Wow, Alice, wow.
In case ya'll didn't know, Alice has been in supposed contact with the Detective. Guess what she has been doing.
First Lynch, she found out MewMew was a townie. Guess what happened? We lynched Mewmewmew.
Then the DT found out that I am a townie. Now she chooses to vote for me.
Then the DT found out Kiss was a townie. Kiss, you're next to go, buddy, sorry. <3
And now, the DT has one last rolecheck before they can't check any more players.
Yes, the Detective's X-Shots numbered 4 according to Alice. And what has Alice even been doing with all this Detective information? Getting the innocents she has been told sent to the gallows. Who knows, maybe she truly is the Detective and just really doesn't trust any of the rolechecks that have returned. But she did tell me in IRC it was in town's best interest to handle Gandalf and NikkiNikki, the two suspicions without a rolecheck on them.
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Bottom Line: Alice knows the Detective. She's not stopped any of the lynches of the innocents that she has been told.