TBT's Ninth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I think I'll have to leave 7 & 8 for later or totally abandon them.

I'm at 6/9 eggs to have enough for all I want. I'm confident I'll be able to at least solve three more of the upcoming eggs.​
i now have 3 eggs! not long until i add my melody to my lineup 😍
that is if my brain can figure out the other clues 😂
I thought #8 was gonna be the easiest of the second batch for me, but I might have to give up on it, at least for now. @-@ I'm totally stumped.
watching everyone else struggle with 8 is making me feel a lot better about being stuck lol that one is SO difficult. i feel my poor little brain rotting from trying to figure it out i'm not built to think this hard
That My Melody egg is precious!!

I've gotten two eggs already which I'm surprised about since I normally get none lolol.
I've found the first four. Cannot figure out the others.
I managed to find number 5! Although I actually still don't know what one part of the clue was referencing even after finding it somehow.

Back to staring blankly at clue 8 now~
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