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Mafia TBT Mini Mafia IX: This One's for the Birds! [Game Over]


Penguins! <3
Jun 20, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Tetris Grid
Fresh Feather
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Chao Easter Egg
Happy Home Designer Token
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Yoshi Easter Egg
New Year's Party Popper
White Feather

Day One


Welcome all birdies and chirpies to a Mafia Game dedicated to you!

As the last tree in the Amazon Rain Forest came tumbling down, the last remaining birds were forced to migrate. These birds are filled with rage after losing every tree they once could call a home. They will stop at nothing to take away the home from another bird. Death will surely find it's way as the Tropical Birds (Mafia) ravage the homes of the Territorial Birds (Town). Luckily, the birds know that hunting season is right around the corner. Every Day, players will vote on who to knock unconscious and leave for the hunters to kill.

Mafia is a game of the uninformed majority versus the informed minority. To elaborate, the game is divided into two teams: the Town (Territorial Birds) and the Tropical Birds (Mafia). In addition, there are Third-Party roles which have their own unique win conditions as well. Other than the Mafia, players don't know anything except their own role. To compensate, there are many many more Town Players than there are mafia, at least in the beginning. The objective of the game is for Town to lynch all of Mafia and Third-Party before it is too late. The game is divided into repeating phases of Day and Night. Day revolves around voting for a player to be killed. Night is reserved for the Mafia to use their actions and certain players to use their special abilities.

Be warned - Mafia requires a time commitment. This generally depends on the player, but at minimum 30 minutes a day of solid effort is required. As part of the time commitment, Mafia requires a great deal of reading. Most people are actually quite poor at reading comprehension and playing Mafia is a great way to improve your reading ability, as well as your writing and ability to think and argue logically.

This game of Mafia will only reveal a player's alignment upon their death. The exact role will be kept hidden until the game ends.

Signups are limited to the first 22. There are a lot of roles this game, so the more players the better.

  1. Cory Owl
  2. alise Parrot
  3. Ashtot Turkey
  4. PurplPanda Duck
  5. ccemuka Dove
  6. Kyuby Vulture
  7. Feloreena Toucan
  8. LittleBeary Mockingbird
  9. Sataric Flamingo
  10. oath2order Tropical Woodpecker
    [*]MissNoodle Raven
    [*]Animedan Chickadee
  11. VillageDweller Ostrich
  12. Natty Chickie
  13. Blu Rose Flamingo
    [*]Dolby Canary
    [*]MrKisstoefur Cardinal
    [*]CookingOkasan Blue Jay
  14. Alice Pigeon
  15. PrayingMantis10 Robin
  16. Prin Penguin
  17. Jer Bat
Players remaining: 22/22
Mafia KP = (# of Mafia/2 rounded up)


This game uses an open setup. These are all the roles in the game. A player’s role will not be revealed publicly until the game is over. When they die, only the alignment will be revealed.
All roles will be used.

Win Condition:
  1. Eliminate all Tropical Birds

Pigeon, Canary, Robin, Raven, Blue Jay, Cardinal, Chickadee, Duck (Townies)
You are a just an ordinary bird. You can talk for as much as you want and vote every day. Other than that, you have no special abilities, but you absolutely despise those Tropical Birds. Don't let them steal your homes.

Penguin (Immune to Night Actions)
You're a cuddly Penguin. You are immune to all night actions, even when you're just a cuddly penguin corpse. The simple truth is that no other bird wants to fly all the way into the freezing cold just to mess with a cutie like yourself. It's just not worth it to any of them. Unfortunately, you will still be vulnerable to any events during the Day.

Dove (Virgin)
You are a Dove. You are the purest of all the birds. Because of this, if you end up being the one to be lynched, any kills set to take place during the night will not happen as everyone will want to honor your death with a moment of peace. This effect only works in lynches. If you are killed by any other means, no one gives a damn.

You are a Vulture. You love hanging out around dead corpses during the night. You rummage your beak through the guts and gore and turn up some evidence along the way. Every night you can PM the host with the name of a dead player you wish to find the exact role of.

Flamingo(x2) (Mason)
You know the old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together?" Well, that saying applies to you two flamingos. From the start of the game, you know who each other is. You are well aware that the other is a confirmed Territorial Bird much like yourself. Use this knowledge to your benefit.

You are a wise owl. You pride yourself in a wealth of knowledge that most of birds do not have. Unfortunately, you are not able to access this knowledge whenever you want to. It only gets triggered by certain events. Once a player is one hour away from being lynched, you will be told of their alignment. Will you use this knowledge to help lead successful votes?

You are a Mockingbird. You love to imitate sounds and actions you hear and see other birds do. Any and all Night actions that get played upon you will also be cast on another random player. You will receive notification if you ended up using an action on another player during the night and will be told the results of that action.

Chickie (Suicidal)
You are a little Chickie. You were left all along to hatch in your mother's nest by yourself. No one is around to feed you, and you feel yourself slowly withering away as the Day progresses. You are well aware that you will not make it very long in this game. You are guaranteed to die at the end of Night One. You cannot be saved by anything.

Ostrich (Coward)
You are an Ostrich. You are the most cowardly of all the birds. You manage to escape death all the time through ducking your head into the ground and hiding from others. Due to your cowardliness, if you are to die for any reasons, you will send the death into a random Townie bird instead. You can only die once all Townie birds are dead.

Win Condition:
  1. Control half of the voting power.

