TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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I'm kinda disappointed in myself, to be honest. I mean, I did get two collectibles, but I didn't understand many of the clues and for the most part I literally dug through threads hoping to find the precious eggs, and it was pure luck that I found any at all. Either way, I had a lot of fun, and though it would've been nice to have a spare collectible to sell later, I'm satisfied.
Finally found the one last egg I needed for the Waluigi egg ;u; (I have no idea how I stumbled across it lol) I can finally sleep now OTL

Thank you mods for putting this all together! Was stressful at times, but a lot of fun :)
Hmm. I might have to sacrifice my 2.5 TBT for that Waluigi egg if I don't find 3 more eggs.
I just got the greatest banner yet.
btb banner.jpg
This is my first day on this forum but the first thing I see is a creepy bunny on top of my screen hahaha
Looking forward to checking out this event! Hope I have enough time
I literally have no idea where to start. I came into this hunt late and clueless. The only egg I have so far is the one you can buy T-T
We'll probably have something similar to last year.

Just to find them. I imagine the shop will stick around for an extra day or so.


So if we can turn them in for TBT, will we have until 6:00 AM EDT or will we have longer to do that?
Just keep refreshing the page, it changes every time. Keeps me amused.

For me, it doesn't change every time. I keep getting the same one over and over. The only time a got a different one was when I pulled up the site on my phone for a sec.
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