would just jump straight to ##Vote: Kill if we did. And sending rookies hurts us as there's a 50% chance we lose them to EXALT or death. I would not send in more right this moment.

Honestly I have no idea how proceed from here. Save Nikki for tomorrow, but there's so many sus names; Beary, Murray, OK as an, and Moron. I would appreciate talking with the watcher briefly, I don't bite and I expect to die tonight.
from what i am reading. it seems more beneficial to us if we kill aliens over exalt. exalt can only kill on even days, now that they used their rocket, so we should lynch someone who we suppose is exalt on even days. Right now we want to get rid of the alien KP so we dont have another repeat of last night. Okasan seems the most like scum to me. He visited 8Floor during the night and now he's dead. So i am voting for Okasan.
But i believe Nikki should be lynched tomorrow. Because the only exalt KP left is there sniper who can only shoot on even days. And she might be their sniper and we dont want another townie dying.
I like how the confirmed EXALT doesn't want to mass claim. Sure its a lame way to win, but seeing as we are dangerously close to losing it won't hurt.

Speaking of hurt: No lynch hurts us all my interrogations are just off site PMs with the Host being able to monitor them. If anything I would just jump straight to ##Vote: Kill if we did. And sending rookies hurts us as there's a 50% chance we lose them to EXALT or death. I would not send in more right this moment.

Honestly I have no idea how proceed from here. Save Nikki for tomorrow, but there's so many sus names; Beary, Murray, OK as an, and Moron. I would appreciate talking with the watcher briefly, I don't bite and I expect to die tonight.

You're definitely right, I didn't realize that you had already claimed Jailer.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I still am standing firmly behind the fact that I did not visit 8floor, as I cannot make night visits at all.

This is a great big bandwagon. Beware of dysentery....
guess what, **** this :')

this game has been giant pile of bull****. Half of you should've been modkilled for goddamn spamming and you know it. I literally can't believe that moderates had to come into this game multiple times to tell people to quit spamming and there were absolutely no consequences from Feloreena. at all. that's just stupid.

I don't keep grudges from mafia, but I'll be goddamned if I don't sit out for a few games.

by the way
this me:

I was literally useless anyway because the people I implanted were killed off anyway...
I'm being completely honest, I didn't even target 8floor. I did not implant him.
so go ahead and change your votes for majority. only need 1 or 2 more votes.

Not even mad about the Sataric vs me situation because obv ya mama was lying like no ****, so no hard feelings. I'm just mad at the lack of post quality of this game and the list of people who haven't been present unless their name has come up.
that has nothing to do with scum v town, that has to do with the overall quality of this full game overall.
guess what, **** this :')

this game has been giant pile of bull****. Half of you should've been modkilled for goddamn spamming and you know it. I literally can't believe that moderates had to come into this game multiple times to tell people to quit spamming and there were absolutely no consequences from Feloreena. at all. that's just stupid.

I don't keep grudges from mafia, but I'll be goddamned if I don't sit out for a few games.

by the way
this me:

I was literally useless anyway because the people I implanted were killed off anyway...
I'm being completely honest, I didn't even target 8floor. I did not implant him.
so go ahead and change your votes for majority. only need 1 or 2 more votes.

Not even mad about the Sataric vs me situation because obv ya mama was lying like no ****, so no hard feelings. I'm just mad at the lack of post quality of this game and the list of people who haven't been present unless their name has come up.
that has nothing to do with scum v town, that has to do with the overall quality of this full game overall.

Called it! :lemon:

But please do cheer up. Too much salt. You played well, though it was pretty transparent when you PMed me and started talking about the Chryssalid and your little plans for how to find the Aliens that you were trying to figure out if I was on the scum team or not. The people I've been in contact with agreed to this, so we decided to check you at night, and since you visited 8floor last night we knew your Rookie claim had to be false. Since 8floor ended up dead however, I was no longer sure you'd be the Chryssalid or just a regular Alien. I cannot help but wonder if you ever found the other Aliens, and that's why the votes are coming in so slowly? Hmm.. In any case I very much agree that the inactivity is a serious problem. I think that hosts should be more strict about who's actually allowed to join. Smaller games but with higher activity would perhaps be more amusing to everyone involved.
So wait, if Okasan didn't implant 8floor but the watcher definitely saw Okasan do something then what the hell happened?
So wait, if Okasan didn't implant 8floor but the watcher definitely saw Okasan do something then what the hell happened?

