i just got home from a concert, and of course the first thing i did was check the forums to see if closing ceremony was up, LOL. my first concert
and my first staff favourite in the same day? wow.
i don’t even know where to start, haha. first of all, a
huge congratulations to all of the other staff favourite winners, as well as the citb and raffle winners! i loved seeing everyone’s entries across all of the events; you all are so, so unbelievably talented, staff favourite or not! the creativity in each entry never fails to blow me away, and this event was no different. you are all amazing!
as for my own staff favourite, i’m honestly beyond speechless. i know that i always end up giving some sort of award show-esque speech and that it’s probably cringy because i know it isn’t that serious, LOL, but this genuinely means so much to me. i was lowkey stressing the entire time that i worked on my “bewitching blueprints” entry because i wanted to bring my idea for it to life in a way that i was actually proud of, and i’m so happy that i was not only able to do that, but that it paid off in the form of a staff favourite as well.

i’m so happy that other people liked my design, thank you!

thank you so much staff for hosting yet another crazy, fun event! i wasn’t expecting so much after how much work ya’ll put into camp, but i had an absolute blast! the new collectibles are glorious, the events were so fun, and i appreciate how generous ya’ll were with tbt. thank you thank you thank you!
the raffles are also so exciting! i’m not super hopeful that my 9 leftover coins will nab me anything, but i’m eager to throw them into that pink candy raffle, anyways! one of my favourite halloween collectibles; i’m thankful for the chance to try and win one!
now, looks like it’s time for me to do some more lineup planning… i planned in advance for every collectible i could potentially win
except for the lantern.
i’m so excited!