*throws skittles at picture*
i keep seeing.. weird things.
We all have an equal shot at the riddles. In this respeggt, they are eggalitarian.
I just texted an egg pun..... You guys are contagious!!!
*throws skittles at picture*
i keep seeing.. weird things.
Take a break. Most likely you're over thinking what you're looking for
this entire thread is just eggcellent. i'm so glad everyone having an eggstravagant time with this event. thanks to the mods for making today fun
You're eggsolutely eggxemplary at eggparting eggcouragement! The people who reggceive it must feel eggtremely eggstatic!
I'm worried if I leave you guys alone again it'll all blow up!
Did you mean....
I'm worried if I leave you guys alone again it'll all blow up!
I need to stop it with this egg puns, they're really scrambling my brain at this point.
Now omelet everyone continue with this eggciting eggfest.
I'm worried if I leave you guys alone again it'll all blow up!
You're all making my dyslexia feel like my own personal hell
I'm worried if I leave you guys alone again it'll all blow up!
You're all making my dyslexia feel like my own personal hell
This thread will eggxplode whether you're here or not. There's no queggstion about it. I'm sure it'll be shell-shocking.
This is what happens when you ran out of good egg puns to use. :cShamelessly stealing from jav tsk tsk