sooo.... you have a blue role ?![]()
sooo.... you just decided to point it out?
sooo.... you have a blue role ?![]()
sooo.... you just decided to point it out?
sooo.... you have a blue role ?![]()
Do you really think there's any vanilla townies in this game?
oath2order said:You are The One-Shot Vigilante from TBT Mafia VI. Your official role name is One-Shot Vigilante. You've got quite the reputation to hold up, and your training shows it! You've come to this awards show to show off how much better you've become. Unfortunately, you still only have one shot. But, you kill anybody who targets your target! For example, if a Detective and a Mafia Member (these roles may or may not be in the game, this is just an example) both target the person you are shooting, you also will kill both of them! Your kill will be refunded if you are roleblocked. Your kill will not be refunded if the person is saved by a doctor, however, since you've gotten better, if you shoot a Veteran, you will kill them, bypassing both of their night lives.You win when the mafia is eliminated and any killing third-party roles have been eliminated.
It's StarryWolf. Lynch StarryWolf.
That was short
Thanks doctor for saving me, if you did. Now I'm one shot though, RIP I'm townie now![]()
Wtf day two already?
- - - Post Merge - - -
Who'd you use your action on?
starry did you get a notification of being saved?
ok you weren't saved them
Why would scum kill panda?
Maybe it wasn't scum? Idk wtf did oath do with this game
Btw I tried to normalise you so u may be normal now if you had a role.
I don't think it worked, didn't get any pm, they probably role blocked you if you're telling the truth.