TBT's Fifth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I like can't find anymore. But I don't wanna get far behind...
I feel I get all of these but I can't seem to find the eggs! ;-;
For the puzzle ones, is it one word or a phrase that we have to put? I'm confused because I have a good idea of what it could be, but I'm not sure if I'm putting it in correctly.

They could be either a word or phrase, but you'd want to type it with no spaces and in all caps. For example, if the clue was 1+2=? you'd enter http://www.belltreeforums.com/credits.php?code=THREE in the url and press enter. You'll get a PM stating that you've found an egg if your answer was correct.

I feel the same. All this vague "It can be anywhere" stuff is frustrating. Would a simple FAQ for newbies be so wrong? I have so many questions, even after reading the first page and this entire thread multiple times: Can eggs be found in people's avatars and signatures? Since the references in the clues can be "anything" (oh-so helpful, thank you), are they pop-culture, video games, "anything" related to The Bell Tree, etc.? Does "outside the forum" mean off this website, on a sister website (like the Animal Crossing World link, the Blog Tree link, etc.)? Do the eggs even LOOK like eggs, because according to the original post, they can be in "an image or text link"?
Of course, these questions won't be answered and summarily ignored, so I don't really know why I bothered to type them in the first place. :D
If I wanted to feel stupid, I'd call up the counselor's at my college.

It may help you to take a look at last year's Easter thread to get a better idea of how everything works, and you can find that here. Beyond that, I'd recommend taking a break from the event if you're becoming frustrated, as I've found that taking a few moments away from everything helps to restore clarity. No one can think properly when they're agitated!

But yes, when we say anywhere, we do mean anywhere.
I only got one so far, which is egg 8. I found that one really obvious because I'd been in the place I found it in before. Maybe I just don't use the forum enough to recognise the hints... I did have some ideas but none were right, unfortunately. I just don't get how people have multiple eggs already!
I feel I get all of these but I can't seem to find the eggs! ;-;

I feel the same. Every time I look, I get that wonderful delight of realizing that no, it's not there, and that apparently I'm too moronic and dense to understand the clues.
Ooh! I actually found another egg as I was just going to random pages on the forum! Tip: just click on every link you see and you might find an egg somewhere, lol.
I don't get where to look. What do I click on? The hints are confusing.

This might be harder than Hall of Mirrors...
OMG i think i legitimately know what 2 of them mean, BUT WHERE ARE THEY?! D:
Ughhhh I hate that I'm at work right now.... will be popping on figuring out clues 5 min at s time lol!!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Lol at one of these. Can't say which.
I'm in love with the chao egg <3

Once I find 5 more clues I'll buy that one first, and it's staying in my lineup
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who hasn't found 8 yet. Everyone keeps talking about 5 being easy, too, but I have no idea what it is. Maybe I'm just overthinking it way too much.
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