inactive: please read "about" tab on profile
Ummmm what is this
A game where people point fingers and pretend to be dead. It's called Mafia.
Ummmm what is this
OH ok sounds fun. Can i play
I am 100% sure now that static is psychic
what makes you say that?
owh ok.. I think ccemuka looks suspicious, I dunno it seems like the first thing s/he said was BOOM I think those are suspicious
and that avatar too.. lol but yeah I dunno I have my heart set on ccemuka
I am 100% sure now that static is psychic
She isn't psychic. She just needed a reason to join the game.
Added boldI'm suspicious of Kildor for how he was trying to divert attention from ccemuka and gnoixaim once i posted my thoughts on how they are acting scummy (you were calling beardo & qwerty in one of the posts, talking about Marii in the other)!
I have to sleep right now, and I'm on my phone since laptop is broken. I'm suspicious of Kildor for how he was trying to divert attention from ccemuka and gnoixaim once i posted my thoughts on how they are (you were calling beardo & qwerty in one of the posts, talking about Marii in the other). So yeah - if I live I'll talk more about this tomorrow!
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Added bold
I say we wait awhile more, for more evidence to pop up. And I'd like to hear more from gnoixaim and say her defense.
To be honest, I'm not sure whether or not Gnoixaim is mafia. Please provide evidence to support this claim, as I am not very sure.
I never said I'm sure that gnoxiam will turn out to be Town. I just wasn't sure whether or not we have enough solid evidence to prove that our suspicions are right.
And I apologise if I have been silent, I explained that I went to the movies a few hours ago, and I don't really see anyone posting much as well.
Well, here are my opinions :
I would like to see evidence that raised suspicions about gnoxiam. I am not hesitant to vote for her, I just want to see evidence, because if not then I'll just be band waggoning with you.
Even though there is not enough evidence to Kyuby not being Jay Leno, I still have light suspicions about you, and I will keep an eye on you.
And Kyuby, I don't really think you are innocent, at least noet yet. You still seem suspicious to me.
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Edit : Just saw Jenwa's post. She does have a point.
That is very suspicious, so I am putting her in my suspects list.
Yes actually, but I'd like to see her defense and decide from there.
If it is another weak defence, then she will have my vote.
Yes, Marii has a point. And here's another one that caught my attention :
She was stating that she got "roleblocked" and it was "useless on her". Don't you think that's a little bit suspicious?
No one would just say "Hey, I got roleblocked it didn't affect me lol" without anyone actually asking them.
She just brought that up. It seems like she's trying to make herself ook more innocent, because she just brought up the topic of roleblocking without anyone actually talking about it.
And keep in mind that we don't know if there really is a Jay Leno. So which means she DID get roleblocked, and it did affect her, so she told us that it didn't affect her at all, to make her role claim more believable. I'm starting to think that she is either mafia, or a serial killer.
Those are very good solid points. Neither gnoixiam nor ccemuka has counted each other as suspicious.
But I must disagree with your last point about ccemuka asking for a no lynch. I personally think he/she was just waiting for more evidence on gnoxiam, as the time she posted that, gnoxiam was still writing down her defense.
Even though, both of them do seem like they are scum.
If there is no SK but we have a Vig :
I suggest Vig/SK shoots gnoixiam, and in the morning we can vote lynch for ccekmuka ( if he does not support a valid reason why we shouldn't lynch him)
Why shoot gnoxiam first?
I kinda disagree on the last point Farobi said about ccekmuka, as I have said it's possible that ccekmuka was only looking for more evidence to pop up as he was not very convinced.I wanna see his defense on this.
And gnoxiam was putting the blame on quite a number of people. And it's possible that she was doing it to divert attention to those people.
That's my take on this, and whatever happens tonight, I just hope we're doing the right thing here.
Last night, Beardo pointed something out. Marii replaced Static, am I correct? Which means Marii took over Static's role.
Is it possible that Marii is scum? Since basically quite a bit of us voted for Static, yet after she left we all just forgot about Marii,
Right now I'll be voting for ccemuka. There were alot of solid points against them, but I still want to hear their case about FireNinja1. If they do give solid points, then I might change my vote.
You bring up some valid points there. I'd like to here everyone else's opinions, and FireNinja1's defense, if he has one.
Here it goes...
I think the blues won't have a hard time figuring out who to protect and block. Just go with what you think is right.
To the vig, I say shoot Kildor (I'll explain more below).
To the cop, maybe you should inspect Kildor. That way we know for sure his alignment when he flips.
WHY SHOOT (or lynch) KILDOR:
He was hesitant towards voting both gnoixaim and ccemuka. Always asking for more evidence and to hear their defences.
^ He says he wasn't hesitant here and he was putting her on his suspects list, that seems like a step in the right direction, but...
