Mafia TBT Mini Mafia XIII: Bird Mafia II [Game Over - Town & Tsundere Win!]

*Chirp Chirp*

Countless birds can be heard chirping up in the trees. Out in the distance, however, can be heard a more sinister sound coming from the mouth of the Ostrich. The Ostrich is approaching the trees and there is no doubt in any bird brain that he is going to wreak some havoc.

Superpenguin didn't want anything to do with the Ostrich. He had just stolen a shiny new mirror from a careless passerby and wasn't about to let some Ostrich come in and steal it from him.

Superpenguin had been admiring his feathers in the mirror for so long that he almost didn't notice a Booby with the most glorious Blue Feet pass by. It was the most amazing bird that Superpenguin has ever laid his eyes on and he instantly left his nest and flew down to the Blue-Footed Booby.

Unfortunately, Superpenguin didn't reach that beautiful bird due to a painful feeling in his leg. When he turned his head to see what was causing the pain, he saw the Ostrich biting into his leg. Superpenguin let out one final chirp before his leg was ripped clean off and bled out.

The Ostrich couldn't resist pecking the Blue-Footed Booby into the sand either. In the bird went into the sand where he later suffocated.

Superpenguin, the Cockatoo, lost his leg while distracted.

oath2order, the Blue-Footed Booby, suffocated in the sand.

It is now Night Zero. You have 24 hours to send in your actions. Night will end early if all actions get sent in.

what a tragic love story
There doesn't seem to be much else I can do with my role except claim, unfortunately (Nick I actually hate you).
I'm also a miller; my role name is Swan in an Ostrich Suit. I return as mafia to inspections and also return as a random mafia role along with a random mafia role PM when I die. This is going to look super suspicious since Alice already claimed and my role PM said nothing about her but yeah there really isn't much else I can do with this role except put it out in the open haha

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There doesn't seem to be much else I can do with my role except claim, unfortunately (Nick I actually hate you).
I'm also a miller; my role name is Swan in an Ostrich Suit. I return as mafia to inspections and also return as a random mafia role along with a random mafia role PM when I die. This is going to look super suspicious since Alice already claimed and my role PM said nothing about her but yeah there really isn't much else I can do with this role except put it out in the open haha

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crap double posts sorry
Two millers? That seems really odd for a mini. SP is mentally insane though, so I'm not sure.
Two millers? That seems really odd for a mini. SP is mentally insane though, so I'm not sure.

I thought I was the only one until I saw Alice's claim when I woke up haha, I definitely trust Alice though because she's got the role name 100% right (apart from the difference in bird), and by the looks of it we got identical role PMs.

It's the crappiest role ever though; I can't even prove I'm town-aligned through inspections or even death, so I'm just gonna look super shady no matter what way I swing it.
Well, since we've started, let me just throw this out there: I'm a miller. My role name is: Flamingo in an Ostrich Suit. My mafia role I appear upon inspection and death is random. Kill me, or lynch me! Do with me what you must. :blush:
Hi checking in, I believe Alice for now. Nick has came up with some ridiculous role names (sleeper inventor toxic goo).

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As for epona, I'm a bit skeptical.

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I am going to clarify what i said above. Even if i was miller i wouldnt claiim it in a 20 person game as the second person because it.raises red flags onto you
Hi checking in, I believe Alice for now. Nick has came up with some ridiculous role names (sleeper inventor toxic goo).

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As for epona, I'm a bit skeptical.

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I am going to clarify what i said above. Even if i was miller i wouldnt claiim it in a 20 person game as the second person because it.raises red flags onto you

Why would I claim miller as scum if it's obviously going to raise red flags seeing as somebody has already claimed miller? I weighed up my options, knowing it would look really suspicious, but it'll only look worse if I were forced to claim later on in the game. I know it looks super suspicious, but my best line of action was to just claim as soon as possible because there's not much else the miller role allows me to do.
If I were scum this would have been way too risky a fake claim. The majority of players haven't claimed yet; it would have been easy for me as scum to keep my mouth shut until I was absolutely forced to claim to give me time to come up with some sort of plan. Trust me, I'm a miller.
Why would I claim miller as scum if it's obviously going to raise red flags seeing as somebody has already claimed miller? I weighed up my options, knowing it would look really suspicious, but it'll only look worse if I were forced to claim later on in the game. I know it looks super suspicious, but my best line of action was to just claim as soon as possible because there's not much else the miller role allows me to do.
If I were scum this would have been way too risky a fake claim. The majority of players haven't claimed yet; it would have been easy for me as scum to keep my mouth shut until I was absolutely forced to claim to give me time to come up with some sort of plan. Trust me, I'm a miller.

I just said im skeptical i never stated that i thought you were scum. Im gonna be back in like 9 hours i have to go.
hi oops I read htis earlier but i didn't post

i'm so annoyed nick didn't give me ostrich again :mad: this was supposed to be MY GAME </3

IMO I believe Alice and Annie's claims. 2 millers seems odd but eh it's closed who knows. However I mean. I guess they could be mafia claiming for each other similar role names in order to cover themselves up? I'm not saying that's what it is but it's always possible. I would just keep an eye on them for now.

But uh, the role name sounds right for something by Nick lol. Especially for a miller.. being in the suit.. looking like mafia but not actually mafia. yeah
I believe Alice's claim beacause they gave a bit more details but I guess I'm a bit skeptical about Epona. Ryan please stop claiming and complaining. Why does everyone say that townie is useless, it's not. If you want to known as town by the other town, you have to prove it. Anyways I don't belive your claim because it's something mafia May had told you.
I'm always a useless townie

Well stop complaining about it and try? We all start somewhere... Stop being useless and attempt.

I believe Alice's claim beacause they gave a bit more details but I guess I'm a bit skeptical about Epona. Ryan please stop claiming and complaining. Why does everyone say that townie is useless, it's not. If you want to known as town by the other town, you have to prove it. Anyways I don't belive your claim because it's something mafia May had told you.

praise da gods 4 lauren and crystal

Not only does claiming townie ON NIGHT ZERO make it easier for the mafia to look for blue roles easier, it's also just annoying tbh
ryan, if you want to learn how to play the game you have to deal with being a townie. Townies can be as vocal as they want without any fear, because after all if thye die/are lynched, the only loss is their voice, not an actual ability to help with night actions. While I personally don't like being townie either it doesn't mean I complain about it at the times I'm given it. Hell almost everyone in Majoras Mask Redux was a townie, essentially. Just learn to use whatever role you get to the most you can even if it's just a townie. Townies aren't useless because they even say it in their role PMs, you have your VOICE. make the most of it!

Also if you don't want to take the chance of being a townie, then just don't play. k bye.