TBT's Seventh Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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I never forget. Out of all of the Egg Hunt clues and TBT Fair Mirrors, the butterly mirror that turns out to be Princess Peach is the lowest point the staff has ever done to us. Maybe I should keep bringing up Butterfly Peach when something like this gets too hard. And let?s not forget Clue #10 from 2015.

clue 21 is not worse than that
did anyone get it right
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The answer to #21 is actually SINS, and by that it means there are 7 deadly sins but you all are dirty sinners and you?ve had a lot more then 7 sins so Jesus is very disappointed in you and you are not getting anything for Easter. Naughty children.
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If the forums aesthetic has become this hectic in a few hours, I can't wait to see what it looks like tomorrow morning lol
Okay, I take back what I said. I think I can do this and I'm actually enjoying myself now. I just found two in around 20 minutes. Here's to four more!
The tags for this thread are becoming more and more entertaining. And frightening... I laugh either way.
Someone please figure out clue 21 so that Zipper and his insect/flower children and all these sevens can calm the heck down. XD
realtalk: clue #10 would've been far better if it wasn't buried in a thread that basically straight up kills my browser with all the video embeds

I just couldn’t find it because I was a new member back then so I had no idea how TBT’s egg hunts work.
like i said before this is a normal tbt easter idk why yall are this shocked
Shame I missed most of the egg hunt on account of being gone all weekend. Still, it looks like it was quite fun (with some great riddles)! I was able to scrounge up 3 eggs in the short time I had, which is great since I wanted the Ditto egg. :p
I barely had any time to look for eggs before now and I come on ready to look and I'm faced with sensory overload... Why?? I'm exhausted so I guess no eggs for me this year. The Dreamy and Nightmare eggs were so cute too :'(
I found an egg randomly and I don't know what clue goes with it -.-

I wish the hunt lasted a little bit longer~!
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