Mafia TBT Mini Mafia XIV: My Little Mafia: Deception is Magic [Endgame - Ponyville wins!]

Sorry, I kept refreshing the page and thought you left the thread since you didn't post anything =P
Holy **** we lost the doctor.. :\
Well, at least we learned something from day 1, which is better than learning nothing. Sucks that we lost the doctor so early, but we just have to work even harder to catch scum now. But yet again, Zigzag991 is posting only when mentioned, like the last nub game. Also, a little quick to jump onto alise/ryan88 bandwagons imo. Cory does bring up some good points about other people though, like Sataric. I would like to wait and hear what Sataric has to say in response though, before passing any judgment.
Good post Cory.

As of right now, I am kinda iffy on Cariad, alise, and Sataric. They all have things that point them inbetween. I mean, I know it's N1 and all, but these are just people I'm putting out there.

Zigzag is only really coming up when his name is called, and I think it is q bit wierd he just pops in and see if he's been called and if not disappears. However, I do that sometimes, but half the time I don't have time to think of a response. If I do, I'll respond to everything else too. However, I can't compare my playstyle to his. Pretty much everything is wait-and-see.

alise- I can never get a read on her. She seems pretty RAAAAAAGGGEEEE that she was even discussed, so that raises flags for me.
Cariad- I just don't know about Cariad. She acted like this when she was blue once(I think). Ugh.
Sataric- is on my watch list for two reasons
1. I'm watching his lynch choices AND
2. His behavior.
His posts are hard to skim through due to all that padding but I've found a few things that I'd rather keep to myself about all of these candidates on my watch list.

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Hopefully I didn't literally rephrase Cory. If I did I have to get these things out there quicker or goto sleep.
Cory I'm so proud. :')

babe <3

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i was gonna do this before but

Confident is town- Cory, Ashtot, Trundle, Feloreena, Gamora (not as confident as rest but still confident)

Leaning towards town- Bellgreen, Campy, Sumemr, Rage

In the middle- Crystal, Kuma/Lauren, Axeler, Dolby, Ryan88

Leaning towards mafia-Karla, Cariad

Confident if mafia-Zig, Sataric

I think Sataric is a major lynch candidate for tomorrow.

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and i have a tiny scum read on axeler

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**** i forgot alise, she is in the middle
OK; just caught up with the posts. As of now I think a few people forgot the possibility that people could have a third-party role.

Cory - Personally I think I can believe Cory's claim; it's kind of stupid for an Unlynchable to be Mafia, and honestly I think his scummates would seriously consult him already about his behavior (if he was Mafia). However I don't think that makes him clear.

Zigzag911 - Kind of on the fence about him. I'm sure he's not a threat to scum in any way. He said he'd post later, which was around an hour ago. I don't expect much posts and opinions from him honestly.

Ryan88 - It's definitely disappointing seeing him not contribute so much in so much games. There was enough time for him to post his thoughts before Monday; he's only posted 3 things since the game started and none of them contributed anything, except maybe his roleclaim. I don't find it surprising that he's usually lynched and never killed by scum (unless he's claimed an action role, from what I've seen in other games).

I don't know much about the other players, but these are just the players I'm confused about more than the others.

In sirens call I claimed an action role and I was the last town player alive. Anyway we lost our doc.

So I now believe he is a unlynchable townie. Maybe there is a day killer. I will try to post more later.
Crystal's Thots

1. Alise- Hasn't done anything; claims they were at school when they had sufficient time to post the night before. at that time she was , infact, chatting away in irc. I suggest a vig shot.

2. Cory- Only person I trust. Proven unlynchable so yeah.

3. ryan88- Claims townie early like wtf. To be honest he is one of the most, I guess, underatted player because if he was mafia he could take advantage of people trusting his claim because he always claims early. Weird how Sataric trusted him so quickly.

4. gamora- Acting more pro-town then she usually does and last time she did that she was a Serial Killer; but I'm getting town reads from her. inb4 daykiller
5. Sataric- Mostly getting scum reads but idk everygame I get them from you. It does seem like you were blue sniping in this post:
Can someone that knows stuff about MLP tell me if:

1. The pony named Joe is likely to be in a game with 20 total players?
2. The role would likely be a basic townie?
3. If this is a pony that Cory would likely be excited to be? (Because he seemed very happy with his "pone" earlier)

; so I'd like to hear what you have to say about that. Also he say we shouldn't be joking and we that rushing in to the lynch isnt good, but he seems to do so here:
... You want me to ask those questions to the host? That makes no sense - She obviously couldn't answer any of that. I tried to give you a chance, you know? Now I regret that I bothered. My vote goes to you. #SorryNotSorry!

