Mafia TBT Mini Mafia XV: Pokémon Colosseum [End Game]

[5:05:57 PM] bobbysocker: Isn't Pkmn the uh
[5:06:03 PM] bobbysocker: White boys mafia
[5:28:27 PM] Zoeyzo ♫: OHMYGOSH
[5:28:31 PM] Zoeyzo ♫: WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE
[5:28:34 PM] Zoeyzo ♫: HOW HAPPY I AM
[5:28:36 PM] Zoeyzo ♫: WITH MY ROLE

zoey mirror B confirmed

Who says I wanted to be a mirror? ;( I'd rather look at my fabulous self in one.

*pls listen to above music while reading night 0 post*

Miror B walked into the club. All eyes on his red and white afro. The brother trainers, Aiden and Ashton were battling their Pok?mon in the duel room and there was a huge crowd cheering them on.
"May I help you?" asked slightly (i know, unrealistic, right?) intoxicated bartender Tina as Miror B walked by.
"Ariiiiiiba!" shouted Miror B as he let his duo dancing Ludicolos out of their Pok?balls. They Ludicolos ran past the counter and sliced Tina's head off with a razor leaf.

Miror B's goal was to eliminate the two trainers dueling, but suddenly the roof of the bar burst open and Team Cipher members dropped in. Miror B fled - he wasn't supposed to be seen here.

Team Cipher cast out their Pok?mon. One of the Pok?mon was so large it accidentally stomped Jubs, one of the bar goers (who seemed quite infatuated with Tina). Team Cipher then made off with the brothers' heads and ran with their Pok?mon.

Aiden the Trainer was beheaded.
Ashton the the Trainer was beheaded.
Tina the Bartender shouldn't have drank so much.
Jubs the Nintendo Fanboy needs to get his priorities straight.

You have 24 hours to submit yours and your Pok?mon's actions.
Mafia KP = 2
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I am already confused.

Does this mean that people already used actions or was that just the hosts killing themselves?

Its been a long time since I played, so please excuse the noob questions.
I am already confused.

Does this mean that people already used actions or was that just the hosts killing themselves?

Its been a long time since I played, so please excuse the noob questions.

Everything in the night and day posts is just for amusement. No one actually used actions.
Can't wait to get this party started!^-^ Who's with me?:D Woot woot!

Bet I can beat you with my top percentage Rattata!

So, everyone, let's get chat started by realizing that we're all in Phenac City, and that we are suspicious of everyone in Prite for mysterious behavior. Thus we go grab our Pok?mon and go there to flush out the guy wearing a skin-tight yellow tuxedo with the same-colored pants with a half-red-half-white afro that's as tall as one third of the guy himself who dances with Ludicolo with crazy music that drives me crazy.

So yeah.