Of course he did. He's just saying that so we start mistrusting the Watcher. He's trying to spread doubts all around him before the lynch reaches majority. You should know better, Tom.. :p
I don't have contact with the alien team... I couldve been mind controlled because I definitely didn't implant 8floor.

- - - Post Merge - - -

also leaving the thread as though I am already dead so bye
I don't have contact with the alien team... I couldve been mind controlled because I definitely didn't implant 8floor.

- - - Post Merge - - -

also leaving the thread as though I am already dead so bye

You say you "could" have been mind-controlled, but the OP says you "will" know.
That explains why the scum team didnt rush to lynch. They probs didnt know

I am far from convinced. I think they knew or at least suspected it. And furthermore, it feels like the Aliens and EXALT are still not trying too hard to eliminate each other, which I think is a bit of a mistake. Especially on EXALT's part since they don't have as much killing potential and will end up losing to the Aliens in the end if they stay on that path.
Of course he did. He's just saying that so we start mistrusting the Watcher. He's trying to spread doubts all around him before the lynch reaches majority. You should know better, Tom.. :p
But if truly is what he claims to be, he couldn't have killed 8floor unless he felt he wouldn't survive and killed the implant.

I don't have contact with the alien team... I couldve been mind controlled because I definitely didn't implant 8floor.

also leaving the thread as though I am already dead so bye
From the OP:
Sectoid Commander (Mind Controller)
A superior version of a Sectoid with highly impressive mind linkage capabilities. Once per night phase they can choose a target to mind control, and decide which player the mind controlled player uses their action on instead of the one they originally chose (if applicable). The mind controlled player will be informed of this when they receive the result from their action ? they are aware of their actions but cannot control them.

:/ My head hurts. Good play though Oka.
Sat was it you who said that the godfather could be a blue role not in the game?

Yes, it's written in the OP. It's entirely possible that the Watcher could be the Godfather, if that's what your hinting at. That's exactly what CookingOkasan wants you to think, though. He's trying to use his last moment alive to discredit them. But look at how much he lied a few pages back. That should be enough evidence that's he's kind of full of *CENSORED*, don't you think?
So first off, I feel like the move to sanitize Aerious had to do with me. It can be seen as either one of two things: if Aerious flipped scum it would make me look less suspicious and that's not what Exalt wants. However, I think it's easy to suspect that I could have been the sanitizer and I sanitized Aerious in order to keep myself from being even more suspicious and that I killed SP. But that's not what happened, because if I were actually sanitizer I wouldn't have done that if I had also known about the kill of SP, and since it's obvious that Exalt's kills last night were rocketeers and SP didn't have to do with that due to not having an action role, it's obvious that I'm not the sanitizer.

Couldnt say it before nooo gotta make us wait

It had more to do with what happened after I fell asleep. I was going to say I was more and more suspicious of Okasan due to his voting for me when he was in the spotlight, but now that he is ragequitting and whining about the 'bad quality' of this game it's kind of an obvious lynch.

Since there's no way that NikkiNikki is being framed since framing only makes somebody show up as Alien, I think that she should be lynched if she isn't killed during the night.

@LoveMcQueen: You aren't contributing to the game with any posts that are well thought out, such as your consistent posting about me needing to be lynched but not giving reasons why. Put more thought into this and reevaluate me since SP cleared up our fight in his will.

@Murray: Why have you still not given more reasons why I should be lynched?

@Yui-Z and AndyB: You seem desperate to get me lynched today and the only reason you are giving is to find out what Aerious' role is. And you're willing to mislynch just to find out this little bit of information that wouldn't be all that game-changing. Additionally, Okasan voted for me alongside you two before giving up and voting for himself. It seems like a bit of a slip that you didn't expect.

Anyways, it's really obvious at this point. I'm voting for Okasan.
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