7. Axeler137- Traveling but has still has been able to post their thoughts better then some peoople like Alise. I'd like to hear more of What you have to say before I make a judgement.

Will continue when I continue homework bc Im a lazy little ****.
Everyone that says that the post I made which seems like I am "blue-sniping" need to go back and read the thread again - That post was a direct response to Cory claiming a green role, and he was looking like he might be the daily lynch target at that point. If you think that it is a poor decision for someone (not even himself) to say that he MIGHT be blue and therefore live, rather than just stick to insisting to be green and trolling around and therefore die, you're not thinking things through very well. How is that anti-town behaviour when I am attempting to potentially get him out of a rough situation?

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and possibly save his life by giving him a chance to defend himself when everyone else was quick to go straight at him without hesitation. Consider that for a moment. I did vote for Cory in the end because he kept on trolling even though I was trying to stick up for him somewhat, and it seemed to me like he was back to his own dreadful playstyle at the time. However, I was also the first person to change my mind and unvote after I realized that Cory would fight a bit harder to stay alive if he was scum.

But if I have to die to prove my innocence, I ask every single town player to write down the names of the players that are pushing to have me lynched, because there is definitely scum hiding there. I also ask you to note how not a soul seem to be objecting to this proposal. You don't think a Mafia teammate would try to cast some suspicions onto someone else if I was scum? Furthermore, note who is quick to vote for me. When I flip town, you'll know who was responsible for my death - Then simply gather your torches and pitchforks and avenge me. That is all I can ask for. If it has to happen - Make it count.

Also, on a sidenote, RIP Minties. :( And to everyone that voted for themselves as placeholder in a 20-man-game and nearly ruined the chances of the game reaching majority; Please shape up. That is unacceptable. Thanks.
Remember to PM me your actions. (Usually both of us, but Natty isn't here today so, just me today)
Yes it is fair to say that an unlynchable isn't going to be scum, or there would have to be town factional kills which would never work. I was looking more for anyone who might jump on a vig shooting Cory but nevermind. :rolleyes:

The whole 'blue-sniping' comment in regards to Sataric seems kind of dumb if you look at the context of it and what it is in response to. Did you all just forget how annoying and stupid Cory's behaviour was at the time, and it would make sense to want to figure it out? The fact that some people are agreeing on it is kind of funny and certainly says a lot about their possible alignment.

A vigilante would be better off shooting ZigZag991 if you want to put up names. He's absolutely useless and just popping in with crappy excuses and nothing helpful. Exactly the same as him being scum in the nub game. I'm wary of Karla too, so the fact he suggests alise is something to think about as well.
guys please for the LOVE OF GOD
Crystal's Thots

1. Alise- Hasn't done anything; claims they were at school when they had sufficient time to post the night before. at that time she was , infact, chatting away in irc. I suggest a vig shot..
i havent been on the irc all day, what??? LOL!!! I DID POST @ NIGHT SO PLEASE CRYSTAL

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also you don't know if i have sufficient time to post. -_-

like right now its ****ing 6am mafia kill me please
guys please for the LOVE OF GOD

i havent been on the irc all day, what??? LOL!!! I DID POST @ NIGHT SO PLEASE CRYSTAL

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also you don't know if i have sufficient time to post. -_-

like right now its ****ing 6am mafia kill me please

She means that your posts that night sucked (and I am sure you can agree they did). She wanted you to put more effort into them.
She means that your posts that night sucked (and I am sure you can agree they did). She wanted you to put more effort into them.


i just said, i am ALWAYS QUIET DAY 1/NIGHT 1 and THEN my activity picks up. guys,,please,,,
Yeah. I dunno why you're so mad about it. You're still not trying harder.

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This is a good reminder. Everyone should make a will in case they die.

i'm ****ng mad because i'm angry because people wanted t to lynch me because i was at SCHOOL?!?! YOU COULD SAY THE SAME FOR BG....................

plus some people w/ common sense knew i had sCHOOL like JESUS or maybe i was ID ONT KNOW


i'm probably just overreacting but whotever. post coming after school if i can make it =|
Ok I'm going to have a read through now FYI Tuesdays are a busy day for me so give me time ok.