^ This is what he says next. Guess what, gnoixiam DOES NOT even defend herself further, yet he decides to vote Kyuby instead.
It's not just that he swayed his vote, it's also how he tends to contribute.
The reason I changed my vote to Kyuby, was because Marii and quite a bit of others did put up pretty convincing evidence after the post I made ( check the posts after mine)
^ This is an example of how Kildor has contributed against Kyuby. This is also his reasoning behind changing his vote. I feel as though he's over explaining and to me, that's suspicious in itself.
I was giving out a possible theory about Kyuby. Therefore I needed to make my post clearer, and a bit more detailed.
Never, ever does he contribute evidence or his own thoughts toward gnoixiam or ccemuka. But he does for Kyuby. And Purpl. And Static a bit. He pushed them for information and actively contributed his own thoughts. Why did he not do the same for gnoixiam and ccemuka? Instead he sat by and asked for more evidence and their defences. (Even though he asks for more evidence about Kyuby at some point, he also built upon that evidence and contributed his own.)
I wasn't really as active as I used to, because I still had quite a bit of free time at the start of the game, so I checked the thread alot and put in my opinions more. But now my school starts next monday, so I had to do preparations, so I didn't really catch up quite a bit on gnoxiam and ccemuka's cases. That's why I asked for evidence because I was lost. Also, I asked for evidence on Kyuby's case when Purpl was convincing everyone that Kyuby is scum.
Farobi's Night 2 post told the vig to shoot ccemuka (with evidence behind this). He also told the SK to shoot gnoixiam.
Kildor posted this in response (I removed his speech about the SK & vig):
^ This may seem to help prove his innocence. Hey, he supports killing gnoixiam and ccemuka, right?
The thing is, he asks the vig to shoot gnoixiam first. It was clear gnoixiam was gonna be killed off soon. There was a ton of evidence against her. There's wasn't too much against ccemuka, however. I'm thinking Kildor was hoping someone else would be brought up to lynch or at least ccemuka would defend himself sufficiently. If ccemuka was the one the vig shot, we would definitely lynch gnoixiam next. But there was still a chance for ccemuka if gnoixiam was the one killed. Also, notice in the blue text how Kildor slightly defends ccemuka, repeating pretty much the same thing twice.
There was not enough sufficent evidence, that's why I had my doubts. While of course gnoixiam had more solid evidences against her than ccemuka. I asked the vig to shoot gnoixiam first, so we would have more time to investigate on ccemuka's case. If we did find enough evidence, then we could lynch him the next day.
^ People are discussing ccemuka and his defence. Kildor doesn't do that and instead posts that. Hoping we go for Marii instead perhaps?
It was Beardo's post that caught my attention. I just asked if it was possible that Marii is scum, because Beardo made a good point that everyone just forgot about.
^ Fair enough, but why aren't you contributing? Even after Farobi's Night 2 post?
As I have explained, I needed to prepare for school since it starts next monday ( needed to buy school supplies) so I was not on much for these past few days.
^ In response to ccemuka's case. Same kinda thing.
If you think about it, he/she did bring up some good points. But since he/she was proven scum, then those points aren't valid anymore. But we possibly still have a serial killer here.
NOW, let's look at gnoixiam's suspects
- PurplPanda, Jennwa (me), Qwerty111, Beardo in this post:
- Qwerty111, Beardo, NikkiNikki and Hanzy in this post:
- Kyuby - not gonna link her case about him because I'm sure you all remember.
- Not in her lists: ccemuka, FireNinja1, Kildor, Marii, Farobi.
Out of the people not in her lists, I'm most confident that Farobi and Marii are not scum (not AS confident about Marii though).
I obviously feel as though Kildor is scum. As for FireNinja1, I'm not too sure. Don't think he's clear because ccemuka wrote a case against him and told us to shoot him. Definitely keep an eye on him. If Kildor turns out to be the Godfather and the cop inspects Kildor tonight, I'd inspect FireNinja1 next.
Now, if gnoixiam was smart (or her fellow scum told her to), she would've put probably one scum name in her suspects. If she was not as smart, all of those names are non-scum (one could be a SK ofc). This needs to be looked into more.
Ccemuka's suspects: Kyuby, Static/Marii, Beardo, FireNinja1
I find it interesting that they both target Beardo. I'm not sure what this means, but I wouldn't assume Beardo's innocent because of it. I'd keep on eye on her as well.
Yet, have you seen my suspects list? I'm pretty sure my suspects are quite different from the both of them (except for Purpl and Kyuby because everyone basically suspected them) if we were ever a team, then of course we'd just suspect almost the same players and push for them to be lynched. I never suspected Farobi, hanzy, NikkiNikki, Beardo and you (only slightly because of the way you replied to FireNinja)
To those who haven't been contributing as much as they should - PLEASE try to help. We need as much information as we can get.
OKAY, I think that's everything. c: