Of course. Send a dodo code and I’ll be right over.hi! may I please buy the Beautiful Statue and the Valiant Statue for 10 TBT?
Of course. Send me a dodo code and I’ll deliver it all.Hey could I buy 6 stacks of regular wood?
2JDR5 c:Of course. Send me a dodo code and I’ll deliver it all.
Yeah, you can. I’ll drop it off whenever you’re ready for them.hey again! i would like to order 10 stacks of hardwood
You can. I’ll deliver it once I get the dodo code.Hi! Could I get one of your mystic statues?
Sending you a PM in a minute. ^^You can. I’ll deliver it once I get the dodo code.
Of course. Send a dodo code and I’ll be right over.Could I purchase 500 NMT for 45 TBT, please? <3
I’ll deliver it whenever you’d like.Hello Rina! I would like to order 100 NMT for 5 TBT if possible!
Can I open my gates for you now?I’ll deliver it whenever you’d like.
Yes. Send me a dodo code and I'll be over.Can I open my gates for you now?
Dodo is MFSY7Yes. Send me a dodo code and I'll be over.