TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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Aww, wish I could help
I've already gotten in trouble helping lol
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I've been looking for one more freaking egg for ages now. Agh >.< Starting to panic I won't get it in time :c
Oh no the sun is rising :(
I got an inverted one.
Arghhh I only need one more!

P.S I actually liked the Spanish Zipper.
I took so many breaks from this. Idk if I'll still look for 4 more cause my brain got fried.
AHA! Just got #18. And that's it, classic egg is also mine. I'm done.

Bring on next year! :p

- - - Post Merge - - -

Famous last words, I just found #24 by accident hahaha.
I have yet to see any of the "special" Zipper banners. I still think the one with the eye looks more like HAL 9000 than Terminator.
Aughhh one egg off of the Easter Egg :c
I could try and see if anyone is willing to sell one, and anyways I got a Togepi and Waluigi egg <3 also won a classic easter egg from a giveaway ahhh

Many tears were shed throughout this whole eggvent. Many, many tears.

P.S: Zipper T. Bunny
Ok, now I'm done haha, would love another 3 but have to go out (ughh real life lol).

Good luck to everyone still searching. And a belated well done to you Oath, good to see the egg puns didn't drive you mad :p
Found #15!

Very clever. I don't know how anyone is supposed to find it, but whatever. Now I just need 2 more!
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