TBT's Seventh Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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Gawd dancing 7 eggs... Staff y'alls are crazy as heck.

Why do the sevens remind me of Cuphead?
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So after two days of backbreaking work to find 10 eggs, I finally get my beautiful nightmare egg and now it's a dancing 7? You guys are lucky I have a sense of humor. :p

Seriously, though, this was both a stressful and fun event with some gorgeous new collectibles. Thanks to everyone on the staff who put this together!
I managed to get 5 eggs so I had enough for a Ditto egg. I wish I could find more, but I was so busy this entire weekend x_x

Good luck to everyone else still searching!

EDIT Lmaooo I just noticed my Ditto egg is the 7 djknhjfjk
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oh my goodness I thought they put out new eggs but they just changed it

I actually like it lol
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Wow. 11 hours since I last found an egg, and now I found one. It was #16.

So, I researched the egg, looked for it and found it.
I'd say its a much better strategy to research the egg instead of randomly clicking on random threads. All you're doing on that is wasting time.
oh my goodness I thought they put out new eggs but they just changed it

I actually like it lol

Tbh they should sell a dancing 7 egg collectible, like how in 2017 they sold the flea after they infested everyone's inventories.
Oh god the dreamy eggs sold out HELLA fast. Thank goodness I kept refreshing hourly :)

Although you can't even tell that it's a dreamy - it's just a 7 atm
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