Male Villager for Mario Kart on Switch 2!
I like can't find anymore. But I don't wanna get far behind...
For the puzzle ones, is it one word or a phrase that we have to put? I'm confused because I have a good idea of what it could be, but I'm not sure if I'm putting it in correctly.
I feel the same. All this vague "It can be anywhere" stuff is frustrating. Would a simple FAQ for newbies be so wrong? I have so many questions, even after reading the first page and this entire thread multiple times: Can eggs be found in people's avatars and signatures? Since the references in the clues can be "anything" (oh-so helpful, thank you), are they pop-culture, video games, "anything" related to The Bell Tree, etc.? Does "outside the forum" mean off this website, on a sister website (like the Animal Crossing World link, the Blog Tree link, etc.)? Do the eggs even LOOK like eggs, because according to the original post, they can be in "an image or text link"?
Of course, these questions won't be answered and summarily ignored, so I don't really know why I bothered to type them in the first place.
If I wanted to feel stupid, I'd call up the counselor's at my college.
I feel I get all of these but I can't seem to find the eggs! ;-;