tbt peeves


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
Happy Home Designer Token
Red Candy
im assuming everyone has one or even a few annoying things that they come across while on tbt. for me, it would have to be the double/merged posts and getting a notification after every bell transaction. it's rather annoying, im hoping we get the option to disable it sometime
the fact that i dont get a notification when someone replies to me w a quote :/ and double posts of course
When people don't read through your shop/selling thread
Like if I say "please do not pm me offers" I will get a few people who will

That and I hate when I post asking a someone a question or something (like if someone is selling a collectable and asks for offers) I'll post and then a little while later they bump the thread and don't reply to me
Like really? I know you saw it. If you don't want it just say no thanks
Mods giving me warnings (justin i know u gave me that one yesterday)
Getting banned all the time (thx jeremy)
and the infractions taking away all my tbt
(thx everyone)
When people don't read through your shop/selling thread
Like if I say "please do not pm me offers" I will get a few people who will

this a billion times over

I'm pretty sure whenever it hits a point I just start telling these people off or ignoring their posts with no qualms whatsoever. if you aren't going to take the time to read what I've clearly outlined at the very top, then I'm not going to give you much of my time ether
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Warnings, for post qualities. Some I understand but tbh they spend too much time on them.
People who drive up the prize on collectibles when they aren't *that* uncommon. And just scalper in general.

Also yeah I wish we had some ping/quote system for replies but yeah that's a minor.
Mods giving me warnings (justin i know u gave me that one yesterday)
Getting banned all the time (thx jeremy)
and the infractions taking away all my tbt
(thx everyone)

Already? Also I hate Jeremy slightly less now ;)
When I'm on mobile and I try to click on "New Posts" but I end up on ACWorld :-/
i get just a little bit ticked off when people message me for my collectibles, even begging for them. just because i'm not as active as before doesn't mean i'm just gonna give all my crap away for free. i always end up being active at some point anyway, would rather keep them in case something really good shows up in the marketplace someday.
When people quote you in a thread and you aren't aware of it until you stumble upon it a week later

When you make something crystal clear in your buying/selling/trading thread and people go ahead and don't even read it like it wasn't even there

And when people overprice collectibles and inflate them just for lulz. Like.... if you want a little profit that's fine but 10k-20k for a pixel square is outrageous, considering most aren't that rare anyways
"why isn't this locked yet/looks like this thread is getting closed soon/so how long until this thread gets locked? xDD"

when ppl are constantly asking when the next event is / want a new collectible for every day of the year

people who enter giveaways but don't read the rules