You are a Parrot. You love to imitate sounds and actions you hear and see other birds do. Since you're so sneaky, you are able to pick one player at the start of the game and choose what alignment that player returns upon their death as well as the specific role to the Vulture. This will also affect what alignment comes up to the Owl. You also will return Territorial Bird aligned upon death and to the Owl. You will get to choose the role you come back to the Vulture if you die.

Toucan (Janitor)
You are a Toucan. You are tired of eating Fruit Loops and want to feast on the blood of your enemies, and that's exactly what you will do during the night. One death each night, you can choose to be told the exact role of a player you killed. You will only be told their role if they are successfully killed. Only their alignment will be publicly be revealed, but you will know the specifics.

Tropical Woodpecker
Without any remaining trees to peck your beak into, you yearn for the pecking you once enjoyed on an hourly basis. At the start of the game, you must PM the host the name of a victim you wish to begin pecking. You will progressively peck into their skull until they die. The victim will end up dying after two full cycles have passed. You can then choose a new victim to begin pecking. If you choose to peck the Penguin, they will never be killed and you will be unknowingly pecking at the ground the entire game. You will not be given the option to choose a new victim after two full cycles once you choose the Penguin. If your victim dies before the two full cycles are up, you must wait the remaining amount of time before choosing a new victim.

Turkey (Fool)
You are a Turkey. You used to fear being hunted, but now it's sort of become tradition for you to be shot at. Since all the other birds are putting up sacrifices for the hunters, you are very willing to put yourself out their to fulfill your life as a Turkey. You want to be lynched.

Win Conditions
  1. You exit the game as a winner if you are lynched while there is still at least one Territorial and one Tropical Bird in the game.
  2. You are the sole winner if you are lynched when only Territorial Birds remain.
  3. You and the Tropical Birds win together if only Tropical Birds remain when you are lynched.
  4. You and the Territorial Birds win together if you are alive when all Tropical Birds are dead.

Bat (Survivor)
You are a Bat. You're not even a bird, so you don't want to get involved in all the drama that is going around out there. However, you are still living in a tree and are thus a target. You just want to survive this drama and be free to live anywhere you want without any of the pesky birds in your way.

Win Condition:
  1. Be alive when the game ends no matter who wins.


Cheating includes (but is not limited to):
1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information.
2. Ruining the game by doing something like handing out your team's member list to other players.
3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
4. Posting screenshots of your inbox.
5. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host.
6. Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
7. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
8. Offering favours/items/bells outside of the game for ingame information.
9. Sharing accounts with other players.
10. Posting a false role PM phrased as if you received it from the host. You can still fake roleclaim, but you cannot make it look like you are posting a PM you received from the host.
11. Revealing your exact role after you die.
Cheating is not tolerated here as it ruins the game for everyone. The mods and admins here CAN take action.

Wisdom of the Crowds
Wisdom of the Crowds is not in effect.

This game uses replacements. Replacements will be made in the game until the end of Night 2. If a player is modkilled during the designated time, then they will be replaced by a player on the replacement list.

Time Cycle:
This game will follow an approximately 24 hour day and 24 hour night cycle. In case I am not able to post around deadline, any votes after the 24 hour mark will not count and the game will be put on halt until the night post is up. The deadline will always be ---. Actions/votes will be accepted up to and including the posted time, but not after.

Mod Font:
This is the mod colour. It is reserved for the host. Please do not use it.

Question Font:
This is the question colour. Use it to ask the host questions about the rules in public. You can also PM me.

You must post in this thread once per full day/night cycle and vote every day while you are alive. If you fail to do so, you will be modkilled.

Spam is not tolerated, nor is any off-topic material. This also means you should condense your posts when possible. 15 one-liners in 30 minutes is unacceptable.

Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be modkilled. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything. The board software automatically merges the posts anyway.

Inappropriate posts:
Mafia games can get heated and emotional. Please keep it civil and remember that what happens in Mafia stays in Mafia. Don't let things spill over to the rest of the forum, it's just a game. If you are unhappy with a player's posts, PM me first. Only if you are dissatisfied with the outcome should you involve the TBT staff.

Play to win.
That said, you should try your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing.

This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.

Play to gain a victory for your own team, or yourself in the case of Third-Party.

You have been warned.

Voting rules:

1. This game will use the Plurality Voting System. Day will end at the same time all the time. Everyone is required to vote.
2. Voting is done in a separate thread, located here.[ You may announce and discuss your votes in this main thread, but only votes in the Voting thread will be counted. Do not PM me your vote.
3. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote: Username. Votes not done in the correct fashion may not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance.
4. If you want to change your vote, first type ##Unvote followed by your new vote ##Vote: Username. You can change your vote at any time and as much as you like until Day ends.
5. No conditional voting.
6. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game.
7. If you choose not to vote for any particular player, place your vote as ##VOTE: NoLynch
8. The first no-vote results in a warning, the second will result in a modkill.

Curious bystanders can PM me if they want the link to the observers' quicktopic.

Thanks to everyone who has supported TBT Mafia so far.
Thanks to everyone who has hosted a TBT Mafia game.
Thanks to KarlaKGB for providing content within this post.

If you have not read all the rules, go back and do so. I will not compensate for ignorance!


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Change the Chickie description so it's not THAT sad, I think I'm going to cry.
Penguin I'd like to report that I changed my username =) pofer here, so if you could, please change my name at the main post =)