Mafia TBT Newbie Mafia: Steven Universe Mafia [END - Town + Shiida Win!]

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yeah but we gave up last night RIP, we waited it out so we could see people's reactions and debated what to do and yeah
well done guyss
wow ok :/

- - - Post Merge - - -

That was a pretty underwhelming win. But nevertheless, I guess it's great we won. Kinda surprised at the scum though. I didn't even consider Mogyay to be scum until like half an hour ago. Sorry for ignoring you again. gg..?
Oh yeah thanks for coaching Dan! And thanks dobbie too (I know u were a little busy with ur own game but all the same ty) <3
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GOOD GOING TOWN! Shoutout to seroja you were honestly a town queen and imo u carried the whole town team! It's a shame u had so many inactives but I appreciate u killing them for us xxx

Also rosie <3 I'm glad we were mafia and I'm glad we went down together ily

MOG OMFG you were doing so well as mafia wtf I didn't expect it at all at first!! I WANT TO HUG YOU OUT <333 this game stressed the heck out of me.

Also Rosie, you're a cutie patootie too!
wow ok :/

- - - Post Merge - - -

That was a pretty underwhelming win. But nevertheless, I guess it's great we won. Kinda surprised at the scum though. I didn't even consider Mogyay to be scum until like half an hour ago. Sorry for ignoring you again. gg..?

It's alright, I know I (or rosie) could have lasted another cycle but logically there's no way we could have won with the confirmed towns so we thought we wouldn't drag it out, sorry!
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WOW the scum chat absolutely TRASHING town which yeah most people were horrible
but look how the tables turned 🤔🤔🤔

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Congrats to the person who I didn't even need to coach ayy

The BEST coach :)
WOW the scum chat absolutely TRASHING town which yeah most people were horrible
but look how the tables turned ������

- - - Post Merge - - -

The BEST coach :)

I thought most town players were amazing, I'm not gonna lie and say they all were because that wouldn't be true. So no, I wasn't trashing town

DANG DIDNT see.. something, ye..
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When Jacob calls Mafia a rp...&#55357;&#56900;&#55358;&#56596;

It was nice to host and it was my first time ever hosting, I enjoyed it.
wow survivor played so well, all they had to do softclaim survivor, almost zero risk play. mog should have held on one more night and shot the survivor for the fun of it
Thanks for the experience guys, I learned a lot, but this will probably be my only mafia game. It took too much of my time and I wasn't able to function normally irl. Rip.
well done seroja, coming out with ur cop checks secured the game. it's a shame mafia got gimped early cuz kirby couldnt help talk himself into the grave. i think scum could have won if not for the cop play
Thank you for the game Jacob and Crys! It was a lot of fun, sorry I couldn't be more active but glad I ended up killing Godfather N1 XD
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