TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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new eggs new eggs
i'm surprised #20 was actually where i thought it would be haha
He's my son. Sometimes he needs to be kept in line.
Yet you're not on Admin level, I think he needs to be punched more to realize that YOU are the definition of MVP.

It's what every mother deserves.
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On that day, Bell Tree Forums received a grim reminder...

I saw for a moment four giant Zippers on the banner.
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I like logic puzzles...I'm typically good at them. The problem is that I don't know the forums well enough to really determine what it's all pointing to. Whenever I come to the forums, I visit maybe 2-3 places, and that's all.

I wonder how many eggs I can find if I randomly click on threads...
Okay, seriously, can someone please get rid of the FNaF!Zipper? This is frustrating enough without being reminded of a game I never want to hear of again every time I return to the home page. Good idea in theory (as Zipper is kinda creepy on his own), but it's just piling on the annoyance.
Yes! I've got enough! I'm gonna search for a little while longer and if I can't find more, I'll just buy the one I've already got and sell it once the event is over, 'cause I'm sneaky like that.
Okay, seriously, can someone please get rid of the FNaF!Zipper? This is frustrating enough without being reminded of a game I never want to hear of again every time I return to the home page. Good idea in theory (as Zipper is kinda creepy on his own), but it's just piling on the annoyance.


He's back to normal as far as I know.
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