I'm pissed that I visited the soundtrack thread a million times and never got #10.
same man, fun event though
I'm pissed that I visited the soundtrack thread a million times and never got #10.
lol I love this. Thanks for the Event again you lovely staff.
I just have one question. One riddle 6, I put in that answer 3 times. I was certain that was the answer.
I'm really confused by that one...
What do you mean? I know Jubs said before people were having problems with that one? But I figured it out long after he posted that I think (I can't remember what he exactly said, I will have to go check).Yeah some people had trouble typing it in even though it was right, sucks for you when you were panicking to get one last egg XD
I thought 22 might have been about the new ac game referring to moving the pieces. I try not to look at the amiibos because of my collector's instinct D:
I knew what #9 was right away. Because I think you can use cards for a deck, and the deck is talking about the amiibo cards. And if you use the amiibo card more villagers will come to another villager's house.