you don't call the United States of America, TUSA, it's USA
sooooo the bell tree forums should be BTF in my opinion, not TBT or TBTF
and forum bells should be BTB (bell tree bells)
i dont think theres a "proper acronym" for it, it just really depends on whos using it and what for. some people prefer BTB over TBT, some people say TBT over TBTF and vice versa. though im not sure anyone here has used TBTF as an acronym from what i've seen.
but generally people will know what you're talking about with any acronym, just depends on where you use it and when. i.e if i use it in the marketplace, i'm most likely refering tbt to the currency, but if its in the introduction area, tbt usually means the bell tree.
tldr: doesnt matter IMO really. who cares. this is debated so much.
could not agree more with you
Difference being the country is called United States of America, there is no "the" in it. The forum title and header both have "the". It's TBT.
hmm some people call it BTB for Bell Tree Bells, right?
Difference being the country is called United States of America, there is no "the" in it. The forum title and header both have "the". It's TBT.
When I joined they were called TBT. It's recently started being called BTB because some schlub used the term once on accident (probably a typo) and it caught on.
it doesn't matter if it's a country or a name, I'm pretty sure you don't add articles like "the, a, or an" as part of an acronym/intialism? (Gramma Nazis??? where you at!)
I used to call it TBT and then realized that it doesn't sound correct and switched over to BTB. Even majority of the mods agree that it SHOULD BE "BTB" not "TBT" (since TBT stands for the forum)
Site owner basically says its TBT so youre wrong bye
didn't realize this is such serious business lols
I know everyone calls it TBT these days, but I always found that confusing because TBT are the initials used for the actual site as a whole.
If I ever refer to them in initials I use BTB.
Like Jer said, TBT is the site initials and it always confuses me when people use it referring to our bells.
I'm going to try and convince everyone to rename our Bells to Collectibells. That way we can stop with the acronym stuff. Though in my opinion:
TBT= The Bell Tree
BTB= Bell Tree Bells
Also closing thread since it was answered.
TBT doesn't make sense. It's popular but it's grammatically incorrect how people are using it. It needs to end in a B if you don't want to write 'bells' out in full after it. I also dislike how it's the same as the abbreviation for the forum name: I have seen this cause confusion for people.
TBTB or BTB are the only logical ones. I prefer BTB out of simplicity.
I love youYour signature is too long.
And please, level up your English language skills you piece of bantha fodder. I don't need you Trandoshans invading on the forum anymore. Don't make me call the Czerka Corporation with a bounty on your head. You probably refer to TBT Bells as BTB. Filthy casual.
btb just isn't aesthetically pleasing.