TBT's Seventh Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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really wish I could ask about egg #21, since I'm almost certain I've got it. though if I do, there's so many different ways it could be worded
Yup just a normal day on TBT nothing looks out of place.
Is it just me or is the website extremelly slow whenever the new clues are up? :confused:
I would guess it's normal as many people are searching for it, but at the same
time I can never trust my internet.. so I can't know for sure >:
Woah woah woah. There's limited quantity of eggs??
Is it just me or is the website extremelly slow whenever the new clues are up? :confused:
I would guess it's normal as many people are searching for it, but at the same
time I can never trust my internet.. so I can't know for sure >:

Same here, all pages are loading really really slow for me.
Oh wow one of these eggs I only guessed right because of a.... certain OTHER riddle... a few years back
The forums are loading very slowly, but somehow I managed to snag a nightmare egg. Getting 10 is better than I normally do in these events. The nightmare egg was the only egg I wanted too.
Holy cheese balls, what did I just walk in to???? Freakish nightmare. Going bk to work where it?s safe. I?ll find clues later.
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