TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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I think I just found the #2 Egg, I'm not sure.

edit: actually it's the #7 egg after re-thinking, lmao.
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Hehe this seems pretty fun! I kinda suck at riddles but I'm hoping to find some eggs soon! :p
for the image, the "answer" could only be inputted one way, correct?

as in there's not other ways to say the answer that while technically right wouldn't be accepted

I guess for an example, something like 3DS vs 3DSSYSTEM, with both being the same "answer" but only one could be counted, while something like MARIO would only be one possible way to input answer, so all would count
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Wow this is actually pretty hard. Doesn't help that I don't really know what I'm looking for exactly O:
Are any of these findable/solvable on mobile? (I use the desktop version of the site but I'm on a Smartphone).
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