TBT's Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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there were six of them i couldnt find: 10, 12 ,14, 19, 24 and 25. :(

maybe if I get some time tonight to resume searching, I can find two more egg points so i can buy a sakura or pikachu egg. i would need to find all of them to add candy egg, i really really doubt that'll happen! eh i'll probably wind up just having to settle for a regular egg...
there were six of them i couldnt find: 10, 12 ,14, 19, 24 and 25. :(

maybe if I get some time tonight to resume searching, I can find two more egg points so i can buy a sakura or pikachu egg. i would need to find all of them to add candy egg, i really really doubt that'll happen! eh i'll probably wind up just having to settle for a regular egg...

i believe in you ! ;)
you just gotta look everywhere, and shake up the forum from top to bottom lmao!
AGH only missing three, I don't even want this darned egg I just want to have completed the riddles. Why can't I get 10 and 11??? Are they that hard?
OMGEEZLES I finally got my second collEGGtable, the sakura, after finding another egg. Pretty sure it took me over an hour to find just one. Ugh. I really hope I can find at least 3 more eggs before the end. I have faith in myself >.< These clues are making me think really hard, but I'm enjoying myself. Big thanks to the Mods and Admins for putting these events together! I can't wait till the next event! :) Wish me luck guys! I need just 3 more!
i have only found two #2 and #3 and im not proud
is there any way to get rid off my two eggs (withput having to ind more and buy an egg collectible) so i can just leave this shame behind me and act as if nothing has happened k thx
I just thought of something. The clue eggs are found in threads, but it's not possible for the eggs to be hidden in spoilers is it? :x


I just woke up so sorry I didnt post it sooner :p No gold egg see
Is this photoshopped? If not, good for you!
When you finish the hunt a long time ago, but still need to wait for all the functions to come back
OMFG I typed in this code a bunch if times and the only reason I didn't get the egg was I kept spelling it wrong
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