Retired Staff
1. OddCrazyMe
2. PKMNMasterSamus
There will be 2 teams as sorted above. There will be one challenge each round in which the two teams compete. Depending on the challenge certain things will take place (Such as get rubies or free immunity for this round). After each round the losing team will vote for a member to leave. This member may be any member from their team except a member that has a ruby placed on them by the team captain. See rubies below. The next day the member with the most votes leaves and another round begins. Please pm me your votes.
Rubies: Rubies may be used by the team captain to place immunity for 1 round on a member or to gain an extra vote on another. Only one ruby may be used per round.
The challenges will be announced weekly.
If you have any questions please ask here.
1. OddCrazyMe
2. PKMNMasterSamus
There will be 2 teams as sorted above. There will be one challenge each round in which the two teams compete. Depending on the challenge certain things will take place (Such as get rubies or free immunity for this round). After each round the losing team will vote for a member to leave. This member may be any member from their team except a member that has a ruby placed on them by the team captain. See rubies below. The next day the member with the most votes leaves and another round begins. Please pm me your votes.
Rubies: Rubies may be used by the team captain to place immunity for 1 round on a member or to gain an extra vote on another. Only one ruby may be used per round.
The challenges will be announced weekly.
If you have any questions please ask here.