TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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This was TBT Easter 2014 in a nutshell

thankfully it's different
It's not fun if it's effing impossible...
What's fun about that if it's impossible.

They just should random eggs on treads ( that are at least on the first 3 pages )
Than if you visit that page you find an egg, without the codes and clues bull***_
I must be a god then for doing the impossible and getting 8 eggs ; )
And what if you want, like the togepi egg, but you want to buy it yourself ?
You're stuck on these forever without help.
It's not fun if it's effing impossible...
What's fun about that if it's impossible.

They just should random eggs on treads ( that are at least on the first 3 pages )
Than if you visit that page you find an egg, without the codes and clues bull***_

they closest one to impossible from what I can tell may be #8, and that's just if you don't even know of the answer or what it corresponds to (its unsolved for me so idk)

maybe some others if you're new here

but so far for the majority, even new people should be able to find. it'd take more work, but its all doable (and not just as in randomly bouncing around threads, but actually thinking and figuring out the hint)
And what if you want, like the togepi egg, but you want to buy it yourself ?
You're stuck on these forever without help.

... then you dont get the togepi egg.
simple as that.
if the picture is from a video game or movie, then i'm not gonna know what it is. all i see is a dumb bird
You know this would be war if over a thousand people are here...

But some of the good people left this site long ago, so...yeah...
#8 is one of those things where you have no idea what it is but once it's revealed you're like "WOW OMG THAT WAS SO EASY HOW DID I NOT GET THAT"

So I'm pretty sure I figured out #4 but now I just don't know where to look
I hope the clues "improve" the later the hunt goes on lol
And what if you want, like the togepi egg, but you want to buy it yourself ?
You're stuck on these forever without help.

Then get a dinky classic egg if you can't get it
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