TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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Eggpect the next colleggtion of eggs in a few hours!

Heeyy how many people have gotten egg 13? I won't sleep till I find it and if you don't tell me where it is I'm going to bring up

the bottle
Luv u
I've completely stopped looking for now...but can't tear myself away from TBT.

What is happening to my life?
I finally solved number 4 while I just laid down and it hit me. My lead from last night was correct. Problem was I ruled out the other possibility of the thing happening and I didn't look further enough. Just need to find #3 and I can free myself from the first batch of eggs.
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It's been HOURS since my last egg.

...must find eggs...

I said eggs, right? Not crack (-ed eggs)? Cuz I was thinking crack (-ed eggs).

Dang, I chose to censor my own comment...and with a bad pun. It's been a long day.
After this is all said and done are you going to release all the answers? Cause even though I have accepted I wont get most of them, I still want to know the solutions to these clues.
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