TBT's Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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can't find twelve on the page its on (i think at least) :confused:
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I really hope this new puzzle isn't related to what I'm thinking, just because I'm never on the forums then, and I'm not sure how well I can dig up the needed info

though I also have a alternate idea on what it may be hinting at (no clue for answer though, just a framework), so maybe it won't be....

Ahhh... I'm struggling hard LOL I really don't think I know this forum as well as I should!
I just found egg 9. I was way overthinking it.. but that's expected from me, isn't it?
This was the worst experience ever but the last 5 all just lcked holy **** I feel fgood
I accidentally found egg 9, while looking for egg 10! I haven't found any in the new batch. How is 13 easy?!?!?! Also, the lag is awful.

Mods be playing games now. Had to use the ol' noggin
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I'm stuck. I found 3 eggs though! New record (out of all 3 of the ones I've done so far)!
well i guess i cant get a sakura now, oh well

that receipt one tho
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